Friday 13 April 2012

Nicki and Safaree both had a nice lie in after there exhausting trip to Japan. Safaree awoke at 11:00, his arms wrapped around Nicki, their legs intertwined, as always. He wanted to get his phone and text Cai, to ask him if he was up, but didnt want to wake his sweetheart so decided on keeping still. As if she read his mind she stirred and gave a deep sigh, remembering what had happened the night day before.

"Whats the long ass sigh for baby?" Safaree asked.

"Just thinking Faree. That's all" Nicki sighed again, avoiding eye contact with her boyfriend.

Safaree felt like Nicki was about to burst into tears, he knew his girlfriend so well and she was displaying the tell tale signs. "Heey baby, don't get upset" he tried pulling her to him but she objected. "Listen Nicki, whats happened, has happened. We can't do anything about whats happened now can we?" He reassured.

"Safaree! How the fuck can you say that!? Did you not see the look on our boys face? And this is ALL my fault. You don't understand." She looked away.

"What do you mean I don't understand? SB sat up, angry. "We're in the exact same position Nic, He's OUR son. Drake's done this to get back at US. Not you. None of this is your fault Nic. It's not your fault he's a ass-hole Nicki. We are in the exact same position."

"No we are not." she shrieked. " This is ALL my fault, all of this."

"How?" Safaree questioned. "What do you mean?"

"Drake dosnt have anything against you. He was trying to get back at ME, not you and definately not Caiah." She was beyond hysterical now."EVERYTHINGS my fault. It's ALWAYS my fault."

"Nicki wait." Safaree grabbed her arm. "Of course Drake was trying to get back at me as well. Because he's jealous of me. I have you, who isnt jealous of me?"

"Don't make stupid lies to make me feel better SB" Nicki said.

"I'm not Onika. Will you just listen to me." Safaree tried to grab her and put her on his lap but she pushed his hand away again. "Onika, this is not your fault. Let me comfort you! Let me be your boyfriend. Please Nic."

"Faree, i can't look at you right now, all i feel is guilt." Before she turned away she said " Now go get ready,  we need to speak to Cai" Nicki walked off to the bathroom, grabbing some of her clothes on the way.

SB just watched helplessly. He felt like there was nothing he could say or do to make his love feel better. Sighing, he got himself ready, he knew as soon as Nicki saw there son, she would feel immediatly better.
Nicki and Safaree were still not speaking to each other. The paps were still hounding them but it was not as bad as the previous day, but getting to Mama Carols door was quite difficult. Nicki knocked on the door, which was immediatly opened.

"Get in" Mama Carol hissed.

Nicki turned and frowned at Safaree who looked just as confused as she did. They followed her into the lavish dining room, both searching for there son, eager to see him after a long week without him.

"Where's Cai mom?" Nicki asked.

"You think I'm going to let you see MY son after all of this?Mama Carol sniggered at them and continued. "All you've done is brought havoc into MY sons life. These men with the cameras havnt left him alone all week. I'm disgusted with you. Your treating him like a publicity stunt."

"Mom? Do you really think we wanted this to happen? He's not your son mom, he's OURS. We would never want this to happen to him , why would you think that?"

"I would'nt put it past you. And you two getting back together? You expect me to believe that?"

"Mom, I know your just trying to look out for him, but we are ood parents."

"Good parents?" she snorted."Your the worst parenst ive ever seen. If you think im going to let you see Cai ever again your mistaken." Mama Carol turned as if she was about to walk away, but Nicki stood up, in shock.

Safaree pulled her back down, worried she was going to slap her in the face. "Mama Carol is this what Macaiah said?"

"he cant make his own decisions Safaree. He's 13, dont be so naive, he dosnt have a clue what he wants. He never loved you, just what you bought him." she replied harshly.

" You can't do this mom." Nicki shrieked.

"Do what?"

"Keep us from our son!"

"He's my son. You may have given birth to him but ive raises him while you've been off having a great time. Macaiah's mine."

"NO" Nicki shouted in her moms face.

"Who do you think you are, shouting at me in my house Onika? Get out, no one wants to see you around here. Run along."

"Mom, please can we just see our son? For a few minutes. We need to see him please" Nicki begged and pleaded. While all this was going on Safaree was thinking about what he was going to do.

"Nicki, you heard your mom, go get in the car. I just need to got to the bathroom."

Nicki turned to stare at Safaree. " Safaree? What are you saying, why are you not fighting for our son? What the fucks wrong with you?"

"NICKI" he raised his voice and said it sternly. Nicki stared at him tears in her eyes and she saw a look in his eye. Although he sounded harsh and stern his eyes read reassurance and trust. Nicki got up and stormed out, not looking at her mother. Safaree also got up heading for the stairs. He glanced at Mama Carol quickly and made sure she wasn't following him. When he reached the top of the stairs, he had made his plan.  He ran to Macaiah's room and knocked, praying he opened his door quickly.

Macaiah opened the door, puffy eyed and red in the face. As soon as he saw his father, his eyes lit up.

"Dad!" Macaiah said excitedly.

"Ssssshhh." Safaree pulled at Macaiahs arm and dragged him to the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind them.

"Cai, I've got to be quick. Mama Carol dosnt want me and your mom seeing you. I have 1 question. Do you still want to be part of me and your moms lives? I mean after all thats happened."

"Yes Dad" Macaiah threw his arms around his Dads waist and held on tightly, like he never wanted to let go. " I wanna live with you and mom. But Mama Carol won't let me see you guys any more" he was hystercal now, just like his mother that morning."Dad please, get me out of this house. Ive been trying to ring you but she took my phone away and when i shouted at her she just grounded me. Dad please. I can't not see you anymore. Help me."

Safaree felt heartbroken. There was no doubt in his mind that he was going to help his son, but currently he just didn't know how.

"Son? I need you to stick it out a couple more hours. Can you do that? I know it will be hard but can you do that for me?"

Macaiah nodded as Safaree wiped at his sons tears.

"Me and your mom love you. We'll be back okay? I wish i could stay longer and comfort you but Mama Carol will get suspicious."

They hugged and Safaree kissed Caiah on the top of his head.

"Love you Dad."

"Love you to son. And if your mom was here she would say it as well, but i thought if she was in this house any longer she might slap Mama Carol round the face."

The both giggled and Macaiah left the bathroom and snuck into his room while Safaree ran down the stairs noisily so Mama Carol wouldn't hear Macaiah walking around upstairs. He walked briskly to the car, asking himself "Why is life so damn difficult" he asked himself aloud.


  1. Dam mama carol being difficult she need to let cai make his own decions. And nic can't be blamin her self for wht drake did. I. Glad cai wants to live with soon!!

  2. Damn. Cia needs to live with them. Great chapter. Post sooner than soon.


  4. Ok mama Carol I love u and all but ya gotta go. KEEPING CAIAH HOSTAGE FOH LADY! They BETTA get Caiah back. Ch-

  5. Aw my poor Nic blaming herself for Drake acting like a dumb jealous ass bitch and telling the hole fuckn world =( SB is trying his best to help Nicki feel better but she just wont let him, i feel bad for him cuz he just wants to be there for her... poor guy. Yo GTFOH Mama Carol is losing her fuckn mind, do she really think they would do that as a lil stunt... like FOH! I feel so bad for Cai, Mama Carol just trying to control everyfucknthing and that aint cute, she need to give them their son!
    Great chapter, post soon


  6. OMG this is so evil! Poor Nic! I know Safaree's not gonna let Mamma Carol keep them from their son. Fix it please! :( Post really soon!

  7. WOW MAMA Carol is being so irrational, i wish she'd let go and let nic be a mother, she is an artist she can't help what the public says or finds out smh!!! i hope it all works out, great chpt!

  8. :( The chapter is over already??? But good chapter I love Cai and Safaree's relationship its too cute but i have a feeling that nicki is gonna be mad that he went to talk to him with out her. But on another not Mama carol is acting like a .... i can't say but you catch my drift she's trippin but i hope everything goes well. great chapter post soon :)

  9. Mama carol is being unreasonable. I. Glad cai wants to live with soon
