Friday 11 May 2012

Puppies and Spikes

Nicki and SB were on the way back from subway loaded with food. Nicki felt like she was about to feed an army, because Safaree had persuaded her to get cookies, and about 3 different foot longs for each of them. He said it was because it was boring to just eat the same thing but really it was because he was worried about Nics eating. He knew if she had got one she would eat less than half and then make an excuse that she didn't like it so she wouldn't eat any more. This way, he would make sure she ate at least half of each sandwich, therefore her not starving herself because she thought she was fat. He bought loads of cookies, saying he wanted to fill the empty jar in the kitchen for Cai, but really knowing that Nic wouldn't be able to resist them.

"You still annoyed babe?" Nicki asked.

"I will forever be pissed at Drake to be honest with you Nic. But my lifes so great now its hard to stay annoyed for very long Nic"

Nicki smiled. Safaree was so romantic without even knowing it. The things he said just came out of his mouth naturally, but made her want to cry every time. Tears filled her eyes as it made her think back to when she was with SB as a teenager.

Nicki was sitting in Safaree's bed snuggled up to him. It was a single bed and it wasn't really an option not be practically glued together, but even if they had the biggest bed in the world, they would be in the exact same position.

"You know what's happening next month?" asked Safaree, stroking Nicki's hair.

"Ummm, nope?" Nicki asked, thinking, making sure it wasn't his birthday or anything.

"It will be 11 months"

"What are you talking about?"

"We will have been dating for 11 months! Which means that the month after that, we will have our first anniversary. What do you wanna do?"

Nicki erupted into fits of giggles. She couldn't stop herself and was banging her little fist into SB's chest with laughter.

"What?" Safaree asked, clearly a bit hurt. He felt like Nic was laughing about there anniversary. It was a big deal to him and was planning on doing something really special. He had never been in a relationship for a year before, and knowing that he was about to, made him feel like more of a man.

"I'm not laughing at you babe" She tried to stop herself laughing but failed. Nicki noticed SB's serious face, and sat up breathing hard, to stop herself from bursting out again.

"I just thought that anniversary's were more for like, married couples and stuff?"

Now SB was even more hurt. " Well if you don't want to do anything its fine" He went to sit up. "I just thought it would be nice. I need to go for a pee"

"FAREE WAIT" she shouted as SB stormed out of the room with a face like thunder.

She got up quickly, but realised she didn't have any clothes on. "for fucks sake" she muttered, grabbing the sheets and tieing it round herself.

She walked to bathroom and saw the door was closed. "Oh jeez" she muttered again, knowing this was a sign that he was really pissed. He never closed the bathroom door, whether he was peeing, showering, shaving or even taking a shit.  She knocked on the door, "Safaree, I'm sorry. Just hear me out please".

He didn't answer and Nicki didn't really know what to do. She knocked again, but didn't get a response. When they rowed, was when Nicki really realised how different they were. When she was mad, she wanted to scream and shout and lash out, whereas he wants peace, quiet and time to calm down. Mama Carol had said it was because Safaree was rational, sensible and knew how to control his emotions, and that Nicki was an impatient little firework, always ready to go off.

As Nicki stared at the door, upset that she had ruined such a nice moment, she realised the lock on the door hadn't worked for ages, ever since SB's little sister slammed so hard that the lock fell off. She pondered whether to barge in and apologise and try and make it up to him, or give him space. She decided that it would be good to explain herself, and if he was still mad after that she would go home and leave him to think. Before she entered she shouted through the door "Babe, I'm coming in". She opened the door peeped round to see Safaree sitting on the edge of the bathtub. He had his head in his hands and his elbows on his knee's.

"What?" he asked, in the most abrupt tone Nicki had ever heard.

"I wanted to say i was sorry." Before she could continue Safaree cut her off.

"You didn't do anything wrong Onika. It was me. I was being stupid for thinking we were in an adult serious relationship. I'm sorry for thinking you were more than a silly immature girl"

Safaree's words hit Nicki hard and it hurt. "Baby, you don't mean that. I know that just as well as you do. I wasn't laughing about having an anniversary. I was laughing at your sweetness, your kindness, how cute you are. The cute things you say just make me giggle babe, i can't help it. I'm just not used to it. Your the opposite of the boys I've been around before, the opposite of what people think of you. I was laughing because, a year ago i thought it would be like 10 years before i was in a serious relationship. I thought I'd be the one remembering anniversarys, and having to plan cute things. The only time I've ever experienced a man saying things like that was in the movies. Like fairy tales ya know?, where the prince comes along and saves his woman. Now, i feel like I'm living that and it makes me giggle. Little ol me, being happy is just weird to me, okay?"

"You don't think this anniversary thing is dumb then?" Safaree said, looking up at him Nicki.

"No baby" Nicki slid into Safaree's lap and clutched onto him. "And, whatever you wanna do babe. I know whatever your planning will be mad extra and sweet."

"You wanna get back into bed Nic? I'm mad cold in here"

Nicki nodded and Safaree stood up, with Nic still clutching round his neck like a little orangutan. They got back in bed and cuddled up again, as if there mini argument had never happened. "Tell me one of your jokes Faree" Nicki said with a grin.

"What do you call cheese that's not yours?"

"What?" Nicki giggled.

"Nacho cheese"

Nicki ugly for ages and Safaree laughed at Nicki's laughter. She kicked her little legs and shook her head about like she was having a fit, whilst Safaree pressed her into him, so she didn't fall off the bed.

"One more babe?"

"Why did the motorcycle stop moving?"


"It was two-tired"

Nicki was now crying. There was something about ultra corny jokes that always got to her. When she stopped hysterically laughing she noticed SB was looking down at her with a small smile on his face.

"Whatchu looking at playboi?" she said in a funny voice.

Safaree didn't reply, just kissed her on the end of the nose.

"What was that for?" Nicki asked.

"I was just giving you an experience of an eskimo's life."

"WHAT?!" Nicki asked, again bursting into a fit of giggles.

Again Safaree didn't reply in words but just passionately kissed her. How anyone could be adorable and cute but sexy and desirable at the same time was completely beyond him.


Nicki and Safaree pulled up to the house, and Safaree helped Nicki out of the car, as per usual. As she got out she said, "Faree, you know the date we got together this time around don't you?"

"Course" Safaree replied casually "How would i plan our first anniversary without knowing the date we got together?"

Nicki blushed, while SB tried to find his keys. They walked into the house to be met by a gasping Lil Chuckee.

"Why didn't you pick up your phones! I've been ringing for ages."

"Why whats happened?" Nicki said urgently. " Wheres Cai?"

"That's the thing. Cai went out the front because we heard the car pull up and assumed it was you. He went to help with the bags and i was setting up the table but he didn't come back in for a while
so i went out to see where he was. And he just wasn't there."
SO you know the deal. Comment or @ me on twitter, and tell me if u liked the flashback?


  1. Wtf. Where the hell is cai. I hope drake's ass didn't take him. I sent believe cai is gone. Post soon

  2. Omgosh where us Cia :(((( no not their baby! On lord I hope he went for a ride with Wayne or something!

  3. The flashback was #GREATNESS. It was just so sweet! Pls tell me they didn't kidnap Cai

  4. OMGGGGGGGG that was cute they are cute love it !!!! OMG what happened to cai? fuck off that was drake enit? drake took cai :((((( *cries* make it all better POST SOON!!!!!

  5. OMFG!!!! WHERE IS CAI?!! I bet Drake stupid ass took him! Omg please post soon!



  8. The flashback was so cute.and I know drake did not kidnap cai -_-

  9. Yo that flashback was freaking everything!!!! Like omg i loved it! Yo dbwnrlvonawjlvanqjovbrvljwrqvrwbv qwlrvl baorwjkvburdv lbwroqwbnvljrbl wfaljs *this is not a good spazz* WUT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO CAI? OMG!!!
