Monday 7 May 2012

Gummy Bears

Safaree awoke, with one leg hanging off the bed, and a crick in his neck. He frowned, and sat up in the bed, realising how weird a position he was in. Looking to his left, he realised that he was sleeping so wild because Nicki had gotten up before him and as soon as she had left his body must have lashed out. He heard the sounds of his sons loud giggle, followed by Chuckee's deep laugh. Safaree didn't want to miss out on Nicki's breakfast or spending time with his son so rushed to get up and ready.

Meanwhile in the kitchen Nicki served the boys up with breakfast and made a plate for Safaree and put it in the oven.

"You not having breakfast mom?" Cai asked while shoving food in his mouth hungrily.

"Nope. I had some toast before you guys got up. Anyway, why you shoving food in your face like its your last meal boy?"

"Hungry" he replied simply, not wanting to waste time on talking when there was food to be eaten. Chuckee was doing exactly the same, shovelling food in his mouth like he hadn't eaten about a million skittles, chocolate bars and ice cream about 5 hours before. Nicki just stared at them like animals in the zoo as she pondered about how they could digest so much food whilst chewing on the next mouthful.

"So, what time did you boys get to sleep in the end."

Chuckee looked at Cai. "Ummm, i dunno really. Cai, did you see the time before we got to sleep?"

"I think it was about 4? I dunno, 4ish."

"4?" Nicki choked on her juice." What the hell were you doing until 4 o clock?"

"Stuff" Chuckee replied cheekily. "Anyways, what you guys doing today."

"We haven't made no plans. You sticking around?"

"Depends what you doing Nic. Have you spoke to Wayne yet?"

"Yet? What do you mean yet?"

"The other day i was mack and Wayne and they were both ringing you but you weren't picking up, so Wayne text you saying he wanted you to ring him ASAP."

"Chuckeeeeee! Why didn't you tell me!" Nicki whined.

"I thought the whole point of texting was that you found out yourself."

Nicki scowled at him playfully and ran off towards her room. Chuckee and Macaiah sat there laughing at Nicki's cute running. On her way up the stairs she bashed into Safaree who was on the way down.

"Where do you think you running to baby girl? I was coming down to see you."

As soon as Nicki felt Safarees touch she completely forgotten why she was running up stairs in the first place.

"Nic?" Safaree laughed at Nicki's little face, staring up at him with big eyes and goofy smile. She didn't say anything just grabbed at his wrists and pulled him up the stairs with her. Safaree was slightly confused but trusted her so just went with it. When they got to there bedroom Nicki pulled Safaree to the end of the bed and turned him to face it.

"Close your eyes" Nicki said, trying to whisper in his ear, but not being able to quite reach, so ending up whispering into his neck. He covered his eyes with both hands and stood still,waiting for his surprise. He heard Nicki moving about and quickly felt her arms wrap around his neck and her lips on his. He kissed back, now hungry for his girlfriend instead of breakfast. They kissed for another 5 minutes, there hands roaming about each others body. Safaree was getting hard and Nicki felt it through his jeans, she forgot where she was, getting lost in the moment and started rubbing him through his jeans. Since they had gotten back together they still hadn't had sex because either Cai was in the next room, Nicki was on her period or they had been in Japan where every night Nicki basically passed out from exhaustion. Nicki reached out to undo his jeans, when Safaree broke the kiss.

Nicki let out a frustrated sigh." Fareeeeeee"

"Nicki, our son and Lil Chuckee are downstairs. It isn't the right time." Nicki unwrapped her arms from around him and stepped off of the bed. Safaree felt bad, like he was rejecting Nic, but he wanted it to be special when they did it, not a quickie which would be interrupted by Cai or Chuckee.

He caught her arm as she moodily stormed out of the room. "Nicki. It's not like i don't want to."

She cut him off." Well you sure make it seem like it Faree". She pouted unknowingly.

"Nicki. Why in Gods name why would i not want to have sex with you Nic? Do you not see how i look at you when your getting changed? Have you completely forgotten how i touched you last night, in the kitchen, when i got you undressed. Do you completely ignore everything i say to you. About how much i love your body, how sexy you are to me? Or does that just go in one ear and out the other?"

"Of course not Safaree. But you haven't even really tried to have sex with me yet. We kiss, we cuddle, we touch and stuff but nothing else. Last night, we were in bed, i was in a thong YOU picked out, so you obviously thought it was sexy. I was wearing YOUR shirt, which you always said was the sexiest thing you've seen me in. And, you were in your boxers, we were all close and stuff, kissing and stuff. But you didn't take it any further." She looked away from him and sat on the edge of the bed. "Safaree. Am i not as sexy as i used to be? Do you not want to see me naked any more?" She was tearing up.

Safaree couldn't believe what he was hearing. He felt like he had failed as a boyfriend. "Nicki. You really think that?"


He sat down next to her and sighed. "Nicki. Your the sexiest woman on this planet. I can't keep my eyes off of you, when you have clothes ON. Never mind clothes off. If i could take you right now and strip all your clothes off, i swear i would babe. But i have just felt like there hasn't been the right time yet. Its like when we first got together, and we first did it. I wanted it to be perfect, just like i do this time. You know, sometimes i wake up in the night and your lying right next to me, in my shirt and your thong. Your hair sprawled out everywhere, and i wanna wake you up and make love to you right there and then. But i want it to be perfect and romantic, something you'll remember for the rest of your life. We didn't rush it then and we wont rush it now."

"Has my body changed Faree? Is it all gross and old now? Do i have stretch marks from when i had Cai? Because i did use this cream but sometimes when i get real close to the mirror and squint and look slightly to the left i can still see them. I know I'm fatter than before Faree. But I'm tryna work out more and hopefully if this diet goes well, ill have lost like 3 pounds in 2 weeks!"

"Nicki. Who has put this stuff in your head? You know you sound like a crazy woman? Theres not a blemish on your body! Your waist is incredibly tiny, and toned as well! Theres not a stretch mark in sight. And even if there was it would never be a problem anyway."

Nicki sighed and looked away. "You don't have to make excuses Faree. Its okay. Ive come to terms with the fact I'm just now how i used to be"

Although she had said she had come to terms with it, she clearly hadn't. Safaree was staring hard at her, not quite believing what he was hearing. Everyone around her always thought she was the most confident person they had ever met. Safaree knew that she wasn't nearly as confident as she seemed but she was never, self conscious as such. Safaree was devastated that Nicki felt like this. He had always made sure that he told Nicki regularly how beautiful she was, and to hear her say these things, made him awful. He knew words wouldn't help right now, but knew something had to be dine before she did something stupid. Safaree knew Nicki wasn't dumb,but also knew she would do anything to please him and realised he could be the reason for all the ridiculous diets shes on. All because he hadn't had sex with her yet.

"Come here" He told her, standing up from the bed. 

She looked up at him. " I don't want you to have sex with me just because I'm sad. I don't want pity sex"

"I'm not about to have sex you with Nic. I'm sticking to my guns on this one, it will happen at the right time, where its perfect, and memorable. Just come here"

She stood up and held her hand out for Safaree to take, and take her to wherever he wanted. He led her to the full length mirror in the spare room, and stood her directly in the middle of the mirror.

"Safaree. I don't wanna do this right now."

"I didn't want to ever do this to be honest Nic. I never thought we would have to. But clearly we do."

Nicki sighed and pouted. "So what do you actually want me to do?"


"Safaree. I don't want to. I haven't lotioned or anything and this lights super bright."

"Strip" Safaree repeated.

"Faaaarrrreeeeeeeeeeeee" she moaned.

"Nicki, i have all day. So if that's how long it takes. That's perfectly fine by me."

Nicki knew that Safaree wouldn't just give up by the stern look on his face. She sighed and started to take off her clothes. She took her time taking off her shoes and socks, then her hoodie, still not wanting to just stand there naked for Safaree to see all her flaws. Finally she stripped down to her thong and bra, avoiding eye contact with the mirror and SB.

"Take it all off" Safaree said, watching her with his arms folded, in a serious tone.

"Is that really necessary?" Nicki asked.


Nicki huffed and took her thong off, bending down in the process, then undoing her bra. 

"Nicki. Look at yourself in this mirror. Tell me one thing wrong. Because i sure cant see nothing."

Nicki put both hands on her stomach." I'm fat"

Safaree walked behind her and wrapped his arms round her, placing both of his hands on her faultless toned stomach. "Nicki what are you talking about. I don't understand what your seeing and I'm not"

Tears started forming in Nicki's eyes. "When we were together, when i was like 16, my stomach was flat. My stomach was straight as ruler, and i wasn't on no special diet, or being in the gym all the time. Now, every things different. Look at this mark Safaree!" She pointed at about a small mark near her left hip. It was about half a centimetre long and looked like a tiny little scar. No one would have noticed even if it her hip had been right in there face, but Nic knew it was there, and to her, it made her imperfect.

Safaree bent down and traced it with his finger. "Really Nic? This is what your stressing about. You really think that i don't wanna have sex with you because of this mark, that i wouldn't have noticed since its practically invisible to the naked eye. How the fuck did you find that, with a microscope?"

Nicki laughed at him being stupid, whilst more tears ran down her face. "Its not just that Faree. I'm not the same"

"Of course your not! Your not the same because your 13 years older. That's the difference Nic. That's it. When i say this, I'm not trying to make you feel better, I'm speaking the truth from the heart. Your perfect. Your always sexy to me. Your sexy when your shy. Your sexy when your mad. You sexy when your jealous. When your excited. When your being cute. When your having one of your rants. Even the other day when you weren't feeling well, it was adorable. You really think if you were ugly or fat, that every nigga would be after you? Everywhere we go, I'm always holding your hand because all these niggas eyeing you up. And if they don't, they're either gay, or you shut them down already"

"Really? You still think I'm pretty?"

"Baby, prettys an understatement. Like, your out of this fucking world." He was still bent down at her hip tracing the small scar. He kissed the scar, and said "Baby, this is nothing, it makes you you. And anyway, I'll be the only one who see's it right? So its kinda like, the one thing on your body, only I know about?"

"Faree, theres plenty of places on my body that no ones knows about" she said, drying her eyes and giving him a sexy wink.

"Now, that's more like the Onika i knew" he said, standing and wrapping his arms gently round her naked body. She gratefully accepted the hug and sunk into his body. She clung onto him for a while, as he traced the line down her back, and played with her hair.

"Faree, your breakfasts getting cold babe, you better go eat it and see what the boys are up to, i need to ring Wayne."

"Kay babe". He helped gather up her clothes and gave her one last smack on her ass and went downstairs, following the loud laughter coming from the games room.

-------------------------1 hour later---------------

"Boys?"Nicki walked down the stairs, trying to figure out where the boys were. She followed the laughter and soon realised they were still in the game room. Before entering, Nicki shook her head, realising how stupid she was for not knowing they would be there.

As Nicki walked in the boys looked up from the pool table, "You look nice mom" said Cai honestly.

"Yeh you do Nic, where you going?" Safaree asked.

"I have to have a quick lunch with Wayne babe. But he promised it would only be an hour, and i figured I'd leave you guys for some male bonding and all of that. Anyways, what do y'all want for lunch, because i'll pick it up on the way home?"

"Subway?" Safaree suggested, looking at Chuckee and Cai for there reactions.

"Sounds good to me" Chuckee replied, chalking the pool stick(i don't know what its called tbh).

"Yep" Cai agreed.

"Okay, Safaree text me with what you want when you know."

"You want me to drop you? Because we run out of Pepsi and i want some like right now, plus i can pick you up and go subway with you on the way back, cuz you know i never know what i want unless I'm in the store."

"Okay, but we have to leave now. Boys you coming for the ride."

"Nah we good" Cai said, barely looking up the pool table. Nicki just laughed, not expecting them to want to leave that room for the rest of the day.

"Okay, see ya later boys, i won't be long, i promise."

"Bye Mom" Cai said, giving his mom a kiss on the cheek and a tight hug, "Promise you won't be long" he whispered so Chuckee and his Dad wouldn't hear him.

Still hugging him Nicki replied " I promise. Wayne always keeps thing short and sweet. Anyway, I'm mad hungry for my subway, so if it takes too long I'll just say i have a doctors appointment or something" she winked. He giggled and let go, walking back to the table.

"Oh so you not going to show the coon any love? Fine" said Safaree as he began walking towards the door, swinging his car keys round his finger. Unexpectedly Macaiah ran on tippy toes to his Dad and leaped on his back, wrapping his arms round his neck.

Safaree and Cai burst out laughing as Nicki looked taken aback. She was wondering how the hell Cai reached so high, she had always tried to do that, but never reached that well. Macaiah gave his Dad a kiss on the cheek and a hug and they left, Nicki crossing her fingers that the meeting would be short.

Safaree pulled up the restaurant, getting out of his seat quick so he could open the door for Nicki. He pulled the door open and held out his hand so that she could steady herself on her heels when she stood up.

"Thank you babe" she said as she got out.

"No problem my queen" he replied, pulling her in for a hug goodbye. He inhaled her scent and kissed her passionately before walking her to the door.

"Bye baby, text me when the meetings nearly over and I'll come pick you up."

"Kay Faree, it won't be long"

"What's the meeting about anyway?"

"Don't have a clue to be honest. I don't know who's here, or why. But if i had to make a guess, maybe Wayne wants me to do a female TrukFit line?"

"Well good luck anyway. See you later"

"Bye". He watched as she strutted into the restaurant, to be immediately greeted by one of the waiters. He laughed, remembering Nicki when she was a waitress, who wouldn't serve anyone unless she 100% percent liked the person, and would eat random peoples food while sitting across there table.

As soon as Nicki was in the restaurant, she Wayne, who looked as if he was walking back from the bathroom. As the Waiter was about to ask her is she had booked a table Nicki said, "Oh i see who I'm having a meeting with. Thank you Sir". 

"Hey Barbie" said Wayne giving Nicki a hug.

"Hey Weezy. I've missed you"

"We've missed you too, come to the back, everyone wants to see you."

Nicki followed Wayne to the back of the cornered off restaurant. She laughed at the fact Wayne had probably insisted that he had at least half of the restaurant when he full well knew he would only bring about 4 or 5 people.
Nicki saw Slim and Tez who were facing her. There was someone else at the table, wearing a beeny who Nicki didn't immediately recognise but was probably someone in Waynes team. Tez and Slim stood and strode towards Nicki, both hugging her and swirling her around. She laughed, as Slim felt Nicki's hair.

"No wig today Nic?"

"Nope. You like?"

As Slim was about to answer, the man wearing a beeny also stood and turned to greet Nicki. The happiness and excitement Nicki had felt before seeing Wayne, Tez and Slim left her, anger, hatred and sadness filled her as she saw his face.

"Why is Drake here" she asked snidely, looking at Wayne.

Not ganna deprive you guys just because some people dont comment, anyway, comment or @ me + shout out to @teamminajlexi for the title! Lol


  1. Awwwww I really liked this chapter and Safaree is such a good boyfriend lik awe!!! And when he said strip idk but I bust out laughing ur chapters are always perfection!!! I love them soooooo much!!! Caiah is so adorable when it comes to his parents!!! O gosh what is Drake doing there Nicki should beat his ass with a chair tbh he don't go here. Lol I love the title of the chapter!!
    Post soon LOVE YA MUAH!!!

  2. I totally liked this chapter I know I'm late but a comment is a comment anyway you should post like really soon :)

  3. That title though lol BYE LEXI! I loved this chapter and shoutout to Safaree for showing his woman that there is absolutely nothing wrong with her body! Real love! And ummm imma need you to post asap I knew it was Drake! UGH!

  4. Ohh shit. Shit just got fucking real. Nicki needs to go the duck off on him. Safaree needs to show up and go awf. Loved it. Post sooner than soon.

  5. Ohh shit. Shit just got fucking real. Nicki needs to go the duck off on him. Safaree needs to show up and go awf. Loved it. Post sooner than soon.

  6. This was soooooo cute! I dead ass started tearing up. Safaree is such a good boyfriend! Awwwwwwww. And why is Drake's ass there?! Please post soon! Great chapter! :)

  7. Aw Dnt believe nic thought she was fat, god thing safaree was there to set her straight. And tht lil stretch mark lmao. Aw cai so cute. And wtf is drake doing there he better be there to apologize otherwise nic betray beat his ass.

  8. Like your writing skills in this chapetr is really GREAT!!! I can't believe that she feels so insecure tho, it kinda broke my heart but Safaree handled it well. A meeting with Drake there...sounds interesting

  9. Omg not nic and ha body issues lmaoooooooooooooo she cute! ummmmmmmmmm wtf is fixing to take place at this meeting? Rotfl wait.... what does gummy bears have to do with anything lol

  10. oh dear lawdddd, pls post soon, grrr i can't wait to see what's bout to pop off eek.

  11. The title makes me hungry LOL
    Not SB sleeping all wild just cuz Nicki not in the bed, control urself boy lol. I bet Cai has that crazy laugh like Nic. Damn the fuckn that food up lol lil greedy selfs, im surprised they aint sick from all that junk food they ate. LMAO Nic was staring at them like animals in the zoo... i am crying! Damn they was up till 4 in the morning. I bet they were talking, skyping or txtn girls... talking bout stuff pshh yea i bet. Oh shoot wut Wayne want to talk to her about. Aw i can picture Nic doing her lil cute run (like she did in the UK) Nicki so IN love with SB that she forgets wut she is doing, thats just so cute to me. Oh shit r they bout to get it poppin? *reads on* WUT THE... he stopped her, r u freaking serious *keeps reading* Oh no Nicki feeling insecure about her body, how could she feel like that she has the best body ever. I love wut SB was saying to her when they was on the bed, he was just saying the rite words. Aw he not having sex with her cuz he want it to be special, he so thoughtful like wut man u know would do that. Ugh i dont like Nic being self conscious about her body =( LOL the way SB just told her to strip is funny to me idk y ahahah. Aw im so glad SB made her feel better about herself.
    I call it the lil "chalk thingy" LOL #DontJudgeMe. I hope they dont do nun crazy while Nic & SB gone. *reads on* Aw Cai is so cute, he dont want the uys to know he a mama boy lol. Ha Nicki was wondering how Cai got on SB back lol poor shawty cant jump that high lol.
    Aw Onikafaree so cute, all kissing Nshit lol. Not Nicki eating ppl food when she was a waitress, i cant with her kml. But how she not going to be their waiter just cuz she didnt like them LOL she crazy.
    Aw the team just loves Nicki so much, they would do anything for her. WTF is Drake doing there, Wayne better start talking. UGH Drake needs his ass beat and he stood up like he was going to get a hug too... BOY SIT UR ASS ZOWN!!
    Great chapter boo boo, post ASAP MUAH**

  12. -_____- Why is he there? Nic needs to throw wine in his face and leave -_-. K, anywho, DEAD @ her bein insecure n shit >_> like by Nic ur fuckin perfect. lol .Good post
