Friday 18 May 2012

Sticks and Stones

As Safaree prayed to God that Wayne would walk out in, in the next few seconds, with his unharmed son he heard a roar of noise. Even though Wayne had told him not to go in, he was worried that someone was getting hurt and knew he had to step in. There was no way Safaree could stand about 30 metres away from the man who had kidnapped his son for any longer. Safaree walked into the house, seeing a deserted lounge. He looked around the corner to see Slim holding Drake up by the neck on the wall. The rest of the boys were no where to be seen, apart from Mack who was pulling Drakes kitchen apart, looking in cupboards and throwing anything out of his way to get where he wanted. As soon as Drake saw Safaree in his house he got a sudden surge of power. Slim easily was bigger than Drake but Drake threw Slim off of him easily and ran forward, as if he was about to hit him.

"Why the FUCK are you here?" Drake shouted at Safaree, squaring up to him. As a natural reaction Safaree clenched his fists and was about 1 second away from hitting him, like he had about 3 hours ago. But Safaree stopped himself, the angrier Drake got, the less chance he was going to get his son.

"Look Drake, i aint here to fight you"

"Then what the fuck are you here for?"

"What do you mean? You know EXACTLY why i'm here. You have my son. My 14 year old little boy. You expect me to just let you have him. He aint a parcel Drake. He's my son."

Drake immediatly looked away from SB. This just confirmed that Drake absolutely definatly had Cai, and also confirmed that Safaree would not leave this house without him.

"Listen man. Your pissed at me. Your pissed at Nic. But your not pissed at Cai. He hasnt done anything to you EVER. This isnt fair to fucking kidnap a 14 year old boy and hide him from his parents. Forget for a second that he's my son, or Nicki's son, he's a boy who had a tough childhood. Finally he's happy and you fucking take him? WHATS WRONG WITH YOU ? YOUR SICK"

"What the hell do you mean this boy aint done nothing to me. He's the reason i'm not with my boo. He's the reason that i'm not with Nic, and he's the reason Nic's with you. I'm not stupid, without Cai you 2 wouldn't be together." Drake spat.

Right there Safaree had to make a quick decision. It could go either way but he had to take the risk to get his son back.

"Drake. Imma make a deal with you. If you go get Cai for me. I'll get Nic for you."

Drake looked at him. "Why would you do that for me? You think i'm dumb ? I know you love Nic, i know as soon as i give you Cai, your out of here and i lose." Drake was mentally thinking over the deal Safaree proposed to him. Would Safaree really give him Nic.

Young Money were all sitting around on the bus chilling. They were on the road and had just finished a show in New Orleans. They were going to be travelling for the night so the guys couldn't go to the club like they had planned. Just about everyone was there, Safaree, Drake, Millz, Mack, Tyga, T Streetz, Chuckee and Twist. A few other member of the crew was there, and Wayne, Tez, Slim and Shanell were all on Waynes bus.

"So what we ganna tonight since we arnt allowed out." Millz said sulkily.

"You sound like such a little baby. Man up, just cuz u can't go to the club tonight and fuck some little whore" Nicki said laughing at Millz's stroppy face.

"I don't fuck no whores!"

"Right............." Nic said laughing. Chuckee walked into the door and also started laughing.

"What are you laughing about Chuck? You better not know what that means boy." Everyone laughed and Chuckee blushed.

"How bout we just chill tonight?" Drake said.

Everyone nodded and agreed.

"Movie?" Nicki asked.

"Ya know what?" Streetz said, " I gotta good movie from someone the other day that i aint never watched."

"What?" Twist asked.

"The Excorcist!"

Everyone nodded and agreed about watching the Excorcist apart from Nicki.

"I hate scary movies!" Nicki pouted.

"Yo, before we start i wanna warn you Nic might wet herself during this film" Safaree said in a funny voice. Everyone laughed apart from Drake. He sat there, annoyed and grumpy that Safaree knew more about Nicki that he did. Safaree was new to the tour bus and everyone had taken to him quickly.
Apart from Drake of course, Drake had loved Nicki from the moment he saw her and every day, he felt like he was a step closer to getting the courage to tell her he loved her. Apart from recently. As soon as Safaree had come along, Nicki had spent less and less time with him. Before Safaree, Nicki used to chill with Drake when everyone went to the club, but now she was constantly going out with Safaree.

As Streetz got the film ready, everyone got comfortable on the couch's. Drake sat down next to Gudda and looked around for Nic. He couldn't see her, "Hey where's Nic at ?" Drake said to no one in particular.

"I'm here!" Nicki said, doing an adorable little twirl and cute jazz hands. She looked around to find somewhere to sit, he eyes quickly swivelled round the room, looking at all the different spots. Drake hoped she would opt to sit next to him, so that he could get close to her during the film. He saw Nicki look over at the spot and for about 2 seconds, thought she was going to walk over and sit down. Nicki walked over, looking at Drake who was smiling like a maniac. As she bent down, Drake put his arm on the top of the couch, making it easy for him to be able to put his arm round her.

She bent down, picked up her strawberry snapple and strutted over to the other couch. Drake frowned, why hadn't she wanted to sit nect to him. She was right there, and clearly saw the space next to him. Drake turned to see where Nicki had gone instead of him. Nicki was wiggling about on Safaree's lap getting comfortable. Safaree didn't really react, making it obvious that Nicki sitting on his lap was a normal regular thing. Drake wanted to leave, but knew people would question him on why he was leaving so stayed put.

Hour Later.
The scariest part of the film was playing and Nicki looked terrified. Drake hadn't payed attention to the film at all. Instead of watching the movie he had watched Nicki and Safaree the whole time. Nicki dug her head into Safaree's neck. He automatically moved his hand to her head and rubbed her hair, knowing it comforted her. Drake saw this and couldn't take it anymore. He stood up, walked out and left the room. Everyone assumed he was just going to the bathroom. When Drake got to the bathroom he looked around for something to take out his anger on.

End Of Flashback

"Drake? DRAKE?" Safaree shouted. "Is that a deal or what? You gimmee my son, and i'll give you Nic?"

By now the boys were standing helplessly on the staircase. They all had gone through every room of the house, and there was no sign of Caiah whatsoever.

Drake knew Safaree was lying. The minute he gave Macaiah over to Safaree he would never see Nicki again. Not seeing Nicki ever again was NOT an option.

"Ring Nicki now then. Prove it. I'm not ganna give you Cai until Nicki is here, with me."

Safaree gulped. Now he didn't know what to do. Drake was holding out his phone in front of him, Nicki phone number ready to call. Safaree knew it would be more than easy to call Nic, get her to come over and get Cai. But it would not be so easy to get Nicki back. What if it would take 3 days to get Nicki back from Drake? And in that 3 days, who knew what Drake was capeable of. As Safaree took the phone, still not knowing what to do, he heard something.

"DAD!" Macaiah ran in, blood dribbling down his face, mixed with tears. "DAD! HELP ME"

I know, cliffy again. So, @ me or comment please!


  1. Omgosh wtfuck why didn't you finish!!!! GRRRRRR!!!!! I'm glad he didn't have to risk Nic to get Cai back but GRRRRRR blood?! I hope all of them fuck him up! Bitch ass nigga! Post soon. Stop playing with my emotions!

  2. wooooow drake is insane wtf......


  4. Drakes insane like Woahhh. Loved it. I need you to post soon

  5. UGH Drake is one crazy ass psycho ass stupid ass muthafucka! That flashback was good, i can picture Nic all scared and SB comforting her =) they CUTE! OMFG WUT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO CAI? WHY THE FUCK IS HE BLEEDING? OH I HATE U FOR THIS CLIFFY -_-

  6. Fuck you for this cliffy. Why is my little dude bleeding fuh? Drake needs to be put 6ft under for fucking with they son, he has really crossed the line. IDK how Nicki will feel about being traded. Naw she gone be pissed but happy Cai is back. Post soon please.
