Monday 2 April 2012

This could go either way.

Safaree felt in his pants pocket one more time. His eyes widened as he tried to remember where he had put the key.

"Babe? Can we go get the food now?" Nicki whined.

"Um, Nicki does anyone else have the key for this door?"

"Yeh, Martin does, why?"

"Please don't get mad?"

"What have you done Faree?"

"I dont have a clue where the key is?"

"WHAT? We are locked in here till Martin gets here?"

"Well i guess so. Unless you can figure out another way out?"

"We can just bash the door down duh." Nicki stood up and walked to the door and stared at it. She lifted her leg and was about to kick it but Safaree caught her leg.

"What the hell are you doing you crazy woman!" Safaree was laughing his ass off. "You really think you can just kick this door down with your pretty little feet?"

"Ummmm, yeh. How hard can it be?"

"Hard enough for you to kick it and break your foot. We aint bashing no door down Onika. Its late anyway, Martin will be here at 10;00 and then he can let us out."

"Faree i'm hungry."

"You must have some snacks in your bags somewhere?" Nicki looked around and her face went from annoyed to completely angry. "No Faree i dont have any fucking snacks in my bag? Like why would I? Oh my god your so dumb, i cant even look at you right now. I'm getting in the shower."

"I'm sorry babe" Safaree said, genuinely upset that he had made Nicki upset.

"Sorry doesnt cut it sometimes" she replied harshly as she gathered her stuff for the shower. She slammed the door shut and turned the shower on. As she lathered up she started reminiscing on the time her and Safaree had had before. Some of the times when they had just been friends but most when they were a couple. She leaned against the door as she remembered the good and the bad times.

"Babe, you didnt have to do this." Nicki blushed as he tucked the napkin into her cleavage.

"Safaree, isnt a napkin meant to go on my lap?"

"Hey, you can't blame a nigga for trying huh?" They both laughed. They were in SB's mum kitchen where Safaree had prepared Nicki a meal. Neither of them could afford posh dinners but Safaree wanted to make her feel as special as he could. After they had eaten Safaree took Nicki's hand and guided her to him. She sat down on his lap and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm sorry this isnt a posh 5 star resteraunt Nic."

Nicki moved his head so he was staring at her in the eyes. "I dont want a 5 star resteraunt. I want you. Even in 20 years if we are millionaires, i'll still just want just you."

She awoke from her day dream and giggled. That was one of the best nights ever, when it was just him and her. "The best dates were always when it was just us together" she said aloud to herself and she let herself go into another flashback.

Everyone had gone out for Rex's birthday. Lauren, Iesha, TT, Candi, all the vakiees and loads of others. They had gone to the club, because unlike Nicki and SB, Rex and most of the others loved the club. Nicki and SB both hated the club but it was Rex's birthday so definately were going to go.

By the time it was 2:00 AM Rex was completely off his face drunk and Nicki knew he had to go home before he did something stupid. She looked around for Safaree but couldnt see him anywhere. She sighed loudly, annoyed because she knew she wouldnt be able to get Rex out by herself.

"What you sighing for baby?" Safaree said into her ear wrapping his arms round her small waist.

"There you are" she grinned. "Help me get Rex back to his house?"

"Thats exactly what i just thought. You get the jackets and ill meet you outside?"

"Kay babe."

A few hours later they had left Rex's house after finally managing to get him into bed. Safaree had had to pick him up because Rex fell on the way home and scratched all up his leg, and Rex wasnt exactly light. When he was in bed Nicki wouldnt leave before she had taken his sneakers off because her mom had told her if anyone ever slept in shoes they could become embedded in your feet.

"Nicki?" Safaree asked as they walked back to Safarees house, arms wrapped round each other tightly.


"Your the most caring person ive ever met. Before i met you at Damons party my life was just kinda average you know? But now your here its.... I cant find words to describe to you how good it is now."

She pressed her lips firmly against his as a small tear ran down her cheek.
(End of flashback)

Nicki realised she has been horrible to Safaree. He had only locked the door to the bedroom because he was so concerned about her that he didnt want to let her out of his sight before she told him her problems. She got out of the shower and rubbed herself dry thinking about how Safaree tried to please her all the time. She walked back into the room and stared at Safaree. He was lying on the bed staring at the ceiling in just his boxers.

She picked his shirt off that he had thrown on the floor and quickly changed into it in the corner of the room.

"Babe?" She called from the other side of the room. He didnt respond at all and she sighed quietly. Nicki walked towards the bed and stood over Safaree. "Babe?" she repeated.

"I thought sorry wasnt good enough?" Safaree replied still not looking directly at her.

"I'm sorry" she said quietly. " I was being a bitch. Please dont be mad at me Faree?"

"I'm not mad." he said lifting his arm up and smiling. Nicki knew him lifting his arm up meant he wanted her to snuggle into his side and she did so happily. She nuzzled her head into his bare chest and stared at a black mark on his chest. She sat up and stared at it. It was her name tatted over his heart which read Onika.

"Safaree? You said you had that removed when we split up?"

"I know i did. But i couldnt bring myself round to it. I knew we would get back together".

SO I HOPE YOU LIKE THE CHAPTER, S/O TO @TeamMinajLexi for helping me she literally wrote the plot for this chap and i just added in a few details. Thanks, anyways comment or tweet me ! ITS BARBIE BITCH. ITS PINK FRIDAY ROMAN RELOADED HOE!


  1. Awwwww this was mad cute!!!! Her putting on his shirt and them cuddling was everything!!!! And thnx for the shoutout!!! Great Chapter Plzz post soon!!!

    1. Lmaooo why are you always the first one to comment!!! I'ma beat you next time Lex!

  2. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww they are mod mod cute. LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AT SB ASS FOR LOSING THE FREAKING KEY

  3. Yaaaaayyyy!!! He still got the tat! So true, she always first and once again, I really LOVE the flashbacks

  4. Damn they gotta stay locked in there over night, Nic need to stop being so hard on SB.I freakin love the flashbacks as always lol. Aw Nic in SB shirt, i bet she do that in real life and to just picture her like that; that would be >>>>>>>>Aw SB is so sweet he just loves Nic to death no matter wut she does. I love Onikafaree!
    Good post


  5. Lmao I think nic was bein hard on SB bout being locked in there cause she was hungry..I'm glad SB didn't get to mad and nic apologized ti him..Post Soon

  6. Can't believe safaree lost the key, but I Dnt think she shoulda gotten tht mad at him for it. But I am glad she apologized to him nd he forgave her great soon

  7. Dam I thought nicki was about to kick his ass for losin tht key, lol I bet it was cause she was hungry. I'm glad she apologized thow, Martin better hurry his ass up so they can get outta tht SOON

  8. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! This was so cute!! Like.....that tattoo and the flashbacks and just....all of it! aaww! lol :')
