Tuesday 8 May 2012


Wayne frowned at Nicki. "What's the issue?" he asked confused. Nicki and Drake always got along, and were always close back in the day when the whole of YMCMB were always together.

"What do you mean whats the issue?" Nicki said quietly through gritted teeth. Even though everything in her wanted to pounce on Drake, and beat him till he felt a tiny part of how hurt Macaiah was after what Drake had done to him, she stayed next to Wayne and Slim. She hated making a scene, and even though she was so close to Wayne, Slim and Tez, it was still a meeting and she wanted to be profesional.

Drake saw Nicki whispering to Wayne and knew that she was talking about him. As far as he knew, Wayne or anyone in YMCMB didn't know about what he had done to Nicki earlier. No one had said anything and he wanted it to stay that way. What he had done to Nicki was awful and he felt bad, although he didn't regret it. She deserved it after what she had done to him, he kept telling himself.

"Nicki listen, I'm sorry, i didn't mean to hurt you. Can we go outside for a second and i'll explain why i did what i did?"

Wayne, Tez and Slim all exchanged confused glances, wishing Nicki or Drake would tell them whats gone on. Wayne didn't watch news, read blogs or generally watch TV, apart from sport of course.

"Is there something going on here?" Slim asked.

"Nope" Nicki replied. "Lets just get on with the meeting thanks."

"Whatever you say barbie" Slim said, slightly taken aback with her abruptness. Tez hastily took the seat next to Drake so Nicki wouldn't have to sit there. It was already awkward enough already, he didn't want it to get any worse.

After they ordered drinks, Nicki opting for a soda, in case alcohol fueled her anger and made her do something she shouldn't.

Drake kept his eyes on Nicki the whole time as Wayne talked about the mixtape he wanted to make. It was going to be his mixtape, but wanted Nicki and Drake to be heavily involved, doing a lot of verses for him, and hopefully a few singles of there own. 

"So yeah, i want you both on at like 5 songs, at the very least. You feeling me?" Wayne asked the pair.

"Definitely"  replied Nicki. She was very eager to get back in the studio with Wayne more and anything with Wayne was sure to be successful. As long as it didn't involve being in the studio with Drake, but she didn't want to mention that now. She would ring Wayne after she left and tell him the situation, but she knew if she bought it up now Drake would start behaving like an ass. Also, she didn't want to make Wayne, Tez or Slim uncomfortable.

"Drake, you feeling it, or not?" 

The 3 men stared at Drake, who was staring at Nicki, trying to get her eye contact. She was obviously ignoring it, looking at Wayne, on the other side of the table. Drake realised everyone was looking at him.

"You talking to me?" he asked, sounding like a complete moron.

"Jeez Drizzy. What the fucks up with you man. The whole time we've been her you've looked completely out of it. I've been talking for ages and you've been staring off like a weirdo for ages." Wayne said, looking a bit annoyed.

"Sorry Wayne, its just really hard to concentrate when the worlds most sexy, intelligent, mind blowing woman is sitting across from you."

As soon as the words came out of Drakes mouth everyone was immediately uncomfortable. The boys were used to the 2 of them having a bit of flirt, but that wasn't subtle flirting, it was very full on and was an inappropriate time.
Keen to change the subject Wayne piped up "So whats up with you and Cai? I would have rung the day you spoke to him but we didn't know how things went down." 

Nicki looked up, making eye contact with Drake for the first time. A smug smile appeared on her face, staring at Drake hard. " Every things great actually. I'm so happy and so is he. In fact it's perfect, anyone that thinks they are going to mess with MY happiness right now is absurd."

"So yo ganna see him every weekend or what?" Wayne asked, happy that Nicki was.

"He's living with us" Nicki said, still staring at Drake, beaming.

"Us?" Slim asked, with a smirk.

"Yep. Me, my son and my man." She said proudly.

"And who would that be Miss Minaj?"

Before Nicki could reply, Wayne interrupted. "SB of course. Who the fuck else would it be?"

"What do you mean who else could it be?" Drake said, bright red in the face. 

"Well its pretty obvious, don't you think?" Wayne said, not noticing Drake was getting annoyed.

"Well, the only thing obvious to me is that SB is a fucking low life bum. Like what the fuck does he even do? Follow you around like your little bitch? Shit, without you, where would he be? A fucking waiter in Queens. He doesn't care for you Nic, he cares for your bank balance."

Before Wayne, Tez or Slim could ask Drake what the hell was up with him, Nicki had stood up and picked up her drink.

"Who the fuck do you think you are Drake? I'm sick of you and your ugly face. SB is a million times more of a man than you'll ever be. Without him, i wouldn't even be a rapper, i wouldn't have the bank balance i do, because he's my support system. Unlike YOU, he actually cares about me. He wants to spend time with me, unlike you, whoever didn't make any time for me, and when you did it was just for sex. Which in case you were wondering, your FUCKING SHIT at."

"Whats that supposed to mean?" Drake asked.

"I mean, in the 5 minutes we had sex before you passed out, your tiny pencil dick, made me feel sick. I wouldn't touch it, or YOU ever again with a barge pole. When i say this, i mean it Drake, don't fuck with ME or my family every again."

"Oh there you go again. Talking shit like your a good mom? So you ignore your son for what, 13 years?!! Then see him a couple times and think your all that. Your a shit mom, and your boyfriend, is just a deadbeat dad to be honest."

Tez saw what was going to happen coming and tried to grab Nic's arm but it was to late. She had thrown nearly a whole glass of pepsi all over his face, drenching him and the top of shirt in the brown sticky liquid. She had been trying to stop herself but he taken it to far.

"YOU BITCH" he yelled, wiping his face with a napkin. She stormed out from behind the table and grabbed her purse.

"Wayne, Tez, Slim, I've had a good time and i hope to see you guys soon. And I'm more than happy to be on the mixtape, one of you hit me up as soon as you've got a song you want me to be on." She walked out of the restaurant, speed dialling Safaree as she did so.

"Pick me up. I'll be outside waiting. Don't bother to get out, I'll just jump in"

"Babe? Whats wrong." Safaree replied, but realised she had hung up. "Shit" he said. Nicki sounded really upset.

"Boys, I'm off to go pick up Nicki, text me with what you want from subway." he said grabbing his keys and running to his red bentley.

"Whats up with him?" asked Chuckee.

"Dunno. Maybe my moms upset." replied Macaiah, concerned.

"I'm sure shes fine man. If anything had happened, your dad would have wanted us to go with him. Relax"

Macaiah wasn't so sure but tried to forget it.

Meanwhile Nicki was waiting impatiently outside of the restaurant. She tapped her foot against the sidewalk, peering to her left and right, trying to remember the direction Safaree would have to come in to pick her up. While she was looking she felt a hand on her hand. She thought it was Drake and turned around with her hand out, about to slap him.

"Wooaaaah Nic. It's just me" Said wayne, clutching Nicki's hand in case she was about to slap him.

"Oh. I'm sorry Wayne, i thought it Drake."

"You wanna ride? I'll take you home, we can talk back there if you want."

"I'm fine thanks Wayne. Safaree's on his way."

"so, are one of you guys going to tell me what the fucks going on? Because Drakes so pissed Tez and Slim are still tryna restrain him."

"Wayne. He... he he did this press" she was crying now, covering her leaking eyes with her hands, making her words completely inaudible. Wayne took Nicki in his arms and hugged her. He knew how strong of a person Nicki was, so whatever Drake had done, it must have been pretty bad for her to get so upset about it.

He held Nicki and tried to think about what Drake could've possibly done. While he was holding Nic, Drake had run out.

"Oh so you taking her side now?" Drake asked Wayne, looking like he wanted a fight.

Wayne let Nicki go and turned to stare at Drake. "Nigga, what the fucks up witchu? I aint taking sides cuz no one will fucking tell me whats going on!!"

"Stay out of our business Wayne" Drake replied." It don't have nothing to do with you."

"OF COURSE IT DOES!" Everyone was startled at Wayne shouting. "WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU DONE TO MAKE NIC CRY"

"NOTHING" drake screamed back.

"Oh, cuz Nic really ganna throw a drink at you and run out here crying for nothing is she? I'm not stupid Driz."

Slim and Tez were wondering wether or not to step in. Wayne looked like he was ready for a fight and Nicki was crying even more now. 

SB had got out of the car, hearing shouting and immediatly saw Nicki crying.

"What the fuck?" he said to himself as he ran over, then he saw Drake. Now he understood why his boo was crying.

"I can tell you what the fuck he done" said SB.

Wayne turned round on the spot, everyone confused because he seemed like he came out of nowhere.

"He was mad at Nic, because she dumped him. So he decided to get revenge by doing some gay little press conference where he told the whole world that me and Nic had a son. He told them his name, age and school and the next day our 14 year old son was fucking harassed as he came out of school by millions of press, who flew from all the over the world to get an exclusive. Therefore making my son go through shit for a week, without his parents. That's exactly what he done." Safaree told Wayne.

Wayne turned round to look back at Drake, who had his head bowed.
"Is that true?" he asked calmly. Drake didn't respond.

"NIGGA I SAID, IS THAT TRUE?" Wayne shouted, squaring up to Drake.

"yes" Drake practically whispered.

"Okay then, find yourself a new deal. You aint young money no more. Young moneys a family. We don't do that to family you understand?"

"But wayne." Drake was about to argue back when SB smacked him so hard in the jaw, he fell to the ground. Safaree then started kicking Drake as hard as he could, in the head and the back of his neck, Tez and Slim tried to hold Safaree back, but couldn't, Safaree had been waiting to do this for a while now.

"Faree stop! He's not worth it" Nicki screached, scared that a passer by would see and call the cops. Safaree heard Nicki's voice, and wanted to stop, but at the same time he didn't.

"Think about Cai" Nicki pleaded grabbing his arm and pulling hard.

As soon as Safaree heard his sons name he stopped. Even if Cai wasnt there to see it, he wanted to be a good role model and a good dad which did not mean fighting all the time. 

"Lets go Nicki" Safaree said, wishing he could just stay there and continue beating Drake until he was swallowed into the ground,never to be seen again.
She clutched at Safaree's hand, knowing he was so tempted to go back and hurt Drake even more. As much as she hated Drake, she knew if Safaree would have continued Drake would probably be dead and she wouldn't wish that on anyone.

"Wait Nic" Wayne called. 


"I might stop by later? If thats okay with you. I still wanna discuss things and i guess i should meet your son as well huh? I mean, he might be the new member of Young Money?"

"Your welcome any time Weezy, you know that. But for real tho, Cai will NEVER be a rapper. I wouldnt allow it." she said laughing.

"Kay Nic. And SB?"

"Wassup?" Safaree replied, wanting to go home now.

" I respect you for what you did back there. You stuck up for your family man, and you stopped when you needed too. Ill cya later." 

"Bye " Nicki and Safaree said as they got into the car. Safaree put both hands on the steering wheel and squeezed it hard. He was still angry as fuck and was trying to calm himself before he drove, he didn't want to get in a car accident. Nicki put her hand over SB's, rubbing it a little. She wanted to give him time to calm down and think for a second, but that also she was there for him.

"He didnt touch you did he?" Safaree asked her.

"No babe. I didn't even think about getting close enough so that he would be able to."

"Please tell me that you didn't know he was going to be there?"

"I didn't babe. I swear on Cai's life. Wayne just told me he wanted to speak to me, and it didn't even cross my mind to ask who was going to be there. I swear--"

"Nic, i believe you. I was just checking. I don't want you being around him anymore Nic. There was a look in his eye that was really , i dunno kinda creepy. Like a maniac or something. I would genuinelly be worried for your safety if i knew you were around him. Is that okay?"

"Yes Faree. I wouldn't have anyway after what he said about you. He was completely out of order, i don't know what his problem is." Nicki sighed." Its weird. I always thought he'd be someone always there for me"

"Let's stop talking about him. I dont want him ruining anything else from now on."

"Your right. You know what the boys want from subway?"

"Yep. Lets go. But before we do, i need something really really amazing"

"What the hell are you talking about"

"I was talking about the best album in the world silly!" he pressed play and RBMS started.

"I wonder who this could be about." Safaree said with a smirk. Nicki just smiled, staring at Safaree as he drove.


Again, shout out to my new title word generator, @TeamMinajLexi<---- a good supplied of all round cute american words ! Anyways hope you liked it, comment or DM me! @ilovenickiandSB


  1. Man drake's punk ass. He wrong 4 wht he did I. Glad SB kicked his ass. And I'm glad Wayne stood up 4 nic. I hope cai ain't to worried bout his mom..post soon


  3. Drake got his ass woopedd ! lmao he not apart of young money nomore !! i knew nicki was going throw the drink & aweee i loved the endingg RBMS <33

  4. Um boo "garbage" is not a cute word LOL NEhoe let me get my comment started
    They really clueless to wut Drake did to Nicki, like dang how they not hear through the grape vein. SMDH. Ugh Drake needs to leave, he makes me mad just seeing his name in the story lol. Is Drake fuckn kidding me, he just want his ass beat like dont try to spit game to Nic cuz he know damn well she pissed at him. YES Nic make him feel like the shit he is, rub that shit in his face LOL. Yes for Wayne knowing SB was Nicki man, oop Drake getting pressed kml. Drake done lost his fuckn mind, like wants his ass beat 4real! Yes Nic tell him he aint shit to u. Oop Nic said he was 5minutes and that he had a pencil dick... SCRYIN LOL. OH HELL NO THIS BITCH SAID SHE AINT A GOOD MOM AND THAT SB A DEADBEAT DAD, I WANT TO KILL HIS ASS! DONT FUCKN TALK ABOUT MY FAVES! Oh shit when SB find out wut Drake did his life is over... he a dead man.
    Damn Nic was bout to slap Wayne LOL that would have been funny ahahah. My poor Nic crying =( Drake really yelling at Wayne tho... like i cant with him DEADASS! Oh shit SB there its about to go ZOWN *reads on* Oop Wayne bout to beat Drake ass, he was squaring him up lol his lil self. YES... HELL YES Safaree just smacked the shit out of Light-bright lol. FUCK YES HE BEAT THE DOG SHIT OUTTA HIM, HE BETTER BE HAPPY NIC SAVED HIS LIFE! (Oh i seen the look in his eyes to SB, he a lunatic 4real) AYEE RBMS *starts to hip roll*
    Oh now i get Y its called "garbage" cuz of Drake dirty ass!
    Great chapter as always, post soon like now! MUAH**

  5. I'm glad Safaree beat his ass. If I were Nic I woulda kicked him a couple of times too tbh. S/o to Waynes lil cute self. lol. Hope everything is good now. Good Post.

  6. Im glad drake got his ass whooped. Dam he got kicked outta young money. Great chapter. Post soon

  7. Drake got wht he deserved if I were nic I woulda punched him in the face...I'm glad SB was their wit nic at the end.... Post asap

  8. That's exactly what he get tryna play my nic like that they should have let sb finish beating his ass. Oh my god drake lil ugly self is getting on my nerve I'm glad he kicked him out of young money. And poor cai he had to desk with the nasty press. Hopefully they can move past this and be the cute liddle onikafaree family that they are
