Friday 3 February 2012


I know its been ages but i was kinda upset.. I didn't get many comments on last chapter but I'm over it !!! Anyways this is ganna be like super short becuz its like half 10 in England and I'm super tired and have stomach cramps ! And I'm really cold, its like the coldest it has been in this country for like ............ages. i dunno how long but my geog teacher told me but i forgot. But anyways i have been waffling again soz !  Yeh so lets try and get to 20 comments please !

Macaiah and Safaree got into the truck and strapped in. Before Safaree started the car he looked at Macaiah making sure he had his seat belt on before he started. Macaiah saw and burst out laughing !
"Hey i thought you were ignorant and all of that ! Then i see you making sure I'm strapped up before i we go ! Since when have you become all parenty and anxious ?"

"Parenty? Really cai ? Is that a word ? What the heck are they teaching you in school these days huh ?"

"More than they taught you I'm guessing by the way you spell !"

"Oooh low blow Cai, low blow."

They were both cracking up laughing whilst Macaiah stared at Safaree, SB didn't really notice as he was looking at the road.
"Well i guess i know where i got these damn big lips from now huh ?"

"Why you say it like a bad thing ? Girls love em !"

"Then how come you don't have a girlfriend ?

"I don't really have time that's why. You know how much me and Nicki work and now we told you and stuff i was kinda hoping that all of our spare time we would wrapped up in you i guess. I mean if that's what you want "

"Definitely. If you can make time for me "Macaiah grinned

"More like if we can ever be separated from you. You know Nicki is ganna hate saying bye don't you ?"Safaree laughed picturing the scene. " She is ganna like cling onto you and tell you how much she loves you like she aint never ganna see you ever again,"

Macaiah was also picturing the scene and realising that was exactly what it was ganna be like. "I wish i didn't have to say bye" Macaiah mumbled thinking his dad wouldn't hear him as he was looking through all different types of popcorn in the store.

Safaree just caught what his son had said. He turned away from the popcorn and stared at his son. He bent down in the middle of the store just so he could be eye level with Macaiah. He didn't care what anyone thought of it and ignored the people walking past them giving them dirty looks. "You don't just have to spend the weekend you know ? We wanna spend all the time with you we can ?"

"I know but i have school."

"You have half term this week don't you ?"

"Oh yeh i forgot. But i don't wanna get in the way of you guys work. I know how important this album is to my mum and i don't wanna ruin that for her."

"You wont be. Look me and your mom have spoke about you staying with us and stuff before and you don't understand how bad she wants it. But she wont tell you cuz she don't wanna pressure you. Honestly, she would be ecstatic if you wanted to spend more time with us."

"Really?"Macaiah stared at his dad in the eyes showing his vulnerability. His eyes had gone wide and innocent just like Nicki did when she was feeling vulnerable.

"Really" he confirmed. Macaiah smiled and looked at the floor, SB stood and brushed is jeans where he had been kneeling. "Right lets get loadsa snacks and bad food. Your moms on this stupid diet cuz she thinks she needs to lose weight, and she don't so we are gonna let her know shes perfect". They got all the snacks and then stopped by the florist on there way home. They picked out some beautiful pink roses with some white roses in as well, Macaiah wrote the tag and put them in the flowers and they got wrapped beautifully.

As they got in the car Macaiah just blurted out "You really love my mom don't you ?"

"OF course, shes my best friend, you and her are the most important people in the world to me right now. Your my family."

"Except that we arnt. You and my mom arnt together. I just don't get it."

"Loadsa peoples parents are split up Cai, it doesn't mean we arnt a family ?"

"Its not that part i don't get. I don't get that you love her and wanna marry her and be a proper family, and she loves you and wants to be a proper family. And don't deny it cuz everyone knows it."

"Huh? Who?"

"Everyone, the whole family, every time you leave your mom and Nicki's mom are both like "when are they gonna get together" and stuff. I mean its pretty obvious. And your basically a married couple anyway right ?"

"No me and your mom are happy as we are."

"But your not. You wanna marry my mom, i can tell. Cuz if you didn't you would be with someone else by now. Its been like 10 years hasn't it ?"

"Your moms happy though Macaiah, i don't wanna complicate things."

"Not as happy as she could be if you would just give it up and stop pretending that you 2 are just happy being friends".

"You think ?"

"I know. Your like soul mates."



  1. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I loved this they were soooo freaking cute!

  2. I wonder whts gonna happen next??? I hope nic likes those flowers....aww Ciaih really does wanna live with them....I hope nic and safaree, and maciaih have a good soon and tht was. Great chapter

  3. Awwwwwwwwwww father son moments. I need, more like right freaking now

  4. Lmao Caiah is clowning his dad, aw he wants to stay with them... thats good! Caiah is so smart he sees that they want to be together & he wants them to be happy.
    I cant wait to see what happens next
    post soon


  5. love it!! make nic and sb date!! that would be so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Caiah's wisdom tho!! I love him he's funny and cute!! But yea I loved the chapter please make them lingr!! I need longer chaps on my life!! POST Soon!!!

  7. lmao at safaree makin sure maciaih had his seat bealt. aw maciaih wants nic and Safare to be togather!!POST SOON!!

  8. Macaiah is a smart little lamb chop. I love hiim

  9. Wow I'm surprised safaree let maciaih cuss...Im happy maciaih wants his parents to be together....aww they cute got nic some flowers..hope the weekend goes soon, cute chapter

  10. lmfao at cai makin fun of safaree...aww cai thought he could make tht little comment under his breath without safare hearin it...i hope they have a good weekend..p0st s@on

  11. Safaree all in father mode.....cai wants his parents to be togather aww.pos soon

  12. Lmfao safaree being over protective....aww they had a nic lil father son moment. I hope du ring the weekend nic and CIA have a mother son moment.great chapter, post soon

  13. can't wait to see how there gonna spend there week-end.safaree mad cute checkin 2 see if maciaih had his glad maiciah is getting to know them as parents.POST SOON!!!

  14. tht waz a cute safaree asking him wht r they teaching you in skool. ciaih's smart thow cause he knows his mom and dad should be soon:)

  15. great chapter,aw i thought it waz cute how safaree got all tht junk food knowing nic is on a diet juss to let her know shes fine the way she is. i hope nicki and miciah have a mother-son moment. POST SOON

  16. LMFAO cai said "now iknow where i got these dam big lips from, i hope nicki likes the flowere and the junk food lol, i think for the weekend cia should tell his parents he wants to live with them :).. just a suggestin lol, P00ST soon

  17. i glad they enjoyed there lil father son time..lmao got all that junk food knowin nnic wass on a diet.hope she likes the flowers..Post Soon

  18. Wonder wht the week-ends gonna be like? I hope maciaih has fun so he can finally move in with them..aww safaree is like turning into a real parent lol..Post soon!!!

  19. Aww that wasz a cute chapter. Wonder wht nics gonna think about the flowers? I hope maciaih moves in with them no rush throw :) post soon

  20. Wow tht waz funny..safaree is a great dad...aww they bought nic flowers and junk food lmao...tht wass a great chapter POST SOON

  21. YAY! He wants to spend more time with them! Awww, Caiah gave it 2 him straight. PAUZ. He's right tho. They are soul mates.<333
