Saturday 21 April 2012

The plan goes ahead

Safaree got into the car and turned to Nicki.

" Nicki, ring Martin, get him to book a flight back to LA at the latest time tonight." he turned to the driver. " Can you drive us back to the hotel please?" The driver nodded and started up the car whilst SB sat not looking at Nicki, thinking things through. Nicki was taken aback now, as well as angry. She wasn't used to Safaree ordering her around, it just wasn't in his nature to be like that at all. She stared at him, trying to figure what the hell he was doing, ordering her about, as if the whole dilemma wasn't happening at all. As if Mama Carol hadn't just told them they were never going to see there son ever again. As if the previous night when he cried himself to sleep just seeing his son cry didn't happen. 

"SAFAREE!" she screamed. She just wanted some kind of reaction to what was happening. She hated the fact that he could read her emotions like a book, but at the time she didn't have any clue what was going through his mind, because he was behaving the exact opposite to normal. When something got to him, it showed, just like last night where he damn near threw his laptop at the wall after seeing a video. But today was different.


He grabbed at her wrists, holding them tight, but not enough to hurt her. "Nicki, I'm staying calm to help you calm down, and so that i can think."

"Safaree, if your even thinking of making me get on a plane to leave New York, without seeing my son, your crazy. Just crazy. It wont happen okay?"

"Good because its not going to. I have this figured out. Macaiah has half term right now. That means 9 days off. We didn't have anything planned for this week as we thought we would spend a week with Cai on day trips and stuff, and a couple of weeks finding beats for album number 3."

Nicki nodded, listening.

"We can take Cai back to LA with us. I can protect us from the paparazzi. He can get out of that house. We can be a proper family, in our home this time, not just a hotel like last time. This time will be real Nic, start of a new life, just us 3."

"Safaree, we can't just do that. He might not be comfortable babe? Remember we said we wouldn't move forward with this arrangement without him suggesting it first."

"Oh, didn't i mention?" Safaree clutched at her hands. " He wants to live with us. He wants to be a family just as much as we do."

Safaree grinned at Nicki, expecting her to be smiling back but instead she dropped his hands and sank back into her seat. SB looked confused until she covered her face with both her hands, he realised she was crying. He got close to her, the first time the whole morning and prised her hands away from her face.

"Baby? Why are you the only person who acts really sad when they're actually really happy. It confuses the shit outta me babe. Why you gotta cry Nic?" he teased playfully.

"I'm just overwhelmed. My baby wants to live with us. Oh my god."

"I know this is a really joyful occasion but i there's no time for this. To be honest i didn't really want to tell you but Macaiah's miserable in that house. Mama Carol hasn't been treating him the same ever since he got back from the weekend with us and he's been grounded and got his phone taken off of him. He hasn't been out since the incident at his school and Mama Carol has just been laying into him about stuff."

"What? Why is she being mad at him for something he had no control over? He's just a kid. We agreed she would still treat him the same!"

"I know Nicki, i guess shes a bit jealous maybe? You know its difficult for her as well as him i guess"

"I know that Safaree but it does not mean she can just treat a 13 year old boy like that. Taking his phone away? Like that means he hasn't been able to speak to his friends either? Oh god, he must be completely miserable right now." 

"He is Nic, which is why we need to work together right now, figure out how to Cai out of there and quick. 

"Okay babe. What are you thinking so far?" Nicki asked.

" Well your not going to like this idea at all, but i really don't think your mom is in a reasonable mood right now. And we really don't have the time to wait for her mood to change, i cant leave my son in that house for any longer Nicki, i really can't. So we are just going to have to take him when shes not around."

"I don't know Faree." She sighed." I'm not comfortable going behind her back like that."

"I know. But I'm more comfortable going behind her back than leaving my son in that house. Its hard for you because you didn't see him, but he was distraught. His eyes were puffy and he was crying. I never want to see him like that again ever Nicki."

Nicki could see Safaree getting emotional just talking about it which showed her just how important the situation is.

She quickly picked up her phone and speed dialled her only brother.

"Hey bro. I need your help, just dont ask any questions okay?"

"Okay Nicki, you name it."

"Can you take mom and Dad out to dinner tonight? Like fairly late?"

"Umm, sure sounds fine. But why?"

"I said don't ask questions Jay!" Nicki replied quickly.

Jelani could tell it was important because of how quickly his little sister he knew so well got so angry. 

"Okay Nic. I'll text you when i leave. I'm guessing i should leave Cai at home?"

"Yes please. Don't worry, hes grounded so mom wouldn't have let him come anyway."

"Okay Nic, that's fine, you know id do anything to help you out don't you?"

"Thanks bro, i really appreciate it. Oh, and one more thing?"


"When you arrive to pick mom up, go up to Cai's room and tell him pack as much stuff as he can, all the necessities and everything else, but tell him not to worry if he runs outta bags we can always pick more stuff up later and buy more stuff in LA."

"LA?" Jelani rubbed his head." Please don't tell me your taking Cai to LA without mom knowing?"

"Well....... I don't wanna lie to you Jay"

"You know what. I trust you and your husband. I know your doing whats right for him. Just ring me when you get there? That's all i ask."

"Sure Jay, thanks again. I love you so much."

"Not as much as i love you Nic."

She hung up and looked at Safaree. We need to repack all of our stuff. Cancel all interviews and meetings and appearances for the next 10 days. That will take quite a while because everyone will want to argue with us about having to cancel but we're going to have to say its a family emergency. Then as soon as we done, we come get Cai, get all his stuff in the car and take him to the airport. Its not healthy for him to be in that house right now."

-----------------------5 HOURS LATER-------------------------------

Nicki and SB were in the car driving to Mama Carols house, when Nicki gotta text.

Jelani: Nicki if you havnt already got Cai, you need to hurry the fuck up, Mom felt sick we had to leave mad early.

"Oh shit" Nicki said aloud.

"What?" Safaree said, he noticed she was looking at her phone so peered down and saw what it read. They were 2 minutes away from the house by now but Safraee was more worried that they would not get all of Cai's stuff in the car in time. 

"Right, we need to be mad quick right now Nicki".

As soon as they pulled up they jumped out of the car running to open the door, luckily Cai must have been watching for them out of the window as the door flung open as they were still running down the path.

"Son, i know you wanna say hi to us and stuff but we need to hurry. Help up get your bags into the car okay?"

"Kay dad" he replied obediantly, knowing he would be able to hug and kiss his parents in the car but he could see the serious look on his fathers face and knew he needed to hurry some kind of reason. As Nicki was pulling one of Cai's suitcases to the car, she saw them.

They had taken Nicki's dads car and Nicki saw it turn the corner into the road. She stopped moving and stared, her Dad was staring back was slowing down the car. Her mom must have been in the back seat as Nicki couldnt see her at all. She closed her eyes and waited for the car to pull up and her mother to get out, obviously not going to be happy about them taking her son. As she opened her eyes back to reality she saw the car turn around and exit the road.

"What?" she said aloud. She knew her father had seen her but still just left. Until she saw her brothers hand stick out of the car window giving her the thumbs up. She smiled, she knew her brother had her back.

"Nicki. Everythings packed, get in the car before they get back" Safaree yelled from the car.

She ran to the car and shoved the bag she was carrying into the unocupyed front seat and squished into the back with her family. She looked to her left to see Macaiah crying on Safaree's chest. 

"Its okay now lambchop, your coming with us." Nicki said, trying to reassure him. 

"I know. I knew you were going to come."

"How?" Nicki asked.

"because Dad promised, and i prayed to God. And you always say if your good and you work hard and pray you'll get what you want right?"

"Right" Nicki said, pulling Macaiah closer to her and smothering him with maternal kiss's. She held him to her and rocked and looked at Safaree who was looking at them with a huge smile on his face. By now Nicki thought Macaiah had fallen asleep on her.

"What you laughing at coon" she whispered to Safaree.

Macaiah let out a loud snort." You know i can hear you when you whisper mom"! he said. They all erupted into laughter and got into a comfy position for the ride to the airport. 
SB's t shirt
SB's jeans

Nicki's leggings.Sleeveless Denim Shirt
Ones of Macaiahs bags.
Macaiah's jeans
Cai's hoodie


  1. ooooohhhhh Mamma Carol's gonna be mad, don't make her call the police or anything tho :/ lol. Post soon!

  2. OMGGGGG I'm so happy they got away! I was on the edge of my seat when I thought they were about to get caught! I love Jelani, he always has Nic's back :) But Mama Carol is gunna be maddddd! Loved this chapter! Post soon :)

  3. Yoooooooooooo I loved this! You have to post soon I need this!

  4. WHOOOAAAA!!! I really thought they were gonna get caught. Some real drama bout to go down

  5. Yoooooo like that scared me I thought they were gonna get caught!!!! You know how to choose outfits cuz they were mad cute but besides that this chapter was crazy like I was on the edge of my seat good chapter post soon. :)

  6. Just had surgery so i cant really do a long comment.

    I love how SB just keeping his self calm and taking charge of the situation, i know it had to be hard for him. Poor Nic i feel bad for her, i know its mad hard to go through something like that... and her mom being the person thats making it so hard at that UGH smh. Glad Nicki just doing wut SB said and not making it harder then wut it already is. Aw good Jelani going to help out, thank god somebody is. Oh crap i thought they was caught, so Robert turned the car around... aw YAY! Im so happy they got away without getting caught

