Sunday 13 May 2012

All Gone

"What do you mean just not there?" Nicki shouted.

"He just wasn't there. I don't know what else to say Nic. I didn't see nothing. Hear nothing. Nothing. He was just gone!" Chuckee replied crying. He felt bad, like it was his fault.

"Have you rung him?" Safaree asked, taking off his hat and running his hand over his head, as a sign of frustration.

"Yep. But then i heard it go off, he left his phone in his room." Chuckee replied.

"SHIT" Safaree cursed.

"Maybe Wayne came by early and asked Cai if he wanted to go for a ride. You know Cai likes cars and shit." Nicki said hopefully.

SB got out his phone and rang Wayne, praying silently that Wayne would pick up and say Cai was with him. Wayne picked up on the fourth ring and SB bombarded him with questions.

"Please tell me Cai's with you?"

Chuckee and Nicki stared up at SB waiting for a sign that Wayne had said that Cai was with him, but actually saw SB punch the wall. Nicki knew this meant Cai wasn't with Wayne and started crying hysterically.

"No. I said i was ganna swing by later not now. Why?"

"He's not at home. Chuckee said that he went out front because he thought he heard us and then 20 minutes later he was no where to be found. What the fuck do i do Wayne?"

"Have you tried Drake?" Wayne asked.

SB got angry at the sound of his name. Before this had all happened SB would have thought Drake would be the last person on earth to kidnap his son but now he was top of the list.

"No. Do you really think Drakes capable of kidnapping a 14 year old boy though?"

"A month ago no. But after seeing him today, he wasn't right at all. I'm not ganna lie, i wouldn't put anything past him in his state."

"So what. Should i call him? Or Nic?"

"Don't call him. Nicki knows where he lives, just jump in the car and get there as quick as possible. Nicki might even have a spare key, and if she don't you can bust that door open easy. This shits serious nigga."

"Aight. Imma go now, thanks Wayne. We'll keep you informed."

Safaree was about to hang up when he heard Wayne say." You think we just ganna leave you man? I'm on my way to Drakes now. I'll call some of YM to come as well, i aint just ganna leave you like that. I'll see you soon, just hurry up because I'm worried for Cai man."

"Kay. Thanks Wayne"

Safaree ended the call and shoved the phone back into his pocket, picked up the car keys and turned to Nicki. "Babe, I'm going to Drakes. Waynes meeting me there, we think he has Cai."

"Okay lets go" Nicki said wiping her eyes and walking to the door. She knew crying like a baby wasn't going to get her son back.

"Woah, where the hell do you think your going?" SB said, standing in front of the front door.

"To Drakes, like you just said" Nicki replied bluntly, trying to push SB out of the way.

"Your not coming. Drakes dangerous right now and all he wants is you. If you come then he'll want you, and i'm not going to let that happen."

"OF COURSE IM COMING" Nicki roared. "He's my son too you know?"

"Listen to me. The best way to get our son back is if you stay here. Trust me okay?"

"Fine" Nicki said. "Be safe. Don't do anything stupid"

"I won't. Chuckee can i have a word?"

Chuckee obediently followed Safaree out to his car feeling incredibly bad about the whole situation. If only he had gone outside then Cai would still be there, with his family.

"Chuckee listen to me. Keep Nicki calm. I don't know how your ganna be able to do that but just try. Okay?"

"Kay. Good luck SB, i hope hes there."

"Thanks man" Safaree replied as he sped off in his bentley, hopefully to retrieve his son. As he thought this tears welled in his eyes and thought about what could've happened to Cai in the time he was driving. His mind drifted and thought of happy memories of his son as he carried on speeding to Drakes apartment.


Safaree knocked on Nicki's door, swirling his new car keys around on his finger. It was a week after his 18th birthday and he had saved enough money to get a car. It wasn't great, but it was a step up from his motorbike and he knew Nicki would love him having a car. This way they could go to different places together, and he could teach Nic how to drive better, because quite frankly overtime Safaree got into a car with her, he was frightened for his and hers life.

Nicki opened the door in sweatpants, and a loose top, most probably her brothers. There was a stain on the left shoulder and Nicki's hair was shoved on the top of her head. She looked stressed and tired and her eyes were full of tears.

"Whats wrong?" Safaree asked, stepping into the house.

"Cai's ill. He has a stomach bug and he hasn't stopped crying ALL NIGHT! My moms had to go to work all day and I've been left to watch him all day. I'm sorry, i won't be able to come out today Faree"

"That's okay Nic. I'll stay in with you"

"You don't have to. I'm fine by myself."

Safaree ignored her and walked down the hall, following the Cai's crys. He was just over 1 now and was capable of making an astonishingly loud noise. Safaree hadn't spend much time with Macaiah. He found it difficult even looking at his son, who wasn't really his son anymore. It was different for Nicki because she was used to it since she lived with them but Safaree just wasn't used to it at all. He wanted to pick up Cai and tell him everything was alright now that Daddys here, but he knew he couldn't. Macaiah was propped up in his high chair wildly screaming and screwing up his face. Around him was an assortment of toys that looked like they had been thrown on the floor and a full bottle of milk.

"He won't drink anything. I just don't know what to do" Nicki shouted over Cai's crys.

"Has he been to the doctor?"

"Yeh, they just said it will go within a week but apart from that they couldn't give him anything"

Safaree looked at Nicki who was close to tears. She clearlt hadn't slept all night and was stressed about Cai.

"Nic, go up to bed, get some sleep. I can look after Cai, i know how to wind him, change his diaper, feed him, all that. So go get some rest"

"But Faree, you haven't spent much time with him. Its hard, you know hes not our son anymore"

"I know. I'll be fine. You do it every day, I'm sure i can handle a couple hours. Now go. "

Nicki smiled gratefully and started to head for the stairs. "Oh, and can you please try and get him to drink something. Anything at all would be great."

Safaree just nodded and waited for Nic to be out of sight before he went to pick up Cai. He held him at arms length,

"Hey little man. Whats up?"

Cai just carried on screaming and screaming, thrashing about wildly in Safaree's arms. Safaree walked over to the couch and sat down, holding Cai tightly to his chest, he felt cold so reached over to retrieve the baby blue blanket on the floor. Safaree sat, staring into his sons eyes, so big and bright, just like Nicki's. Gently he swayed from left to right cradling his son as close to him as he could. Out of nowhere Cai stopped crying and his face returned from the screwed up expression to blank, tears still rolling down his chubby cheeks. Safaree wiped them away lightly, and as he did so gave his son a kiss on the head.

"I love you Cai" Safaree whispered.

Cai seemed immediately settled and blinked, almost as if he was fighting sleep.

"Wait, before you go to sleep little man you need a bottle." Safaree reached for the bottle and positioned it to Cai's lips. Automatically Cai latched on and started sucking away hungrily, before long the bottle was empty and he was starting to go to sleep.

"Maybe all he wanted was his daddy" Nicki said from the doorway.

Safaree smirked. "How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough. Is there room for me?" Nicki said nodding towards the couch.

"Theres always room for my boo" Safaree said, lifting the arm that wasn't holding Cai up, for Nicki to slide under.

The family sat there, quiet and peaceful, Macaiah breathing heavily in his sleep.

End of Flashback
Safaree awoke from his daydream by Wayne knocking on the window of his car.

"Hurry up man." Wayne shouted. Safaree quickly got out of the car, greeted by Millz, Slim, Mack and Tez.

"So, how are we going to do this?" Safaree asked.

"I think we should just knock. If we break in and shit, then theres more chance of Drake getting mad, and doing something stupid. Safaree, if you stay back with Wayne, we'll go in and distract Drake, then you guys go in and find Cai."

"Kay. Sounds good" Safaree said. "We'll be round the corner." SB and Wayne walked round the side of the house waiting for the sound of voices to tell them when to go.

Mack nervously rung the doorbell. It wasn't long before Drake answered, wearing a fresh pair of jeans and a shirt. He was freshly shaven and looked like he had just come out of the shower.

"Wassup man" Drake said normally, dapping everyone up.

"Nothing, we just came to chill. Can we come through?"

"Course" Drake said.

Mack looked behind him at the boys, by the way Wayne was describing Drake, he was expecting Drake to answer, drunk, high and looking a mess. The house seemed perfectly fine and  no signs of a 14 year old boy tied to a chair in sight. They followed Drake into the lounge chatting politely.

Meanwhile Safaree and Wayne heard the boys talking and knew this was there chance. They ran to the front of the house, and as planned the door was open. They snuck in and Wayne leading the way, ran upstairs.

"Right I'll the check this side of the house. You check the other"  he whispered. They set off as quiet as they could, checking in bathrooms, closets, under beds and anywhere else they could think of. Safaree was getting more panicked as he realised he had looked everywhere. As he turned round Wayne was standing there.

"Yo, We ain't ganna find him, Ive looked everywhere. We're just ganna have to confront him. Just take it easy tho."

"I think if he See's me, hes ganna go ham tho."

"Your right, whispered Wayne. "I know its hard, but i think its best if you wait in the car. Imma come out with your son okay? Just stay calm."


They tippie toed down the stairs and Safaree walked out of the house, giving Wayne the thumbs up as he left. As soon as he was out of the house he kicked Drakes car, out of frustration. He dropped to his knee's and prayed to God for a sign, as to where his son is and how to get him. Safaree had only just got his family back, and there was no way he was going to let it sip through his fingers that easily.
Okay this is just a quick chapter to hold you guys over till i post, i warn you it may be a while, becuz i hav exams. Comment or @ me xx Oh and if you want me to tweet you when i post, leave me your @ name in the comments xxxx


  1. AYEEEEE Loved it ^____^ post soon i hope they find cai. i dont want them to be sad anymore. PLEASEEEEE. so yeh POST SOON!!!!!

  2. I hope they find Cai. This was sad. Drake needs to go somewhere. Post soon. @Nicki'sAngel

  3. Yo I hope mama Carol came on some dumb shit at least we know that he's safe! I hope they find him like now!

  4. lmaoooooooooomy mind instantly went to mama carol. Smh whoever has him betta not hurt him cuz tuh I would hate to have to deal with Nic and SB

  5. YOOOOOO! I hope they find him! I think mama carol took him. I just know it! Great chapter. Post soon :)

  6. That flashback was AWESOME! I love moments like those. Why do I get the feeling that Drake isn't the one but anyway, who knows?!

  7. omg i really want them to friggin find cai like wow, but i have a feelin mama carol has him and not drake

  8. That Flashback Wass CUTEE. !! && I Hope They Findd CAI !!

  9. Omg ur really getting on my bad side -_- LOL JP boo!
    NEhoe the flashback was super cute as always, the way Nic said "guess he just wanted his dad" was just >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and the way Cai just stopped crying... it just felt so right. Idk if Drake has him, like wut if its Mama Carol... omg i cant deal!
    Post ASAP or ima hunt u down! ^_^

  10. OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. I hope Cai is ok!! I wonder who took him. No. I'm gonna fuck someone up. If it was Mama Carol..... ugh. The suspense -_-
