Friday 9 March 2012

Mama Beezy!!

Hey i think i made a slip up last chapter . Mama Beezy NOT Mama Sandi lol ! Anyways here we go.

Nicki and SB had picked up Macaiah and after having a little chat with Karen and Cai had said goodbye to the boys they were on there way to Mama Beezy's.

"I haven't seen your mom in ages" Cai said to Safaree.

"I know. You know shes ganna fuss over you as soon as she See's you right ?"

They all laughed. They pulled up to Mama Beezys house and SB smiled as soon as he saw it. He had offered a million times for her to move but she had refused as she loved her little house to much. They had lived there from when Safaree was about 14 and he and Nicki both had great memory's there. They knocked on the door and it was opened by Mama Beezy wearing tight jeans and a white vest top. She had the phone pressed against her ear but as soon as she saw who it was she pressed the end button. Her mouth dropped open and she grabbed Macaiah and pulled him into a tight hug.

"Hey mom" Safaree said whilst laughing at his mom completely ignoring him and Nicki.

"You didn't say you were coming?" Oh wait, did you? Oh god have i forgotten? Cuz i haven't made no food you know?"

"No we just thought we would pop in Mama" Nicki replied still laughing. As soon as she had met Mama Beezy she had fallen in love with her. She was probably the most opposite person to her own mom so when she felt uncomfortable speaking to Mama Carol about something SB's mom was always there.

"Oh you guys have made my day" she said as she opened the door and led them into the kitchen where they all sat.

Her smile was wide and she stared at all of them for a little while. "Cai you have grown so much! And you 2, you've both lost so much weight!" Nicki blushed. " Not as though you needed to Nic obviously but i must say your looking amazing."

"Oh so she didn't need to lose wight but i did?" SB asked.

"boy i didn't say that! Anyway did you guys want something to drink? Oh wait i know just the thing" She said turning round and going through a cupboard, rummaging through what seemed like the most random things. She got out a bottle of cherryade and laughed.

"Cheeryade still your favourite right?" she asked looking at Macaiah.

"You know it. " he replied.

As she poured them all a glass and added ice Nicki stroked Cai's hair a bot and smiled.

They chatted for a bit, most of the time Cai was just laughing at Mama Beezy and Nicki numerous times saying she was going to pee herself laughing.

"Oh, ive had a thought! I need you to cut my lawn! The mowers in the shed, you know i hate doing those kind of things. Whilst you 2 big strapping men are here you can get that sorted."

"Really? I come see you once in a blue moon and you got me doing chores? For real Ma?"

Nicki and Mama Beezy laughed at SB's face like he was 14 years old again.

"come on Dad, man up" Cai said as he got up. He walked to the back door and opened it waiting for his dad to follow.

Mama Beezy winked at Cai and said "You've always been my favourite." SB pretend gasped as his son pulled him out of the door comically.

Mama Beezy stared at Nicki's face and cocked her head.

"Whats up?" Nicki said.

"Ive been trying to work out whats different about you since you've got here. And I've just cracked it?"


"That big ass smile plastered on your face." She stood and poked her fingers in Nicki's deep dimples. "Its beautiful, how happy you are, both of you are."

Nicki blushed." To be honest, Ive never ever felt happier."

"I gathered. You know that you guys look like a family. Like, its so crazy because you three have this connection that most parents and kids don't have even when they are like normal. And what you've spent like 1 night with him as a family and you guys are like this. I'm excited to see you when Macaiah moves in with you guys-"

"What? We don't know he's going to want to do that just yet Mama."

"Oh girl please, come here." She pulled Nicki up by her wrist gently and pulled her to the kitchen window. The lawn mower had been abandoned about 2 minutes into cutting the lawn and goals had been made at the end of the yard. SB was standing in the goal and squinted his eyes and paid concentration. Macaiah was standing about 20 metres away from the goal and positioned himself carefully in front of the ball. Cai kicked the ball with all of his power into the left hand corner of the goal and SB missed it with about an inch.

"NNNOOOOOOOOOO" Safaree dropped to the ground on his knee's. Laughing his ass off Cai ran around the garden with glee. As he was doing a victory dance SB sneaked up behind him and picked him up above his head and twirled him round. They were both laughing and it bought a tear to Mama Beezys eye. Nicki saw this and sighed.

"Oh Mama please don't. I have barely stopped crying from the moment we told Caiah, dont start me off again."

"i'm sorry. So what are you guys going to do tonight anyway?"

"Not to sure yet. We will probably stay in again. I don't want to waste my time with him you know?"

"Of course. And Nika?"

"Yes Mama?"

"Thank you for making him happy." she said nodding towards her son who was still messing around with her grandson. "He's been wanting to get back with since the moment you broke up. Agreeing to let you go was the worst decision of his life."

"when did he tell you?"

"he didn't have to. I'm not stupid. You told your mom yet?"

"Nope. No one. I need to go to the bathroom, ill be right back."

"Okay Nic."

She walked off smiling to herself, she had forgotten how close her and SB's mom had been when she was a teenager and spending this time with her really reminded of her of the times at SB's house. The top of the stairs was a framed picture of SB, his 2 sisters, Nicki and Jelani. It was Nicki's 21st birthday and they had all gone out together and gotten drunk. She laughed and walked towards the bathroom but stopped at SB's old room. She opened the door and stared around. It was used as a spare bedroom now but the bed was still in the same place and so was the closet. As she walked around the room her hand brushed a dent in the wall. She stared at and remembered it was when Safaree pushed her against his door from the hallway and the door was open so it smashed against the wall making a huge dent.

She walked to the bed and sat down. She immediatly recognised it as the same mattress but just a different duvet and bed. As she was thinking about this SB had walked in and plonked himself down next to her on the bed. He pulled her to the other end. "Remember when we made this" he asked.

"What" she replied.

He pointed to the dent in the mattress, it was when him and Nicki had had the house to themselves when his sisters and his mom went to Jamaica for a week. They had been horny teenagers and basically had sex for a whole week. She giggled."That was a good week babe."

"I know. Memorable huh?"

"definately. Babe?"


"you fancy my boneless stewed chicken tonight ? "

SB grinned and pushed Nicki to the bed kissing all up her jaw. Nicki giggled. "I guess that's a yes huh?"

They laughed and lied on the bed in silence for a bit.

"y'all r so weird ! You cuddled up on that bed like a hurricane on it's way! "

"boy sit cho ass down ! How you gone talk to your mom like that !?" she was cracking up laughing. He ran towards the bed and jumped on the both of them. Nicki and SB groaned as Cai laughed like a maniac. Safaree heard a flash and looked towards the door, his mom was stood there takin pictures of the family as tears ran down her cheeks. They were so happy.

DM ME OR COMMENT XX. Put your twitter names in your comments and I can follow you and DM you when a new chapters up xx


  1. Awe, that's so cute! BTW, I'm happy you have a twitter now I can bug you about posting. lol -nickiscarebear


  3. Aw this was such a cute chapter :')

