Friday 24 February 2012


Nicki was in her room getting her shoes on. She was wearing heels before but decided they hurt when she got down to the lobby to get into the car so went back to the room to get sneakers. She found some and left the room quickly as Safaree had said he would be outside the hotel entrance and she didn't want them to have to wait for her for to long. She took the loft down to the lobby and as she walked through it she heard Did It On Em, the clean version blasting through the lobby. There were a few old people screwing up there faces and looking around clearly annoyed but Nicki could only laugh. Normally she would of ran through the lobby to the car and told Safaree to turn it down but with the mood she was in she wasn't sure if anything could annoy her. She reached the car where SB was shouting his part loudly while replacing the bad words with funny ones and Macaiah loudly laughing in the back.

"You are such a bad influence!" she laughed.

SB smiled and looked back at Cai still trying to contain his laughing and badly failing. Nicki turned the music off and looked back to Cai.

"Lambchop, you wanna ring all the boys to tell them we are on the way? Oh and are they all at there separate houses or together?"

"I'm not sure, ill ring Danny and if they arnt at his ill ring Joe and Joe as well."

"Okay hun".

Macaiah got his phone from his pocket and speed dialed Danny.

"Hey Dan, where are you guys?"

"We are all at mine, you just leaving?"

"Yeh my mom said to ring you and tell you we are leaving."

"Cool see ya in a bit Cai".


Macaiah ended the call and stared at his phone. The screen saver was a picture of him and his parents, he had changed it the day he had found out that Nicki and Safaree were his mom and dad. He tried to remember what the picture was before that day and couldn't remember. Cai flicked through his pictures to see if he could remember.

When he came across the picture of him and Mama Carol he felt a stab of guilt. He realised he hadn't missed her that much at all. He felt really bad, almost as if he had had the same toy all his life and as soon as another toy came along he had thrown the old one out. He let out a long sigh by accident.

"Whats wrong Cai? Can one of the boys not come?" Safaree asked. Safaree had been conscious of keeping Cai happy throughout the whole weekend and every time he looked or sounded sad it killed him.

"No, they can all come."

"Then whats wrong?" Safaree wanted to look round and talk to Cai but couldn't as he was driving.

"I dunno, its just. Should i feel like sad or something?"

"About what?" Nicki asked, also concerned.

"Well, Ive been so happy with you guys. Ive barely thought about Mama Carol at all and i just feel really bad. Should i be miserable or something?"

"Of course not. You shouldnt have to feel any way or another. Your feelings are only natural, and im sure that if you spent a week apart from Mama Carol then you would miss her. Like right now your excited, to be starting something new with us so you havnt even thought about it. But when it comes more normal with us guys and less new and stuff you will. When i moved to Atlanta i was so excited because it was new, i didnt feel like i missed TT and Rex and everyone. But when i was settled into my new home every night i missed everyone back in Queens." Nicki said reminicing on how difficult but happy her move to Atlanta had been. She hadnt thought about it before but it was somehow a bit similair ot Cai's situation.

"How comes you didnt just move back mom?"

"well just because you miss home and people and your old life it dosnt mean your not enjoying your new life? You know? Like i had brilliant times in Queens. I loved it and i still do. But Atlanta was amazing as well. It was a new start and it was the best thing that ever happened to me."

"Plus you only saw her yesterday. I mean i know a lot has happened since Friday night but its been one night," added Safaree.

Cai stayed quiet. He felt somewhat better but still a bit bad, he looked out of the window and immediatly beamed at Dannys house. The thought of seeing his friends always put everything to the back of his mind. He got out of the car quickly and speedwalked to the front door as Nicki and Safaree ambled towards the door. They both knew Dannys mom pretty well and and knew they would probably have a chat with her before they left. As they approached the door SB unexpectedly grabbed Nicki's hand, and beamed as Dannys mum Karen opened the door. Nicki was baffled by the gesture as she thought that were going to keep things under wraps for a bit until things were more officail.

"hello guys" said Karen warmly as she kissed and hugged them both. "Thanks for getting these little monsters off my hands for a bit" she joked.

Nicki and SB laughed. "no problem Karen we just wanted to do whatever Caiah wanted to and these guys are like connected by the hip!" Nicki laughed.

Karen glanced down and noticed them holding hands.

"ooh you guys are so cute, I didnt know that you were together."

Nicki didnt know what to say but SB quickly replied "yep".

"Aaawww you guys were always cute together. Well ill get the boys" But before Karen could turn and get them the boys noisily came down the hall cracking up laughing.

"Hey Nic, Hey Safaree" they all called.

"hey you guys" Nicki replied hugging them all. Safaree dapped them and playfully teased Joe about his big diamond earring in his left lobe.

"didnt know i had competition in the ice department coon number 3 !"

"You sure do SB. I mean im swagged out" Joe replied cockily, while everyone laughed.

They all got in the car and SB started to drive to Chuck e Cheese. He had called up that morning and booked the whole place out so the boys could do whatever they wanted.

"so, Nicki, whos this gay guy from england ive been hearing about? I'm so confused, i mean i thought i knew you well but this girl came up to me at school and was asking these mad confusing questions about you and i was so confused. " Danny asked.

Before she could reply Joe quickly said "thats roman! Where the hell have you been living ?"

"im sorry Joe, i didnt know you were Nicki's biggest fan." They laughed and poked fun at each other all the rest of the car ride, Macaiah, Danny and both Joes were all like this, none of them were sensititve and always poked fun and had banter with each other. Although they did this, they were so close that they knew each others boundaries. They wouldnt joke about things they knew would upset any of them.


In chuck e cheese. SB had been playing with Cai and Joe on the grabbers and Danny and the other Joe were showing Nicki had to play all these games. As Nicki was watching Danny beat all her scores easily SB went up behind her and kissed her on the cheek. The boys were so involved with the game they barely noticed.

"You wanna go grab a drink babe" he said in her ear.

"yeh sounds good." she said back. "Boys your soda's are on the table."

A round of thanks were chorused back but not one had moved from there games. Nicki and Safaree sat at a table where they could still see the boys but wasnt completely in front of them . They sat in silence for a bit and laughed occasionly at the boys.

"them 2 reminds me of us 2." SB said nodding at Cai and black Joe who were giggling in the corner.


"yeh, they tell each other absolutely everything. I mean i was thinking, if i found out that my sister and her best friend were my real mum and dad i would go straight to you. Just like Cai went straight to Danny. Im just happy that he has someone really close like we do."

"I know. So am i. Anyway, what happened earlier?"

"What do you mean? When?"

"When you held my hand at Danny's house ? I mean i thought that we were keeping it on the low for a bit?"

"What were you embarrased?" SB looked hurt, he had meant it as a sweet thing to show that what he had told Nicki was serious.

"Of course not " she quickly responded grabbing his hand. " Babe i just thought we should wait and clarify things a bit before we tell everyone."

"i know, so do i. But i figured its only Karen and just really wanted to show everyone that your mine. All mine."

"But you do realise my mom will know by like, the end of the day. Her and Karen are about as close as Caiah and Danny are, And when my mom knows, your mom knows. Then your sisters will know. Jelani will found out from your big sister, then by next week the whole of Queens will find out."

"Oh." Nicki looked concerned and anxious. Safaree grabbed her hand and said quietly." Well its a good job that i love you so much and want to spend the rest of my life with you then isnt it".

Nicki just smirked and looked down checking her phone. Oh no, it was Mama Carol, and Nicki felt like it wasnt going to be good.


  1. Aww I loved this chapter, I'm glad nicki and safaree had tht lil talk with macaiah, so he wasn't all sad.aww safaree holdin nics hand. I'm glad. Macaiah and his friends are havin a good time. Wonder why mama carol called and if it had something to do wit nic and safaree being a couple...great chapter,actually great soon

  2. Awwwwwwwwwww this chapter was full of greatness. Uh oh what mama carol bout to say

  3. Aw poor Caiah ws sad, i glad they made him feel better. Oh no its Mama Carol calling... i wonder wut she gon say
    Good chapter, post soon


  4. Safaree is the cutest thing on this earth I swear andd o gosh whats Mama Carol gonna say? This chapter was cute!!! I LOVED IT!!! Plz post soon!!

  5. Aw I was Startin to get worried when caiah was gettin sad, but then nic made him feel better. Aw safaree so cute. Wonder what mama carol called for? pOST SoOON!!

  6. Aww safaree mad cute, aww he live nic. I'm glad nic and safaree made cai feel better, they really are becoming great parents. ,ad cute chapter pweas post soon

  7. Karen thought that were always a cute couple, I'm glad the kids r havin fun, but I wonder ht mama carols got say...great post, post soon

  8. Yo I thought cai was boug
    T to be upset wht mama carol again

  9. Awe caiah had his parents all worried. Hope carol don't yell at them lol

  10. Aww they make such a cute couple. Aw they love each other so much. I'm glad maciaihs not sad anymore. And SB grabbing her hand like aww. I wonder if mama carol called about maciaih or because she found out about the. Being together?

  11. aaawwww this is sooo cute! I just found this one and i hope you keep posting! I love how this isnt like all the other onikafaree storys. There's a cute twist to it.Do you have a twitter?
