Thursday 22 December 2011

Please Forgive Me.................

'Im so sorry, its just me and you, we aren't working right now. Me and you both have the most hectic work schedules. I have a lot of things on my mind right now that you will find out about sooner or later. Please forgive me'

Drake was stunned he just wasn't expecting it at all. He and Nicki had only ever had a couple of rows. Things were running so smoothly and he had seen a future with her. 'But Nicki, what have i done?'.

'Nothing. Please don't blame this on yourself. Its just the wrong time for both of us. I mean let's face it. We have been together for like 3 months now and we have only seen each other about 7 times. Plus i am touring at the start of 2012 and then it we will be even more hectic. Honestly babe, we were silly to think it would ever work. But i want to stay in touch with you. You know i can tell you anything'.

'Well obviously not everything because this thing you have on your mind you can't tell me ? I mean have who have you told ? How am i supposed to move on if i don't even know what came between us ? Its not someone else is it ?'

'NO' Nicki shouted she was shocked he would ask that. Nicki would never cheat on anyone, never mind Drake. 'Listen we are both upset and are going to say something we will regret. She kissed him on his forehead as tears ran down his cheeks. Sb walked into the room and saw Nicki wiping away Drakes tears. He knew what must have happened, she had told him previously that the situation she was in at the moment meant it was unfair for her to carry on dating Drake and get him into the odd situation as well. SB turned around to give them time together but by the time he reached the kitchen and put his and Nicki's food in the oven so it doesn't get cold Nicki was showing Drake to the door. After one last kiss Drake left absolutely distraught. He had lost the girl off his dreams and didn't know what to do about it.

Nicki turned to SB and gave a huge sigh of relief. She knew what she had done was the right thing but was also sad about it . She wrapped her arms around Sb's neck and he picked her up and placed her on the kitchen side whilst not breaking the hug. He wiped her face gently and said' hey no more crying, please'. He handed her the food and took her hand and led her to the couch.

'So when are we going home to New York ?

' The day after tomorrow.' She looked up and gulped. 'Nervous?'

'Yep'  He had been waiting for that moment for 13 years and it was going to be in just 2 days. It was time for him to man up and face up to it. He grinned at Nicki and knew that if was to be in that kind of situation with anyone he would want it to be Nicki and glad it was. He also knew he had to be strong as Nicki cryed at endangered animals commercials never mind this.

'Everything will be okay won't it ? She looked at her best friend for reassurance. He nodded at her and kissed her hand. 'Course it will munchkin'.

The rest of the night Sb and Nicki sat and talked. They talked of good memories and bad memories and old friends. Nicki got out her photo albums and they went over of pictures of the two of them when they were teenagers. They laughed at one picture of the two of them starin at Macaiah after her was born . It was her favourite picture of all time and had about 20 copies. Sb had 1 in his wallet. One in his room by his bed and 2 on the dresser. It was his most prised possession and would be horrified if he was in any situation without it. As they looked at it both of them silently sobbed. It was 13 years ago, and would be 14 in March.

'Im nervous but kinda excited arnt you?'
'Definately. I just hope it dosnt mess him up.'
'The truth had to come out some time though. The longer we leave it the worse it will get.
'I know. I love you Faree.'
I love you to Nic

With that they both went to bed, mind swimming about what was going to happen in 2 days time.

Can anyone guess what going to happen ? I don't have a twitter by the way so don't ask so just comment below and i will get back to any questions via this. Love ya Barbs. And dont expect anything for a while as its CHRISTMAS! Merry christmas everyone and i hope you all get what you asked for! So expect the next chapter anytime after the 28th! Love you barbs xx Its BARBIE BITCH XOXO !


  1. Wait wat r they doing in New ayork that's so scary?

  2. great chapter...i wonder what there going to new york for?? can't wait till the nex chapter.. i know you said you were gonna post again sometime after the 28th so i hope u post 2morrow..this story is gonna be good... post soon!!!

  3. WHAT THE HECK :O! Noooooo. What was that? Oh my gosh :( And what's happening in New York? Let us know ASAP! Got me wondering lol.
    LOL and oops! I'm sorry because I did ask for your twitter, lol, my bad. I didn't know. Oh! And I hope you had a wonderful Christmas yourself. I'm out, Ditto :P.

  4. Caiah actually their son or something...? o_O Anyways... *keeps reading*

  5. Ohhhh! I read ur sequel prior to reading this. Now things r makind sense! x:
