Saturday 28 April 2012

Welcome To LA!

Macaiah awoke, startled by a loud noise. He sat up.

"Sleeping Beauty's awoke huh?" Nicki asked, laughing at her son who had slept the whole flight to LA, all the way through the airport and nearly the entire car ride to Nicki and Safaree's LA home.

"Are we in LA already?" Macaiah asked, confused.

"Well does this look like New York to you?" Nicki replied.

Cai sat up straight and looked around. There weren't many cars in the road and it was fairly quiet. The few cars he could see had there roofs open, showing people laughing and nodding there heads to music. The sun was shining and Cai noticed his Dad and Mom must have changed on the plane into shorts and t shirts, he noticed Nicki and Safaree both looked relaxed, almost as if they had left there problems in New York.

"Umm i guess not" he finally replied to his mom. Nicki and Safaree both laughed at his comment as he comically looked out of the window, wanting to see everything. He hadn't really left Queens that much, never mind New York and he couldn't believe how different it was. The car pulled up to a gate where 2 security stood. The driver got out and exchanged something with the guard and got back in the car.

"What are they doing mom?" Cai asked, nodding towards the security.

"Oh, we live in a private road of LA. It means you can't just drive down the road when you want or random people can walk past my house?"

"How comes?"

"Because, if someone ever found out where i lived, and it wasn't private then we'd have millions of paparazzi outside all the time. So you have to have a special key and passcode to get down here."

"Oh" Macaiah watched as the automatic gates opened and the driver proceeded to drive down the road. They passed huge mansions with multiple sports car, and Range's outside. Cai stared in amazement until they pulled up to Nicki's house. Nicki turned and shook Safaree gently to wake him up.

Cai got out of the car and stared in awe at the house. It was getting late now, so it was getting a bit dark although Cai felt like it was morning because he slept so much on the way.

"This is really yours?" Cai asked as his mom and Dad got out of the car and the driver started dragging bags to the house.

"Yep" Nicki said casually, following Safaree and the driver to the door. As soon as it was opened Nicki grabbed Macaiah's hand and led him straight upstairs,

"Mom, where are we going?"

She pulled him to the top floor and stopped when they got to the door.

"Now listen, we had to do this kind of last minute the other day and your going to have to come shopping to get some things for your person taste but i hope this will do for now okay?" She opened the door and gently pushed Cai into the room to look around.

"are you for real?" Macaiah walked over to the desk and stared at the brand new mac, gently touching the top. "This is ALL mine?"

"Course it is lambchop". She smiled as he walked around in amazement touching all of his new stuff. He ran to his mom and wrapped his arms round her waist.

"Thank you mom. For everything, not just the laptop and stuff, i mean like thinking about me. Making me the priority of your life, i really appreciate this. I haven't even looked round this house yet, but i know its my home. Because you and Dad are here, and i love you guys so much."

"I love you to lambchop. Just always remember that okay? Me and your Dad will always love you no matter what." They clutched onto each other for a bit until Nicki said " right lambchop, imma go unpack some stuff, go get your bags from your Dad and do the same, then I'll fix us some dinner?"

"Kay mom".

--------------------------------------------2 HOURS LATER-------------------------------------------------

Nicki, Safaree and Macaiah sat at the table eating dinner, as a family laughing and joking loudly.

"dad, tell me one of your jokes again?" Cai giggled.

"Okay, I've gotta good one." Safaree said sitting up like a business man as if he was going to say something important.

"Oh jesus Faree, not another one" she groaned.

Cai giggled loudly, trying to stop tears from streaming down his face. His cheeks hurt from laughing so much in the game room with his Dad as Nicki was cooking dinner.

"Whats brown and sticky?" Safaree asked, looking at his girlfriend and son with a cheesy grin on his face.

Nicki and Cai put on silly confused faces, Nicki stroking a pretend beard and Cai cocking his head to the side.

"Give up?" Safaree asked.

"Yeh, tell us Dad" Cai asked already laughing knowing the answer would be stupid.

"A stick!"

Cai threw his head back laughing at how bad his dads jokes were, Nicki groaned at the awful joke but was silently laughing at Cai's cute giggle and how he reacted with his Dad. Macaiah clearly adored his Dad and Safaree obviously was completely in love with his son. Nicki had never seen Safaree this happy in her life, he had a gleam in his eye that Nicki had never seen before.

"Dad, can i ask a question?"

"Hit me."

Nicki stared intently at her son who had widened his eyes and slightly pouted his bottom lip, making him look like an innocent little boy again.

"Am i allowed a beer, so i can be like you?"

"Of course you can Cai." Nicki was taken aback at his answer. Surely Safaree was not about to give there 14 year old son a beer on his first night living with them? They had both agreed that they weren't going to give there son whatever they wanted just to avoid arguments.

Macaiah was as equally surprised as his mom. He had asked knowing his father would say no but he thought there was no harm in trying. Safaree walked back in with a cold beer from the fridge. Nicki didn't say anything because she trusted Safaree, she just wasn't sure what he was going to do.  Safaree put the beer on the mantle piece.

"Cai, when your 21 feel free to have that beer, in fact the day before your 21, i might even give you 2. Period"

Macaiah sighed, "what about when I'm 19?"

Nicki smiled at Safaree and leaned on his arm, he was being so mature and even though he was desperate to keep this good relationship that he had right now with his son, he was being a good parent and responsible.


Cai sighed, "But Daaaaad! You said I was mature!"

"You are. Which is why you know your way too young to drink."

Before Macaiah could respond the doorbell went off loudly. Nicki frowned, because no one was scheduled to come and not many people knew there address.

Safaree walked to the door and opened it.

"Hey SB? Long time no see, thought i might chill with you and Nic tonight?"
Nicki's top

Nicki's shorts. ( i have these lol)

Cai's top.
Cai's shorts.
SB's shorts

SB's Top

I know this chapter aint that good but the next chapter will be better, i just couldn't go straight into new drama. Anyways, who do you guys reckon is at the door? 10 comments this time?


  1. Amaze chapter ur a amazing ass writer got my eyes glued to this screen!! I hate when ur chapter end *pouts* just know ur an Amazing writer ok?k. On to the chapter Safaree is dumb for that joke lmaooooo and cai is so adorable with his mom and dad !!!! For a second I thought Safaree was gonna let him have the beer then he responded with something intelligent. Great Chapter as always!!!! Post really really really really really really really soon lmaoooo

  2. Uh uh they are all crazy. Awwwwwwwwwww he loves his parents, he cute. Who df is at the door messing up the family moment smh

  3. Awww I love their cute little relationship maciah is in love with his parents!!!! I'm guessing it's Lauren or candi at the door?

  4. Ok Safaree is mad dumb for that joke. lol. I love how cute they are right now and whoever it is at the door needs to leave. k.

  5. Um Safaree that joke was.. yeah. k. Lmfao.. they're soooo cute! Whoever is at that door is not wanted, at all. So can they just disappear. interrupting family time n shit like no.

  6. can't wait for the next one :))

  7. That house and that room was GREAT!!! I really was wondering what SB was gonna do with that beer LOL. Everything is finally coming together aaaawwww

  8. LOVIN IT!!!!!!

  9. Yoo that house is sick, and Cai's room is like dope as shit it look all high tech Nshit lol. Aw they convo was just the cutest, like Cai loves them so much and has no hard feelings about giving him to Mama C (well so far *side eyes u*) Eww Safaree sucks at telling jokes lol but Cai is really laughing his ass off at that crap, he just silly. Aw SB that was a good answer, i was holding my breath i though he was going to let him take a sip then it would have been a problem. Not Cai really trying to drink tho... like boy if u dont sit ur ass ZOWN!! Who the hell at the door? Just messed up a good family moment. It better not be Light-bright!
    Great chapter boo as always, post soon!


  10. I thought Candi and them were at the door at first! This was mad cute and funny when Ciah asked for a beer I knew Safaree was betta than that. :))
