Friday 17 February 2012

The best night ever.

Nicki laid her head back down on the pillow and decided not to wake up her 2 boys. She didn't want to go back to sleep but just wanted to think for a minute, about how great her life is. She knew she had to ring Lauren and Candi and TT about how the weekend had been do far as they told her to ring them and tell them. She laughed silently as she thought of Laurens reaction when she told her that her and SB were back together. All of her friends had been teasing them about getting together but Lauren was the most serious about it . She was always saying that they were perfect together and ever since they had broken up at the age of 15 she would nag Nicki and Safaree about there relationship.

As Nicki was thinking Macaiah woke up. He stretched his arms and legs with his eyes closed and hand bashed into something. Looking up he saw his hand had bashed into a pink pillow? He damn sure knew that he didn't have a pink pillow in his room so he sat up, then he remembered he had got into his moms bed last night.

"Morning mom" he whispered so as not to wake his dad.

"Hey Cai ?" she motioned for him to get up and they walked out the room together towards the kitchen.
"Hungry" Nicki aked ?

"Starving, hey can we talk " he said sitting at the breakfast bar.

"Sure what's up ?"

"Well last night i came into your room cuz i was so scared after watching that film, and i saw you and dad all cuddled up in the bed."

"Oh i-- errm -w well about that "

"Listen mom thats what i wanted to talk to you about."

"Go ahead" Nicki gulped, she didnt think that maybe Macaiah would be okay with this but now she was wondering if he was.

"I just wanted you to know that Dad really loves you. He told me when we went to the store and that he really wants us to be a family, just like me and you. But this Drake guy has to go mom. Like what did you ever see in him anyway?"

"Macaiah i can assure you that Drake wont be back in my life other than in a business way ever again. I mean we are labelmates so obviously im ganna be at partys where he isthere but i wont let him in our home ever again. Okay?"

"Okay, and i know you would never dream of breaking dads heart purposely, but letting Drake in again and going on dinners with him and stuff, would really upset Dad. "

"I know. After the eay he spoke to both of you last night, we will never be friends again. ".

"But did you say the way Dad got him by his neck and shoved him against the wall though?" Cai spluttered with laughter. "That was so cool."

Nicki was giggling as well know. "You know how i feel about violence Cai" she quickly with a serious face "but that was cool."

"What was cool ?" shouted Safaree as he walked down the hall to the kitchen where Nic was know preparing breakfast.

"The way you got Drake up against the wall last night. I didnt know you was so strong Dad ?"

"Well what can i say son "Safaree replied in a silly deep voice. He ruffled Macaiah's hair and pulled a silly face.

"Umm are you ganna put some clothes on or are me and Cai ganna have to eat breakfast with you in your boxers."

"so no good morning huh ? Didnt know we would be out of the honey moon period so quick ?" He grabbed Nicki and puller her to him and gave her a big kiss on the cheek.

"shut up" she mumbled whilst giggling and blushing like a school girl.

"Eeewww, like i am happy for you guys but really ?" They turned round to see there son pretend retching over the bin dramatically.

"Oh god not another drama queen in the house?" Safaree groaned.

"who's the first ? " Nicki replied quickly with a serious look on her face .

"umm no one, especially not you sweetie" he replied again giving her a big hug.

"okay guys, im super happy for you and stuff but like thats kinda gross". They all laughed and Nicki served them the food.


Hey keep forgetting to tell you but am not ganna post again until 20 comments. We did it before so let's do it again ? Want another cute chapter or something bad to happen ?


  1. Girrll they cuteee! But great post anywho immediate don't know wat I want to happen...Surprise me! Post soon

  2. Aww nic waz gettin serious bout that no violence thing lol.. This was a cute chapter. I hope the rest of the weekend goes well..POST SOON

  3. AWWWWW they are such a freakin cute FAMILY!!!!! Like you have to post again eff the 20 comments!! Like Nic and Safaree they r to cute like im so freakin happy for them!! PLEASE POST SOON!!! Like I need this story in my LIFE!!!

  4. Awwwwwwwwwww they are freaking adorable. Lmaoooooooooooooooo at them laughing at how drake almost got his ass whooped. I wanna see it.kept cute for now or drake could get his ass whooped forreal this time. Either way is fine with me

  5. Awe they are soooooo cute and Ummmmm surprise us.....

  6. Aww nic had to talk to cah bout drake lol, aw nic made breafeast for her boys, I want another cute chapter. Post Soon

  7. Awwwwwwwwwww! They're such a lil cute family.
    Lmfaaaaao at Cai talking to Nic about Drake but then saying how Safaree grabbing Drake by his neck was cool. EEEEEEK they're so adorable. Oh and another cute chapter please. ^_^

  8. Lol nicki got real serious when she said she didn't like violence lol,. Lmao nic wanted sb to put some pants on lol Post soon, oh yea I want a cute chapter

  9. The way Caiah talks sometimes is so mature, then he says its gross that they kissed and it just reminds u that he is 13 lol. I love them, they are just the cutest!
    Another 3 or 4 cute chapters lol.

  10. Aww cai gettin disgusted by the
    Kissin on front of him lol. He waz real happy thinking bout his dad almost beatin drake up. I want another cute chapter
