Tuesday 22 May 2012


Nicki wiped her tears and stood up. Her son was standing outside, wanting to know what was wrong with his dad and he was at an age where Nicki couldn't just tell him that Daddy had gone to sleep, and would wake up in a few days. She had to be strong, even if she didn't want to, to make her son feel better. As she stepped out of the room, trying not to look as depressed as she felt, Macaiah's head popped up from his hands, hoping for good news.

"You wanna step out with me for a bit Cai? I need a word?"

"Can you not just tell me now?" Macaiah said.

"No. Out" Nicki said firmly. She knew Caiah would not have normally said that, it was just the situation had got to him, but she would not tolerate rudeness of any form. Mama Carol pulled her up on any kind of rudeness growing up, and Nicki wanted to be as good as mum as she had had when she was growing up. Macaiah walked to the door and opened it, waiting for him mum to follow.

"I'll be 2 seconds, just wait for me out there?" She said to him. Macaiah nodded and walked a few paces forward, as soon as the door closed Nicki turned around.

"Wayne. Go and sit with him? I don't want him to be alone when he , erm if he wakes up?"

"wakes up?" 

"Yes Wayne. Now i have to go and explain to my son that his fathers in a coma, so would you mind stopping the questions?" Nicki didn't look back as she walked out of the door to see Caiah, waiting for her.

"Where we going?"

"Umm, i think theres a canteen somewhere round here"

A nurse was walking past as Nicki said this and stopped in front of them. "Excuse me maam, the canteens just round the corner, take your first left and the canteen will be right in front of you."

"Thanks" Nicki mumbled, leading Cai where the nurse directed them.

Nicki lead Caiah to a table in the corner of the canteen and sat opposite him. She hled out her hands and Macaiah held out his, grasping onto him mums and clutching them.

"He is still alive right?" Macaiah asked, tears dripping down his face.

"Yes! He's alive, he's just had a really bad head injury and it was really painful, that's wnhy he passed out, and loss of blood. The nurse said that they had to put him into a coma, so that he wouldn't be in so much pain."

"A COMA?" Cai screamed! "What if he dosnt wake up? Why would they do that to him?"

"Cai please, keep your voice down. Thats exactly how i reacted at first but they said that if they hadn't, maybe he wouldn't be alive."

"Oh" Cai said quietly.

"At the moment, they're doing a brain scan to see if theres any damage."

"Like what? Is he like brain dead? Will he have to learn to walk and talk again? Will he remember who i am?"

Almost immediately Nicki went to assure Cai that none of that would happen, Safaree wold remember exactly who he was, he would be out of the hospital, as good as new in no time, but she had to stop herself. She hadn't really thought about what the scan would say to much, she was too busy worrying if he would ever wake up.

"Can i see him?"

"Well, that's the thing Cai. I'm not sure if seeing him is the best idea, he's not in the best state right now. Ya know, seeing him with tubes and stuff running out of him scared the sh-- umm sugar out of me."

"I really wanna see him. I just want to tell him i love him."

"Okay that's fine, but I'm warning you, it's not nice to see him like that, but your mature enough to make your own decisions."

"Thanks mum" Macaiah wiped his face with his hands, then his hands on his jeans. Nicki wasn't going to start nagging him now about doing that, but made a mental note that if she saw him doing it again, to tell him not to.

They walked back into the waiting room and saw no one there. Nicki assumed that everyone must have gone into the room to see how he was doing. 

"You sure you wanna see him?" Nicki asked one more time.


They walked in to see the boys gathered round the bed. Each of them were completely silent just staring down. When Mack saw Nicki walk into the room he beckoned the rest of the boys.

"We'll leave you guys with him, we'll be outside."

"You guys can go now, thank you for being here"

"We aint leaving you Nic. We're here for the long haul" Wayne said as he hugged Nicki.

"I'm sorry for biting your head off earlier, i know you were just worried."

Wayne just nodded understandingly and walked out leaving Cai and Nicki just staring at Safaree. Nicki looked at Cai's shocked face, as if he was watching a horror movie.

"What's that thing round his head?"

"I don't really know Cai. I guess its to keep the wound together, stop the bleeding and stuff."

"Is that beeping his heart?"

"Yep. I find it kind of reassuring. Do you?"

"Nope." Macaiah asked, eyes still glued to his Dad.

"How comes?"

"Because in about half a second, that beeping could stop and become one long beep. And then he's gone." That's when Macaiah fell apart. He walked over to his dad and stood there, looking at each individual tube. 
"He didn't deserve this mom. Why did God let this happen? Everything was going so great for once, and now, now i cant even speak to my Dad? I love him so much. I can't lose anyone else Mom, we already lost Nicholas recently, and i can't do that again. I can't live without him."

"I know baby. Let it all out. But this is not the time to start doubting our faith, we shouldn't be blaming God, we should be asking him for his help right now. Remember, everything happens for a reason, and we might not know it right now, but we'll figure it out. I need you to stop getting so stressed Cai."

"How can i not be stressed?" 

"Do it for your Dad. Do it for me, i don't want my son and my love in hospital at the same time. I couldn't take it."

"Sorry mom."

"Don't be sorry hun, you have nothing to be sorry for" Nicki said, trying to contain her crying. "Listen to me, your Dads a fighter, and he has everything to live for. Just pray, that's whats going to get us all through this"

"Can he hear me?" Cai asked.

"I think so. I'm not sure, but if you want to talk to him go right ahead. I did"

Macaiah turned to his Dad again and bent right down, "I love you Dad, and when you wake up, which you will, i want to spend all my time with you. I havnt known you as a dad for long but i want you to know your the best Dad in the world and i can't live without you. Neither can Mom and i hate seeing her upset so please wake up soon. Thank you for saving my life Dad, it just confirmed what an amazing person that i always thought you were. I love you" 

Nicki's tears were pouring as Cai was speaking to his Dad. Just as Nicki was about to go and wrap her arms round her son, the moment was interrupted by a nurse.

"I have Mr Safaree Samuels brain scan" she said with a serious face.

Meanwhile Drake was in the airport on the phone to his manager.

"Just cancel everything okay?"

"Everything? For how long? Your right in the middle of a tour right now. Whats happened?"

Drake hung up, and pulled his hood over his head. He walked over to the desk. "Hey, whens your first flight to New York?"

Comment or @ me xx @ilovenickiandSB 10 comments before i post again xx


  1. UGGGGGGHHHHH!!! Wtf!!! Them niggas need to leave & go find Drake, shittt!!

    This almost me shed tears :'( Post soon!


  3. OH HELL NAWWWw..... ima need you to post real soon.....i cant be waiting for this brain scan........ i hope safaree comes back please let him come back all well and fine & make drake go away. PLEASE. POST SOOOOOOOON

  4. I need these results!!!!!!!! I'm going to bug you until I get them! I'm glad they're being strong and I'm praying Drake don't get away with what he did! Wait.....why is he going to New York though.....

  5. Oop Cai better slow his roll, i know he sad but getting smart with Nic... No sir. Aww when they sat down and held each others hand >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> brings tears to my eyes. Yoo i really cant like this is just freaking beyond sad, they dont know how he's going to come out of this. Aww wut he said to his dad... yo im in tears legit! WUT THE FUCK , WUT DOES THE SCANE SAY???
    Um ima really need more =) lol

  6. WOW!!! Drake UUURRRRGGGHHHH!!! He did this! They should beat his ass when the catch before the police gets him

  7. wow he better not get away with this shit AND he better not being going to New York to harm Nicki's parents.. I am livid with that whole situation..seriously make SB better pls

  8. Wow wonder why in the hell drakes goin to newyork they beta catch his ass. Nd is cai crazy gettin an attuid wit nic oh no. Please make safaree better. Post soon
