Saturday 31 December 2011

What You've Been Waiting For............

'How's your steak Macaiah ?' asked Nicki who was twirling her pasta round with her fork but not really eating. They were in a 5 star restaurant and has just been given there food. The only one really eating was Macaiah as he was the only one who didn't the reason of them going out to dinner. He seemed oblivious to the fact the that the other 3 weren't really eating as he dug into his steak and fries.

Safaree laughed at Macaiah. He guzzled his food and drink down so quickly it was if he hadn't eaten for the last week when in actual fact he had eaten just an hour ago. It reminded him of himself. The way Macaiah seemed to eat food but never put weight was exactly like Safaree. Safaree remembered Nicki once trying to explain to him that he had fast-metabolism but he didn't really understand.

Mama Carol was nervously tapping at the table also being to nervous to eat. Trying to make conversation so Macaiah didn't notice every ones obvious nerves she asked Nicki " so hows this new album going hunny?"

"Pretty good ma. It's almost done. A bit more tweaking and maybe 1 more song and that's it. I'm so excited !"

" You should be Nicki, you have worked so hard and I'm so proud of you. In fact I'm proud of you both. You are both each others support systems and work so well together. To be such good friends for so long really is an achievement and i hope that you will never lose the relationship that you have."

"Thanks Mama Carol. That means a lot" Safaree said really letting Mama Carols word sink in. He had never thought about it before but being friends with someone for so long is an achievement. Sure him and Nicki had had there rough times but had always come out of it laughing. As the Waiter came and took away the plates Nicki, Mama Carol and Safaree exchanged glances. They knew it was time.

Nicki started. Tears were already in her eyes but hastily blinked them away. Safaree gave her hand a quick squeeze under the table.

" Macaiah. We have something to tell you. And before i do we all want you to know that whatever you decide is fine by us. Okay ?"

Macaiah frowned. " Have i done something bad ? Has someone died ?"

"No nothing like that" Mama Carol reassured Macaiah. Macaiah stared at Nicki, then Safaree, then his mother waiting for someone to say something. No one did.

"Will you just spit it out ? I don't mean to be rude but I'm really worried".

"Well Caiah. You know i had abortion before you were born ?"


" Well that was a lie . The baby i had i didn't get rid of. I couldn't do it. But i knew i just wasn't in a position where i could be the mother to a child. I wasn't earning money, i didn't have a job or my own house and i wasn't married. And i thought that was wrong for me to do that to a baby. So i decided i would give it away." Tears streamed down her face. Safaree's eyes were stinging with tears but he kept blinking them back not wanting to break down.

Macaiah looked confused. " Where are you going with this? Are you trying to tell me you gave your son up for adoption and now your going to find him ? Because i would love a brother . Its fine by me "

"No we didn't give it up for adoption." Safaree responded.

"wait. It was your baby.?? You were the dad ? You had sex with my sister ? Ew !"

Macaiah looked between Safaree and Nicki waiting for an answer.

"Yes Safaree was my boyfriend when we were younger but we decided we would be better as friends a long time ago".

Mama Carol stayed silent through the whole thing but tears were welling up. She knew her son had to know the truth sooner or later but know that the time had come she didn't feel ready.

Nicki carried on. "so when the baby was born me and Safaree and mommy decided it wouldn't be fair on the baby to have teenage parents with no source of income or house. So we decided that the baby should be raised by mommy whilst me and Safaree got a career started and some money". Nicki looked at Macaiah in the eyes to see if he understood yet. He still looked confused.

"I don't get it. So where is this baby?Did something happen to it ?"

"No" SB glanced at Nicki and Mama Carol making sure it was the right time to say it. The 2 women were both crying now so Safaree knew he had to step up and be a man and say it.
"What Nicki's trying to say is . Is that you were that baby. You were mine and Onika's baby." Tears streamed down Safaree's face. " Macaiah, if you never want to speak to us again. We understand. But i hope however long it takes you will understand that the only reason we did this was because we loved you so much that we wanted the best for you. We still do love you and will respect you decisions towards us ".

"So your my dad ?" Macaiah said staring at Safaree in the eyes. "And your my mum " looking at Nicki.

"Yes" they both replied. The world had finally been lifted off there shoulders. The huge secret that only Mama Carol, Mama Samuels,jelani,Wayne and Papa Maraj knew about. Macaiah was stunned.

He simply replied "oh".


  1. Yo i knew that was wat they we're hiding! Is Macaiah goin to be mad?
    Post soon!

  2. yooo i waz suspecting that tht waz the secret....well at least the told him....poor macaiah waz so confused...well i wonder whts macaiah gonna do....i mean he can't juss ignore nicki and maciah there his parents....hope everything works out well...POST SOON(like u should really post 2morrow cause its the last day i have off)......Post soon

  3. great chapter....i think maciaih should go 2 live with nicki and safaree....hows maciaih going to react???....i agree wit jazzy cause 2morrows my last day off so u should really post 2morrow....POST SOON

  4. great chapter...i wonder wht kind of relationship he's gonna have with nicki and safaree...i think he'll grow 2 love his new mommy & daddy lol.....he was so shocked....POST SOON!!!

  5. YOOOOOOOO!!!! Thnx for finally telling us!! And he just said oh!! Hahaha I live Caiah!!!


