Saturday 24 March 2012

Goodbyes Are So Hard

They had had the best weekend of there life.
*SB's POV*
Nicki was driving us back to Mama Carols after the best weekend of my life. I was so upset. Finally after all these years i had been a proper family with the love of my life and my son. And now we had to say goodbye to him. He had been silent for the last hour as he packed his things, and now in the car and so had Nicki. It was hard to say goodbye, but I had to be the strong the one. Nicki was very emotional when she had to say goodbyes and Macaiah was only 13 so i had to be the glue, that hopefully would hold us all together. The only thing that was holding me together was that at least i didn't have to say goodbye to both of them. I may be leaving without my son to return home to LA, but at least my love was still with me, which made me a blessed man.

*Nicki's POV*
I was finding it difficult to drive because i could barely see through the tears that was clouding up my eyes. I could see that Safaree was upset as well even though he was doing a good job of hiding it with a fake smile on his face. Macaiah wasn't really hiding his emotions as he had packed his bag with tears in hiss eyes and hadn't said a word for about an hour. I felt like dropping Cai back off to my moms was like cutting my dream of being a family with my future husband and son in half. A heard a big sigh coming from my son which made me more upset because he was.

*Macaiah's POV*
I was praying that the car would get a flat tyre. I was praying that Mama Carol would call and say that i wasn't able to come back for some reason. I was praying there was awful traffic so i could spend more time with my Mom and Dad. But realistically it wasn't going to happen. Mom had to go back to LA and get some stuff then she had to go straight to Japan. I couldn't go because of school and i had told Mama Carol that i was coming back at the end of the weekend and it would be rude to call last minute and say that i wasnt coming. We pulled up the house and my dad got out to open my moms door. But i was stiff almost like i couldnt move,

"No ones POV*
SB got up, and opened the door for Nicki, and helped her get out. She gave him a quick peck on the cheek and went to get Cai's bag from the trunk. She got the backpack and SB got the big bag and Nicki looked around for Cai. She couldnt see him and frowned. "Wheres Cai at?" she asked Safaree.

He didnt say anything but just nodded his head in the direction of the car. By now Mama Carol had opened the door and was staring at the car wondering what the hold up was about.

"Babe, you wanna talk to him?" Nicki asked nodding to the car again. "I'll go talk to my mom".

"Kay, babe." Nicki took the bags and walked to the house, taking Mama Carol upstairs with her to put Cai's bags on his bed.

SB got into the back of the car next to Macaiah. "Whats up son?"

"Nothing." Cai said with no expression in his voice.

"I thought we were all being honest?"

"I am"

"It's fine if you dont wanna talk about it. Just tell someone Cai, its not good to bottle things up, we've told you this" Safaree sighed and went to get out of the car, but was stopped as Cai clutched his arm. Tears were streaming down his face fast and hard and he was making loud sobbing noises. He couldnt get his words out right and his breathing was all messed up. Safaree closed the door and skooted up to sit as close to Cai as he could and wrapped his arms round him.

"Let it all out Cai, it's fine."

Macaiah collapsed in his dads arm and let all the tears out that had been stored inside him since his parents had told him that they were his real parents. He had acted calm but really he just wanted to cry all the time. He wanted to be with Nicki and Safaree all the time and now he had to leave them for a week he was distraught. He had felt a connection with them that he had never had with anyone ever and to think he would be without them just after he felt part of a family was horrible. His crying subsided a little so he could talk.

"Dad,i don't want you and mom to leave."

"I know son. It kills me to leave you. But this is how it is for a bit. But me and your mom are going to miss you so much and when we get back from Japan we are coming straight here to spend more time with you. But listen, this weekend has been the best time of my life. I love you so much."

"I love you to Dad. Thank you "

"For what?"

"Youve only really been my dad for like 2 days and youve been the best dad in the world. I dont have a clue about what i wanna be when im older job wise but i know that i wanna be like you dad."

Safaree beamed, that meant so much. He kissed Macaiah on the head and hugged him tightly. Macaiah hugged back and they stayed like this for a minute. "You ready to go in?" SB asked.

"Yep" They walked in to the house and found Mama Carol and Nicki in the kitchen, Cai cleared his throat to get there attention. "Mom can i have a word."

"sure hun" They went in to the lounge and Macaiah told his mom that she was the best mom in the world and Nicki got a bit tearful. They all had said there goodbyes and Nicki walked to the car with SB. They drove to the airport in pretty much silence as they were both thinking there weekends over.

-----------------------IN LA-------------------------
It was 8:00 PM and there flight left for Japan at 10:00 am the next morning. Safaree was really looking forward to the night ahead of them because it was almost like he had left his girlfriend about 10 years ago and they had been talking but hadnt seen each other for the whole 10 years. He was ecstatic and wanted everything to be perfect but as he was thinking Nicki interupted his thoughts.

"Faree? I know you, and i know that your thinking that tonight should be super romantic and sweet and stuff? But if you want to make me happy? I just need you next to me. In our house, just me and you. No fancy dates or posh dinners with smart outfits. Sweat pants, me, you and fast food. And snuggles."

Safaree had no words. What she just said confirmed to him she was the perfect woman. She always had been. He couldnt wait and just kissed her deeply, as if they would never see each other again. She kissed back wishing they would never let each other go. She knew he was going to be the only one who could get her through these 10 days without Macaiah.


  1. Aww. That was sad. I literally cried. This was a good chapter. GOOD CHAPTER!!

  2. Awe, that was too cute! I really can't wait for the next chapter! I hope this means your writers block is gone! :)


  4. Aw poor cai was cryin. I'm glad cai opened up to safaree. To soon

  5. SB POV -SB is so strong, tryin to be the man he is for his family. Nicki POV -Aw Nicki almost made me cry, i cant believe he gotta go bck. Cai POV -Aw fuck, his part got me in tears deadass, I wish he could just stay with them. OMG he just broke down on his dad, like im cryin this shit is sad. Aw shit they better have sex lol i need them to reconnect lmaoo.
    great chapter

