Wednesday 11 April 2012

I'm Sorry.

Before Wayne replied, SB already knew he it was. To him, it was quite obvious, no one in his family or Nicki's would family would tell the press about Macaiah, and if Wayne hadn't it just left Drake.

"It was Drake, he said it at a press conference. I'm sorry Nic. I'm just about as mad as you are."

Nicki didn't know what to say. Her and Drake might not have been on the best terms right now, but before she was really connected to him. She thought he was a gentleman and this just didn't seem like him at all.

"Ok Wayne. I'm ganna go. Luv"

"Luuv Barbie, bye."

Nicki dropped her phone and stared at Safaree, waiting for him to say something.

"I fucking hate that pretty gay ass girl. Why the FUCK WOULD HE DO THAT." Safaree looked like he was going to punch someone. SB was rarely angry because he was a very tolerant man, but this had really got him pissed. Why would Drake feel the need to do that. For all he cared Drake could say any shit about him, but messing with his family was something else. If he had said shit about Nicki, he would have been mad, but saying something that could affect his 13 year old sons life made him fuming.

Nicki stared at Safaree. He was visibly mad. His fists were clenched and Nicki decided it was one of these times were SB needed some space. She knew there nothing she could say or do that would make him less mad. They sat in silence until they pulled up to the hotel in New York.

"Faree?" Nicki stroked the back of his head gently.

He looked her way.

"I'm ganna go to TT's for a little bit. I think you need some time to yourself, i know how mad you are, and i know you hate me seeing you mad. So i'll be back later okay?"

"Kay." he got out of the car and got the luggage. Nicki was telling the driver the directions to TT's when Safaree opened the door again.

"Nicki?" Safaree still looked pissed and his eyes looked hurt and angry. "Don't go see Cai without me. We havnt seen him for a week and when we get back to see each other i want it to be all of us. As a family. Is that okay?"

"I wouldn't dream of it. I won't be too long, but if you want me to come back soon, just give me a call okay?"

"Okay baby." He gave her a gentle kiss on the lips and walked into the hotel.

Nicki sighed and sunk into her seat. Not only was Drake saying this going to make her life hard, it would put a strain on everything. Now, the paps would be desperate to get an exclusive picture. Nicki wasnt sure if they knew Safaree was the father and she wasnt sure if they knew about her and Safarees relationship either. She turned on her phone and rang TT.

"TT? Please say your in."

"Yeh babe, im just doing laundry. Why whats wrong?"

"Im on my way, i'll explain then"

"Okay Nic, see you soon. Keep your held high, whatevers wrong okay?"

Nicki smiled and put the phone down. She looked out the window and saw what seemed like millions of cars swarming around them, following Nicki to wherever she was going. She clutched at Big Dream's hand who was now sitting where Safaree previously was, as he was worried on the paps would try and get into the car with Nicki whilst they were moving. He squeezed back, silently reassuring her that nothing would happen to her whilst he was there.

When the car pulled into TT's road Nicki looked at Big Dream for guidance.

"Dream, how the hell am i ganna get out of this car? There are fucking loads of them. I'm never going to get in the house."

"What i would suggest is, we get out of the car as quick as possible and we are just going to have to make a run for it Nic. Just hold onto me and ill get you inside just fine okay?"

"Okay." Nicki did feel safe with Dream, but always felt more safe when Safaree was around in these situations, especially as the paps seemed so desperate for the gossip, that they didnt seem to be humane at all. Nicki pulled up her hood and Big Dream exited the car and ran to her door. She jumped out and grabbed his hand. There were so many camera's in her face and people around her they just couldnt move at all. The door to TT's house was about 30 metres away and they couldnt even move 1 metre at the moment.

Big Dream knew he had to take charge. "GET OUT OF THE FUCKING WAY, SHES ILL." he shouted. Nicki looked up at him in suprise.

He carried in with the lie. "SHES ABOUT TO PASS OUT, LET HER IN THE HOUSE" he pushed past her and got her to the doorway. By now TT was at the door laughing. She found it hilarious that so many people were interested in her best friend. Nicki got in the house and Big Dream called " I'll be in the car, text me when your ready to leave and ill get you from the door."

"Okay" she replied, still laughing at his blatant lie just so that they would move. TT and Nicki greeted each and TT went to get them drinks whilst Nicki sat on the couch. TT sat down and looked at her miserable friend.

"Nicki, spill".

Meanwhile, Safaree had got into the hotel and unpacked his clothes. Sometimes he didnt unpack in hotels if they were moving on quickly, but they were in New York for a week now. After the unpacking he kicked off his sneakers, pants, jewelry, hat and t shirt and jumped into bed. It was only 7:00 PM but he felt emotionally drained. He was mentally restraining himself from finding out where Drake was and killing him. He had just done the pettiest thing, just because he was mad at Nic for dumping him. He wanted to know exactly what Drake had said, who he had said to and why so he pulled up his laptop and googled Drakes name. It immediatly came up a million news results about Drake snitching on Nicki. He clicked on the first video which came up, which was named 'Drake tells all on Nicki Minaj'.

*Drake Press Conference*

Interviewer: Drake, over the years there have been many rumours about you and your label mate Nicki Minaj.

Drake looked at the reporter and smirked. He knew this was the time to get back at Nicki for dumoing him for no apparent reason. He cleared his throat and started.

"Actually i do have something to say about Miss Nicki Minaj." Drake looked around at all the reporters in the room that looked intrigued and happy they were getting an exclusive scoop. He continued.

"Yes we did date. But Nicki harshly dumped me after 3 months, to be honest i was going to dump her but you know. Shes kinda messed up so i didnt want to. But anyway she dumped me because well, her and her pussy whipped assistant have this fucked up little affair going on. And basically they had a kid like 13 years ago, and didnt tell anyone. Not even him. And now they told him and i walked in to her hotel the other day to ummm, return some stuff to her. And he was there."

The reporters looked stunned and shocked. "Is this true?" one of them piped up.

"Defineately." Drake gave a smug look and walked out smirking at everyone as he walked past them. Finally he felt like Nicki was going to be hurt, just like she hurt him before.
*End of Drake Video*

Safaree picked up the laptop and was about to throw it. The laptop was high above his head and as his hands went to throw it the movement caused his wallet to fall out of his pocket onto the bed. It fell open, exposing the picture of him, his son, and the love of his life. His breathing immediatly regulated. He knew, beating up Drake and getting agressive with the laptop, or anything else for that matter, would make him feel better. But he knew he would make Nicki cry. He pictured her crying, tears streaming down her face, making them cure little sniffling noises. He lowered the laptop and put it back down. He looked back at the laptop and was about to log off when something caught his eye. One of the related videos was named
" Nicki Minaj and Safaree Samuels's love child first encounter of fame."

Safaree clicked onto the video and watched his son trying to walk out of school. He looked suprised at the papparazi and a huge grin appeared on his face. Safaree was confused, why was Macaiah happy to see these people. Subtitles appeared on the bottom of the screen.
*Video of Cai*
"Yo Cai? Is your mom and Dad picking you up?"

"Not that i know of. Unless, they're doing it as a suprise." Macaih grinned and looked around, looking for his parents, when one of the photographers called out. "NO, WE ARE HERE FOR YOU. MACAIAH MARAJ, HOW DO YOU FEEL AFTER YOU'VE FOUND OUT YOUR MOTHER IS MISS NICKI MINAJ?"

Macaiah frowned and bowed his head, he tried to walk through the crowd but there was so many he couldnt get through.

"You guys can go. I'll be fine by myself." Macaiah said to Danny, Joe and Joe who were trying to help there friend get home.

"We 're not leaving Cai." Danny piped up. Macaiah felt a hand on his back and turned around. His principal was there, "Macaiah, come back inside, we will have to ring your errr, Grandmother? To pick you up." She ushered the boys back inside. Macaiah sniffed trying to hold back tears, he really thought his parents were there then, only to find out his parents were still in Japan, but the whole world knew there secret.

Safaree was nearly crying at the video. He closed down the laptop and put it on the floor. He knew he was going to make Drake pay for this. He got into bed still thinking of the image of his boy not even being able to go home with his friends, like a normal boy of his age, all because of Drake.

Nicki and TT had had a good catch up and Nicki had also seen the videos of Drake spilling the beans and Macaiah not beeing able to go home. TT had seen them earlier in the week and knew she had to show Nic. Nicki had also cried when she saw this. Macaiahs disapointed face reminded her of when she had to leave to go to work when he was younger and he would cry and beg her not to. After she had cried on TT's lap she wanted to go and see him but she had promised SB otherwise so she didnt. She knew she had to go home and tell Safaree about the video's she had seen.


Nicki walked into the hotel room. She couldnt hear anything and figured Safaree had gone out, to get some fresh air or speak to the biys about what had happened, she walked into the bedroom, and was about to start gettin change into something comfy, when she noticed the lump in the bed. As she walked over to him, her foot kicked something, she looked down and realised it was his laptop. Knowing him, she guessed he gone online and searched his name and also seen the video's.

Nicki sighed, knowing how upset Safaree would've been when he saw the video and Nicki was upset she wasn't here to comfort him. She got ready for bed in the bathroom so as not to wake Safaree and threw on one his shirts and a thong. She got into bed and got as close to him as she could. Her hand immediatly went to his chest and she gently rubbed, knowing that that always soothed him.


"Babe? Did I wake you? Im sorry"

"You didnt wake me i wasnt properly asleep just thinking. Anyway, i have to show you something that you arnt ganna like."

Before he could finish she cut him off. "I've already seen. And thank you."

"For what?"

"Not beating Drakes ass. I know you want to."

"I do. So fucking bad. But i wanna be a good role model for my son. And i don't wanna make my girlfriend cry. And i don't want Mama Carol stopping us seeing Cai because i have a criminal record for killing a man soo."

They both laughed and giggled, clutching each other closely. Nicki knew Safaree felt like shit at the moment and knew of one thing that would cheer him up. "Well think of it this way, the faster you go to sleep, the quicker it will be before we see our son. " As expected Safaree grinned broadly and gave Nicki a peck on the lips.

"Well then, I'm off to sleep. Night babe. I love you so much. With all my heart. Never forget that."

"I love you too Faree."

But nicki was having more of a difficult time getting to sleep. She was so upset that Macaiah had to go through that without his parents there and so unexpectedly as well. She hoped Macaiah was going to be okay tomorrow when they saw him, Nicki knew how strong he was and hoped he would'nt be put off seeing them because of the fame that came with it.


  1. Awww poor cai those damn paps need to leave him alone!!! On another Note WHY THE FUCK IS DRAKE SO EVIL WHO THE FUCK DOES THT SHIT I FOREVER HATE HIM !!! I know tht safaree is being the bigger person/role model but he needs to beat drakes ass and I mean a GOOD ass whoopin cause obviously he needs some sense knocked into him! Even if nick or cai try's to stop him from doing tht they NEED to get drake back some how! Like leak his album or something *shrugs* idk just something! ANYWAYS I loved the chapter post soon!

  2. Omg drake is such an ass!! I hope they get drake back. Like drake is so wrong for that, like who does that who does something that would effect a 13 year old boy because ur mad at his mom. Yea Imma need u to post soon like really soon, ( possibly before my spring break is over)

  3. Smfh I knew it was his ol bitch ass. Safaree a good one cuz I woulda kicked his ass. I mean drake looks like he cant fight but always yapping at the mouth. Oh when they get him back, I cannot wait

  4. Ugh.....someone needs to kick Drake's ass but don't make Safaree do it and poor Ciah...I hope that wasn't foreshadowing at the end...and my poor nika :( please post sooner than later!

  5. SMDH i knew it was Light-bright bitch ass that told, thats y nobody like his ass now his stupid ass! Now my poor the fam just sad, like he pulled a bitch move straight up. Yo SB is a good one cuz Drake ass would have got done up, SB better get his boys to handle that since he dont want to teach Cai the wrong thing. The way he had a smirk on his face after he told them is just... ugh it makes my blood boil real talk i want to hurt him. Omg poor Cai was just trapped at the school, i feel mad bad for him and for Onikafaree. I cant wait till they get his lowdown ass back, he gon be sorry for pulling this lil stunt!
    Post ASAP


  6. Yo like Drake need to leave. Someone needs to beat his ass!!!! I feel so bad for Caih :( ughhh Drake is annoying!! Just leave Nicki out of us life she dont want you no more bew.

  7. yoooo omg fuck Drake! Safaree needs to send somebody to beat his ass. Poor Caiah :( He couldn't even walk home :(((

  8. You need to let safaree beat the hell out of drake bitch ass

  9. What a pussy move of him to do that, smh. Poor Caiah tha makes me sad he has to go thru that now, and I really hope he wont be mad at his parents!! as a new reader of ur story, i truly enjoy it!

  10. Can't believe he did tht ...somebody needs beat his ass or at least get him back. Post soon
