Saturday 24 March 2012


"Babe?" Nicki whined from the couch. She had really bad stomach cramps that had just come on after she had gotten out the shower and she hated being in pain. SB came out of the shower with a towel wrapped round his waist and a concerned look on his face.

"Whats wrong?" He asked staring intently into Nicki's watery eyes as she rubbed at her belly slowly. Her eyes squinted at the pain and she curled into a ball at the corner of the bed. She knew they were just period pains but this time they were really bad and worse than ever before.

"I have super bad period pains and they hurt Faree."

SB screwed up his face at the word period and tried to hide it because he knew Nicki wasnt in the mood for jokes right now. He bent down and kissed her temple, "Gimme 5 minutes and i'll be back."

He ran off down the hall, but then quickly came back. Nicki frowned wondering what the hell he was doing whilst his eyes were searching round the room for something. He finally found the remote and handed it to Nicki, "find something to watch whilst im bored babe, i dont want you to be bored."

She smiled with gratitude weakly and turned the tv on and started flicking channels. She thanked God in her mind that he had given her a man that really cared about her and thought about her before himself, she knew it was rare in this day and age.

Meanwhile, in SB's room, he hurriedly lotioned and dressed in some pyjama bottoms and a white plain top. He found some aspirin in his bedside cabinet from when Nicki was in pain in the night for whatever reason and came into his room for a hug and a shoulder to cry on. He ran to Nicki's room and walked to her closet and found her pink fluffy water bottle, that he knew was good for period pains because when he was younger he had asked his sister why she needed a hot water bottle in the summer and she had very awkwardly told him they were good for period pains.

"What else?" he said to himself. Looking all around the room he saw Oscar and Elinor on her couch and hung them round his neck. Closing his door, behind him he walked back into the lounge to see Nicki still clutching his stomach watching Judge Judy.

He smiled at her give a weak smile to something Judge Judy had said and walked to the kitchen. He put on the kettle and poured Nicki a glass of water that she could take with her aspirin. He poured her a huge glass of her diet lemonade with ice, a bowl of skittles, nerds and white chocolate buttons and obviously her cranberries and almonds. The kettle was now boiled and he filled up the water bottle and put all her stuff on a tray.

Nicki heard him walk back into the room and turned around to see him walking in carrying a big ass tray of food and drinks, Osc and Ellie round his neck and a thoughtful expression on her face. She giggled at his concentration as he put the tray onto the coffee table.

Her eyes immediatly lit up at the skittles and tried to grab them but he grabbed her wrist playfully.

"Aspirin first, I know you love skittles babe, but they arnt gonna help the pain go away. "

"Okay." She swallowed the aspirin and looked desperately for some water. He handed it to her and she gulped half of it down. "Skittles now?" she asked sweetly.

"Not yet baby" he replied. "Lie back, get comfy." She did as she was told and sinked into her comfortable couch. He got the hot water bottle and lifted up her top, so as to put the hot water bottle into place. "Too hot?" he asked caringly.

She shook her head and he put her pink blanket round her, tucking in the sides. Lastly he got her bowl of candy and handed it to her. "Thanks babe"

"No problem" He unmuted Judge Judy. "I'm just going to get some food, I know what you want so dont offend me and tell me" She giggled. "I'll be back soon, the aspirin will kick in soon baby".

"Love you Faree"

"Love you to."

Nicki sighed at her perfect life. She tried to block the thought that it would never be quite perfect unless she was a proper family without her son with them as well, but the thought was always there. She didn't know who to call because the only person who would understand was Safaree and she loved him so much that she didnt want to depress him just because she was. She decided to ring Candi. She had gone home for a while back to New York because her mums best friend had had stroke and Mama Candi needed some support.

The phone rung and rung for what seemed like forever until someone picked up.

"Hey Candi, you free to talk i really need someone to talk too."

"Oh hey Nika. It's me Damon, i havent spoken to you for a minute! We miss you over here girl"


Nicki and Damon hadn't spoken in years and Nicki had, to be quite honest, forgotten how cloe they were.

"Candi's at the hospital and she must have left her phone here at home by accident."

"Oh yeh, how is your mums friend?"

"She's doing well according to Candi. The Doctors say she might be able to come home in a couple weeks. Anyway whats good with you? You sounded mad sad earlier?"

SB walked into the house to hear Nicki on the phone. He didnt know who she was speaking to but figured it could be something important so stayed quite as he took his jacket and shoes off.

"Oh, it dosn't matter now. I dont wanna bore you with this long ass story."

"Nicki, i can tell you aint right? Wheres Safaree or Lauren ?"

"Laurens out right now. And i dont wanna talk to Safaree because he's happy right now and i dont wanna bring him dow ya know?"

"I know what you mean but i think its dumb. You know SB would be more depressed that your feeling this kinda way and not telling him that whatever your depressed about. You know what he's like Nic. When your sad and he don't know, he feels like a complete failure. He hates it, he completely beats himself up about it."

"I know Damon. I'm ganna have a think. Thanks for the advise tho. And ring me tomorrow. I miss this Damon."

"aight Nic, miss u 2 . Get some sleep please, Candi tells me u mad stressed.!"

Nicki hung up and snuggled more into the blanket wondering wether to tell Safaree how horrible she was feeling inside. SB had been standing outside the door hearing the conversation. Damon was right, SB was completely beating himself up about it. He felt like the worst boyfriend to not know that the one he loved was feeling like complete shit. He walked in and stared at her.

"Hey Babe" she said trying to force a smile. "What did you get me?"

He was holding the bag with food in but dropped it on the floor. He walked towards her with a blank expression and lifted her up bridal style.

"Safaree, what the hell are you doing? I was comfy." She thought he was just picking her up and wanted to kiss to her to be cute but without saying a word he walked towards the bedroom, holding her tight and kicked the door oped with his foot.

"SB?" Nicki was a bit scared, confused and anxious. She was completely clueless as to what was going on.

Safaree leaned down about 3 inches from the bed and dropped her down. He walked to the door and she thought he was going to leave. "Safaree say something! Whats happening Where are you going??"

He walked to the door, closed it and locked it, putting the key in a safe place. He walked back to the bed and sat on it staring at her.

"Go." he simply stated.

"What the fuk have you taken u weirdo? Go what? We aint playing no monopoly Faree?"

"I mean go. As in tell me. We said we were telling each other everything. And you havnt. So we arnt leaving until you tell me."
"Listen, im fine. Theres no point in making you sad for no reason. And im feeling better already honest."

Nicki could have gone on for hours with bad excuses but SB just cut her off. "I dont care. You've made me sad by not telling me anyway so theres not poinmt in worrying about that now. If your not ganna tell me for your sake, tell me for mine."

She sighed and positioned herself to stare right in his eyes.

"Well its just. Now that me, you and Cai got on so well this weekend. I didnt wanna let go you know? I felt like it was the start of something new, something great. And now i feel like ive lost him. That something greats, vanished. He's back to my mom and I miss him. But i dont wanna tell him this because its way too much pressure to put on a 13 year old you know? I dont know how this is going to work. Like what kinda parent am i who just visits my son whenever i can fit him in? I feel like the worst mom, I didnt tell my son i was his mom for 13 years and when i do i spend a weekend with him and leave him for Japan? What kinda person am i nowadays?"

The words tumbling out of Nicki's mouth made her feel better and SB sat and really thought about what she said. After a couple minutes silence Nicki spoke up.

"Babe? What are you thinking?"

"Its weird..."

"What is Faree?"

"You just kind of summed up these feelings that i didn't really know i had. " They both smiled. "Anyway Onika-"

Nicki coughed.

"How you gonna interrupt me when im bout to get all emotional?"

"You know i hate that name."

"Well you call me Faree and i dont complain."

"Faree's cute. Onika's not. Its not even a name. Its like a noise--" She stopped herself before she went on a rant about her hatred of her name that both herself and Safaree had heard a million times before. "Anyway what were gonna say?"

"Well basically when i was speaking to Cai earlier in the car and he got a little bit upset." Before he could carry on Nicki gasped.

"My lmabchop got upset? Why didnt you tell me ? What was wrong? Did he cry? Is he okay now? Should we get a flight back to New York?" Nicki spoke at a mile a minute and looked panic stricken at the end of it all.

"He's fine hes fine. I sorted it. I didnt tell you because we sorted it out, yes he cried a bit, hes completely fine now, and no we dont need to go back to NY, you little drama queen. Anyways back to the story, I think Cai feels the same way as we do. The way he described his feelings were like the same as mine and yours. I dont wanna promise you this babe, but i wouldnt be suprised if Cai wanted to live with us in the near future"

Nicki's eye lit up like a kid with candy. "ReallY?"


Nicki snuggled into his side and closed her eyes. "I have missed this so much"

"Wait, we cant lie like this." Safaree said.

"Why?" Nicki asked, a bit suprised. They always slept like that for there entire previous relationship.

"Lay on your back." She did as she said, because she trusted him but was still confused. She laid on her back and he turned on his side, placing his hand on her belly and rubbing, really lightly in circular motions.

"What the hell are you doing Faree?" She laughed at his random weirdness.

"You promise not to make fun of me?"


"When i went to get food, i googled what makes period pains go away, and some weird forum thing said that getting someone to rub your belly actually helps tummy pains. So i figured if i did this all night, by morning, you'll be pain free?"

Nicki tried to hold them in but erupted in girly giggles.

"Hey, you said you werent going to make fun????" SB laughed.

"I'm sorry babe, its just cute." She cupped his face and lifted her head up to kiss him on the chin. He kissed back and they were about to start getting passionate again but he pulled away.

"WHAT NOW?" she said venting her frustration.

"Babe, i dont wanna get you all excited, and then not being able to do anything."

"Who said we cant do anything? We dont have to wait the whole 5 month thing because we just got back together, it dont work like that if you were already together before you idiot!"

"i know that. I was more thinking because of... " he trailed off and nodded his head towards her vagina.

"OH YEAH!" they both started cracking up laughing.

"Anyway babe, im hungry, you know my period always makes me made hungry all the time, can we go eat now."

"Sure sweetheart." They walked to the door and Nicki tried to open it but it didnt budge.

"Oh yeah you locked it, wheres the key Faree?"

SB's face froze. Oh yeah. Where is the key?

Did you like it? Hope its cute enough? Comment of tweet me xx Put your twitter name if you havnt before


  1. Safaree better not have lost the key!!!!!!

  2. YASSSSSSSSSSSSS THIS WAS SO CUTE!!!! LOVED IT! please post soon ^____^

  3. Aw that was cute. LOL safaree lost the key. :-P

  4. Aaaaawwww, freakin CUTE. Safaree soooooo sweet. He sure knows how to get info out of Nic LOL. Like where the hell could he have put that key?! LMAO


  6. Nicki is so dramatic and a baby lol, she better take those cramps like a man lmao. SB is like the fuckn best bf ever, he always thinks about her. SB must not know that sweets makes the cramps worse or is it just me? Wutever lol. Aw Damon and Nicki finally caught up after years, he is so right SB is going to be hurt. Damn SB was really upset, LMAO Nicki crazy talkin bout this aint no monopoly like im lol'. Im glad she told him, Nic is such a good mom i know Cai would love to stay with them. Aw SB looked up wut would help her cramps... he cute for that. LMAO Nicki freaky ass tryin to fuck while she got bloody mary lol. Where the fuck is the key? Oh lawd the locked in, ima need u to post now!!
    Great chapter


  7. Aw poor nic missed Cai.. I'm glad safaree helped her feel better bout dat.lmao safaree lookin up what would help her cramps. I'm glad nic and Damon talked..I'm glad SB didn't stay mad at nic...POST SOON

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I HOpe nic don't keep feelin sad bout cai..safaree is such a great boyfriend. He helped her with feelin sad bout cai and period pains lmao he looked up what makes them go away
