Sunday 26 February 2012

oh no.

Nicki glanced back at the phone and answered quickly. Mama Carol hated when people didnt pick up there phone.

"Hey ma"

"Onika" Mama Carol replied in a calm but stern voice.

"uumm yes mom?" Nicki said sweetly.

"is there anything you wanted to tell me?"

Nicki sat and stared at SB pleading with her eyes for his help. He couldnt resist those eyes so he took the phone and stood up, walking away in case the call didnt go well and then Nicki would stress.

"Hey it's me" said SB as soon as he was as far away from Nicki as he needed to be.

"Hello Safaree. Im going to ask you the same question i just asked my daughter and i would like an honest answer."

Safaree gulped. Mama Carol was not someone to be messed with so he knew he would have to tell her the truth but on the other hand he knew Nicki was no where near ready for Mama Carol to know about there relationship. He wasnt worried she would be disaproving but more nervous she would forbid the relationship in case it would mess with Cai's head. He knew it wouldnt because he understood how mature and intelligent his son was but Mama Carol didnt quite understand that Cai was as mature as he was.

"Go ahead." he replied realising he had left her hanging for about 5 minutes.

"Have you been letting MY son watch scary films! Karen told me that Danny told her that Cai told him he watched Paranormal something or other on Friday with you guys. That is not an appropriate film to be letting my 13 year old watch. In fact im starting to regret letting him on this weekend with you guys in the first place. You have to remember, your his parents not his friends."

Safaree swallowed. He was genuinely upset as to what Mama Carol just said. Fair enough she was different to him and Nicki, maybe a bit more strict but to question his parenting was a bit far.

"I understand your point Mama Carol but the thing is."

She cut him off." No, i want a word with you and Nicki right now. Drop cai,joe, Danny and Joe at Karens. I have already told her your on your way so hurry up. We need to talk."

"Well you can ring up Karen and tell her not to expect them in the next few hours. They are all having fun and so are me and YOUR daughter. We can talk later but im not going to ruin my sons day because your upset with us 2. Its not his fault, and if you think that our weekend with him is over your wrong because its only Saturday afternoon. We will see you at about 6." Safaree hung up. He knew he was rude but he felt like him and Nicki had done nothing wrong. He wanted to just not turn up at all but it was quite clear that Mama Carol didnt like this new situation at all. They way she had said MY son was almost as if she was annoyed and bitter Macaiah was having a good time with them.

SB walked back to the love of his life who was now talking to Joe. The boys had gone back to the games but it looked like Joe had stayed back to have a drink.

"Your just so cute lambchop" Nicki gushed as Joe laughed.

"You know i am nearly 14 now Nic, you dont have to call me that any more."

"I know your nearly 14" Nicki mock gasped. " How could i forget your birthday, i know it off by heart. So anyway how you know bout Roman little Lamb?"

"ohh well um i just do i guess." he stuttered and blushed.

Nicki laughed and ruffled his hair, she pulled him down to kiss him on the cheek and playfully pushed him away. " Now go beat Cai's high score, we dont want him getting a bigger head than he already had now do we?"

"Defineately not! If it gets any bigger we are all in serious danger " he laughed as he ran back to his friends.

Safaree laughed at Joe and pulled Nicki onto his lap and kissed her cheek.

"Am i a bad dad?" he whispered in her ear.

She moved back and stared at him in the eyes. " What? Why would you even question that?"

"Umm well i dunno, its just. Umm the thing is. I don't really know how to say this..."

"Safaree spit it out. Your scaring me, stop it."

"im sorry baby" he clutched her tighter, "Well your mom. She dosnt know about us but Karen told her that we watched that scary movie. And she wasnt that happy, she said that she regreted letting us having him for the weekend and she kept repeating it was HER son." He sighed, he prepared for Nicki to be mad at him. " So she said we had to drop the boys back to Karens immediatly and go speak to her. But the boys were having so much fun and i dont want our weekend with our boy getting cut short so i basically told her that we would see her at 6 but that i wouldnt drop them back at that very second. I told her that we would have Macaiah until the end of the weekend and then i kind of hung up ".

He looked away not wanting to see Nicki's reaction at him being rude to her mom. She was so close to her and was bound to take her mothers side.

"Babe, you did good. You said exactly what i wouldve wanted to say but wouldnt of because im too scared. If we are going to be Macaiahs parents now she needs to understand that and we are responsible. " She grabbed Safaree's chin and forced him to look at her. " She has to realise that we arnt kids any more. Your such a good dad. All weekend your main priority has been your son and thats what a good dad is. Macaiah adores you as a dad already. Can you really not see that?"

"I dunno babe--" Macaiah walked over panting and Nicki looked at him.

"You having a good time hun?"

"Yes thanks mum. Hey dad, come help me shoot some hoops? " Joe's whooping my a-" He was about to cuss but stopped at both parents glared at him expectantedly. " I meant butt. I was going to say butt."

"You better have been lamb chop. Otherwise you really will know what getting you butt whooped is like!"

They all laughed and walked over to the basketball game. SB stood behind him and took the ball in his hands showing Cai where he positioned them. He then showed him how to throw it with a slight curve to gurantee it went in the hoop and then threw it. It went straight into the hoop and all the boys cheered. Nicki stood to the side and smirked. She remembered when Safaree used to play basketball with CJ and Rex when they were younger and Nicki would watch and look cute on the side of the court with Candi and Lauren, Macaiah took the next ball and copied what his dad had done a few seconds ago. He threw the ball and hit the edge of the hoop. They all squinted watching the ball circle the hoop slowly until it finally dropped in. They all cheered again and Safaree got Macaiah into a playfull headlock and scruffled his hair.

Safaree checked his watch and realised it was already 5 PM. "Okay guys we have to leave in like half hour cuz we are ganna drop you all back to Dannys for a bit then we will pick you back up little man."

"Where are you going while im at Dannys Dad?"

"We just have to speak to Mama Carol for a bit then we will come pick you up. "

"Is everything okay?"

"Yes Macaiah, everythings just fine." Safaree looked at his worried expression and laughed. " You are way too much like your mom, you know that?"

"I know" he giggled.

"Now go back and have fun we have to leave soon." Macaiah ran back to his friends and Safaree walked straight back to Nicki enveloping her in a hug, Safaree held her tightly and rubbed her back a little.

"What were you saying about being a bad dad ?" she said nodding over to Macaiah who was smiling and laughing continuing to shoot hoops. SB smiled. "love you" he said in her ear.

"Love you too."

---------------------------30 minutes later--------------------------

Nicki and Safaree dropped the boys off and kissed and hugged them all goodbye telling Safaree they would see him soon.

When they got to Mama Carols house they were both a bit nervous almost like when they were had to tell Mama Carol that Nicki was pregnant.

"Lets just get this over with so we can go back to our boy huh?"

"yeh" Nicki replied clutching his hand as she knocked on the door. To her suprise Jelani opened the door. "Oh hey Jelani what are you doing here?"

"i was just speaking to dad thats all. What are you guys doing here? Dad told me you were having a weekend with Macaiah?"

Safaree grinned. "we are. Its going great, just Mama Carol wants to speak to us about being responsible parents"

Jelani frowned. "Why what did you do? Oh god he didnt take drugs did he?"

"NO!" Nicki quickly shrieked.

"Then what did you do?"

"Let him watch a scary film" Nicki replied with a stroppy look on her face.

"Is that it? Jesus Christ, i mean you know how much i love mum but she is such a drama queen. She needs to just chill you know?"

Jelani got a smack round the back of the head from Mama Carol as he hadn't noticed she had walked up behind him.

"jelani this isn't your business, you can go now." she sniped.

Jelani bowed his head and quickly walked away and gave a slight smile of reassurance to the pair of them. Nicki and Safaree followed Mama Carol into the house and sat down at the living room table. Mama Carol didnt really look mad just blank and upset. She sat at the other end of the table than them and stared at Nicki.

"Listen. You have to realise your supposed to be Macaiah's parents. Do you really think that letting him watch scary movies is responsible. The only reason he is having a good time is because your bribing him to like you as parents by bad food and moves he wouldnt be able to watch at home." She said it so spitefully and it hit Nicki like a cold bowl of sick.

"Yor so wrong for saying that mom." she replied. Tears were welling up but she didnt let herself cry.

"No im not Nicki. You to have to grow up. Your not parents at all, your just being his friends. You would let him get away with anything."

"Actually your wrong, Macaiah went to cuss earlier and we stopped him. Safaree was teaching him how to shoot hoops and hes just beeen having a good time."

Mama Carol sighed. "Look im sorry. I guess its just weird having your son on the phone saying how much of a good time hes having with his parents."

"mom, thats fine. But having a go at us and saying those comments really hurt." Nicki looked up at Safaree and he still looked angry.

"Yeh we fforgive you" He said through gritted teeth. "But we have to go now." He gave her a quick hug but it wasnt like normal and walked towards the door so as to let Nicki and her mom have a moment together. Nicki hugged her.

"hes just mad now but he will be over it sooner or later."

Mama Carol nodded. "again im sorry".

Nicki left and walked to the door to see her boyfriend still looking sad.

"Hey, why dont we go pick up our son then go see your mom?"

His eyes lit up. "Really? We dont have to just because we have seen your mom?"

"I know but i havnt seen Mama Beezy in ages and i really feel like some of your moms food right now. Plus Macaiah thinks shes like the funniest person in the world!"


  1. Awwwww is all I can say!!!! Mama Carol knew she was wrong but imma let it go they just one cute family and I lik Joe he cute!!!

  2. Lol mama carol freakin out cause they let him watch a scary movie. Feel sorry for jeleni gettin a hand to the back of his head lol. Aww poor safaree I hope he forgives her soon. I hope it goes well at mama sandie's , oh and does mama sandi know tht they told macaiah tht they were his parents?


  4. I loved this chapter although mama Carol kinda made me upset. I'm happy that Nic stuck by her man. I love this chapter and story great work!!

  5. I'm glad mama carol was provin wrong. I hope SB don't hold a grudge for to soon

  6. Well I'm glad mama mcarol realized she wass wrong. Hope safaree forgives her. Poor jeleni again

  7. At least mama carol owned up too her mistake...wonder whts gonna happen at mama beezy's house...nice chapter, POST SOON

  8. Lol cai waz boutta cuss but they stopped him lmao. Wow I didn't expect mama carol to act like tht but at least she apologized.and aw I hope cai has fun at mama beezy's..POST soon

  9. Dang mama Carol was going hard for no reason. I'm glad SB put her in her place, they are good parents. Oh I'm glad she apologized to them, aw they finna go see SB mom I know he to happy.
    Good chapter, sorry it's late but I'm outta town

