Saturday 28 April 2012

Welcome To LA!

Macaiah awoke, startled by a loud noise. He sat up.

"Sleeping Beauty's awoke huh?" Nicki asked, laughing at her son who had slept the whole flight to LA, all the way through the airport and nearly the entire car ride to Nicki and Safaree's LA home.

"Are we in LA already?" Macaiah asked, confused.

"Well does this look like New York to you?" Nicki replied.

Cai sat up straight and looked around. There weren't many cars in the road and it was fairly quiet. The few cars he could see had there roofs open, showing people laughing and nodding there heads to music. The sun was shining and Cai noticed his Dad and Mom must have changed on the plane into shorts and t shirts, he noticed Nicki and Safaree both looked relaxed, almost as if they had left there problems in New York.

"Umm i guess not" he finally replied to his mom. Nicki and Safaree both laughed at his comment as he comically looked out of the window, wanting to see everything. He hadn't really left Queens that much, never mind New York and he couldn't believe how different it was. The car pulled up to a gate where 2 security stood. The driver got out and exchanged something with the guard and got back in the car.

"What are they doing mom?" Cai asked, nodding towards the security.

"Oh, we live in a private road of LA. It means you can't just drive down the road when you want or random people can walk past my house?"

"How comes?"

"Because, if someone ever found out where i lived, and it wasn't private then we'd have millions of paparazzi outside all the time. So you have to have a special key and passcode to get down here."

"Oh" Macaiah watched as the automatic gates opened and the driver proceeded to drive down the road. They passed huge mansions with multiple sports car, and Range's outside. Cai stared in amazement until they pulled up to Nicki's house. Nicki turned and shook Safaree gently to wake him up.

Cai got out of the car and stared in awe at the house. It was getting late now, so it was getting a bit dark although Cai felt like it was morning because he slept so much on the way.

"This is really yours?" Cai asked as his mom and Dad got out of the car and the driver started dragging bags to the house.

"Yep" Nicki said casually, following Safaree and the driver to the door. As soon as it was opened Nicki grabbed Macaiah's hand and led him straight upstairs,

"Mom, where are we going?"

She pulled him to the top floor and stopped when they got to the door.

"Now listen, we had to do this kind of last minute the other day and your going to have to come shopping to get some things for your person taste but i hope this will do for now okay?" She opened the door and gently pushed Cai into the room to look around.

"are you for real?" Macaiah walked over to the desk and stared at the brand new mac, gently touching the top. "This is ALL mine?"

"Course it is lambchop". She smiled as he walked around in amazement touching all of his new stuff. He ran to his mom and wrapped his arms round her waist.

"Thank you mom. For everything, not just the laptop and stuff, i mean like thinking about me. Making me the priority of your life, i really appreciate this. I haven't even looked round this house yet, but i know its my home. Because you and Dad are here, and i love you guys so much."

"I love you to lambchop. Just always remember that okay? Me and your Dad will always love you no matter what." They clutched onto each other for a bit until Nicki said " right lambchop, imma go unpack some stuff, go get your bags from your Dad and do the same, then I'll fix us some dinner?"

"Kay mom".

--------------------------------------------2 HOURS LATER-------------------------------------------------

Nicki, Safaree and Macaiah sat at the table eating dinner, as a family laughing and joking loudly.

"dad, tell me one of your jokes again?" Cai giggled.

"Okay, I've gotta good one." Safaree said sitting up like a business man as if he was going to say something important.

"Oh jesus Faree, not another one" she groaned.

Cai giggled loudly, trying to stop tears from streaming down his face. His cheeks hurt from laughing so much in the game room with his Dad as Nicki was cooking dinner.

"Whats brown and sticky?" Safaree asked, looking at his girlfriend and son with a cheesy grin on his face.

Nicki and Cai put on silly confused faces, Nicki stroking a pretend beard and Cai cocking his head to the side.

"Give up?" Safaree asked.

"Yeh, tell us Dad" Cai asked already laughing knowing the answer would be stupid.

"A stick!"

Cai threw his head back laughing at how bad his dads jokes were, Nicki groaned at the awful joke but was silently laughing at Cai's cute giggle and how he reacted with his Dad. Macaiah clearly adored his Dad and Safaree obviously was completely in love with his son. Nicki had never seen Safaree this happy in her life, he had a gleam in his eye that Nicki had never seen before.

"Dad, can i ask a question?"

"Hit me."

Nicki stared intently at her son who had widened his eyes and slightly pouted his bottom lip, making him look like an innocent little boy again.

"Am i allowed a beer, so i can be like you?"

"Of course you can Cai." Nicki was taken aback at his answer. Surely Safaree was not about to give there 14 year old son a beer on his first night living with them? They had both agreed that they weren't going to give there son whatever they wanted just to avoid arguments.

Macaiah was as equally surprised as his mom. He had asked knowing his father would say no but he thought there was no harm in trying. Safaree walked back in with a cold beer from the fridge. Nicki didn't say anything because she trusted Safaree, she just wasn't sure what he was going to do.  Safaree put the beer on the mantle piece.

"Cai, when your 21 feel free to have that beer, in fact the day before your 21, i might even give you 2. Period"

Macaiah sighed, "what about when I'm 19?"

Nicki smiled at Safaree and leaned on his arm, he was being so mature and even though he was desperate to keep this good relationship that he had right now with his son, he was being a good parent and responsible.


Cai sighed, "But Daaaaad! You said I was mature!"

"You are. Which is why you know your way too young to drink."

Before Macaiah could respond the doorbell went off loudly. Nicki frowned, because no one was scheduled to come and not many people knew there address.

Safaree walked to the door and opened it.

"Hey SB? Long time no see, thought i might chill with you and Nic tonight?"
Nicki's top

Nicki's shorts. ( i have these lol)

Cai's top.
Cai's shorts.
SB's shorts

SB's Top

I know this chapter aint that good but the next chapter will be better, i just couldn't go straight into new drama. Anyways, who do you guys reckon is at the door? 10 comments this time?

Tuesday 24 April 2012


Macaiah fell asleep in about 2 minutes on Nicki's chest, making the cutest snoring noise Nicki and Safaree had ever heard. Nicki just rubbed Cai's head gently with one hand and laid her other hand on his back, also rubbing gently. She closed her eyes and remembered the last time she had done this, had her son sleep on her chest and she remembered it was in the hospital. She felt something light brush against her hand and opened her eyes. Safarees hand hovered above hers, almost as if he had gone to hold it, then remembered the way she had treated him that morning and stopped. He went to move it away and go back to just watching his son sleep but Nicki caught his hand and clutched at it. He looked in her eyes and saw an apology. Neither wanted to speak, to wake up there son or to ruin the moment. But he knew it meant sorry. He squeezed her hand back, telling her that he forgave her.

"Umm we're here" The driver said, looking back at the family oblivious to the fact they had arrived at the airport about 5 minutes ago.

"Baby, Honey wake up. We're here." Nicki tried to wake up her son, but he didn't stir. "Cai. CAI!"

"what? Why is it so cold, i don't wanna go to school mom, let me go back to sleep."

"Macaiah, we are at the airport on the way to LA silly boy! Come on" she laughed.

"Oh. Oh yeah." he smiled and got up, stretching his back out, he turned to see his dad hand him a green blanket he had spare in the bag.

"You said you was cold? Wrap that round you." SB said.

"I can't walk around wrapped in a blanket! I'm 13!"

"Hey! I'm nearly 30 and i do it all the time!" Nicki said.

"I'll wear one if you do Dad?" Cai said looking up at his dad with a look of innocence that Safaree just couldn't refuse.

SB sighed, looking back at his son, he didn't particularly want to wear a blanket through the airport, but didn't want his son to be cold so wrapped it around him anyway. Nicki got out of the car and grabbed a couple of the bags that the driver was unloading from the boot of the car. She turned to see Safaree wrapped in a bright yellow blanket that she carried as a spare. It only partially covered him because he was so big and tied it round his neck and shoulder like a toga, she tried to smother her laughs but failed miserably.

The three of them walked into the airport clutching what seemed like a million bags, wrapped in luminous blankets, they stuck out like a sore thumb. As they approached the desk, getting out there passports, they heard the sound of running, Nicki paused and turned round to see her mom running towards her.

"ONIKA GET HERE NOW" Mama Carol called. Safaree and Macaiah had heard by now and turned round. Nicki just stood there, not knowing what to do. Macaiah instantly moved to his dad who wrapped his arms around Macaiah's shoulders, never wanting to let go.

"Mom, please stop making a scene." Nicki said, as she walked towards her mom.

"NO onika. You cannot just take MY son without telling me. Give him back."

"give him back? Really mom? Have you listened to yourself lately?" By now, Jelani and Nicki's Dad had come rushing round the corner, huffing and puffing like they had been running for hours.Nicki continued." Your talking about him like he's an object. Have you even considered Macaiah's feelings throughout all of this? Me and Safaree arnt taking him to LA because we want him, or a anything like that. HE wants to. You've treated him so bad this last week that he's become frightened of you. Look at his face!"

This caused the whole family to turn and stare at Macaiah who was still clutching to his Dad for dear life. He was crying silently now, wishing he was on the plane already.

"Cai? Tell us what you want?" Jelani asked, walking up to his nephew.

"I just wanna be with my mom and dad." He turned to Mama Carol. "Every things changed. I haven't changed how i treat you at all but you treat me different now. Nothings the same. You went all weird and scary. You grounded me for nothing. You said you were fine with the whole situation but Ur clearly not. I just want to be with my mom and dad. They're the only people who i feel at home with now."

"Macaiah, if you don't come back with me right now, i won't take you back in when you come crawling back from LA when you realise how clueless your parets are."

"DON'T SAY THAT!" Cai screamed back, hysterical with range. Safaree pulled him back by his hood and whispered " Cai, contain your anger".

"Macaiah Maraj. I mean it, get in the car."

He turned away, not wanting to ever look at Mama Carol again.

Mama Carol just stared back. " You know what? I'm done with you. All of you. Come on Robert." She said as she walked away from everyone.

Robert just stood there frozen to the spot staring at Nicki. "No Carol. Your wrong for this. I'm staying with my kids, and my grandson, until they leave."

Mama Carol just stared at the back of his head and walked away, leaving her whole family in the airport. "I'm sorry for her" Papa Robert said, walking to Macaiah. He bent down and and hugged Macaiah, who hugged back tightly. " She doesn't mean all that, shes just hurt right now, ,maybe when you get back from LA, she'll be back to normal."

Macaiah didn't say anything, just nodded at Papa Robert, who walked to Nicki to say goodbye to her before they got on there jet. Jelani moved over to Macaiah, hugging him and picking him up as if he was still a toddler. "How long you going to LA for little man?"

"Just a week i think Jelani" he replied, trying to smile through the tears still streaming down his face.

"Good, make sure you make your mom bring you straight to me when you get back in NY. Imma miss you."

"Ill miss you to Lani!"

After they all said they're emotional goodbyes it was time for them to get on the jet. By now Macaiah was emotionally and physically exhausted and as they trudged there way to the private jet, Macaiah looked like he was about to pass out. Without telling him Safaree grabbed him under his armpits from behind and lifted him onto his back, "just hold onto my neck, we'll be on the jet soon and then you can go to sleep."

Macaiah just nodded and held on like his dad told him. Nicki was still sad after seeing her mom act that way, but seeing Macaiah nuzzle into Safaree's neck and try to go sleep even though they was still warming, made her heart warm a little. As soon as they got into they jet Safaree gently laid Macaiah onto one of the seats, then adjusted the seat back, wrapped him in a couple of blankets so he was comfy. He walked to Nicki's seat, picked her up and sat down, placing her on his lap. They both went straight to sleep, neither being able to find any words to describe this situation. They were sad about what went down with Mama Carol, angry at her that she had upset there son, but happy because they felt like was a new start. A new life.

Okay so, i get like 60 page views per chap and 5 comments? Hell naw so like can i get just 8 comments at least? Thanks xxx Tell me what you think, good or bad?!

Saturday 21 April 2012

The plan goes ahead

Safaree got into the car and turned to Nicki.

" Nicki, ring Martin, get him to book a flight back to LA at the latest time tonight." he turned to the driver. " Can you drive us back to the hotel please?" The driver nodded and started up the car whilst SB sat not looking at Nicki, thinking things through. Nicki was taken aback now, as well as angry. She wasn't used to Safaree ordering her around, it just wasn't in his nature to be like that at all. She stared at him, trying to figure what the hell he was doing, ordering her about, as if the whole dilemma wasn't happening at all. As if Mama Carol hadn't just told them they were never going to see there son ever again. As if the previous night when he cried himself to sleep just seeing his son cry didn't happen. 

"SAFAREE!" she screamed. She just wanted some kind of reaction to what was happening. She hated the fact that he could read her emotions like a book, but at the time she didn't have any clue what was going through his mind, because he was behaving the exact opposite to normal. When something got to him, it showed, just like last night where he damn near threw his laptop at the wall after seeing a video. But today was different.


He grabbed at her wrists, holding them tight, but not enough to hurt her. "Nicki, I'm staying calm to help you calm down, and so that i can think."

"Safaree, if your even thinking of making me get on a plane to leave New York, without seeing my son, your crazy. Just crazy. It wont happen okay?"

"Good because its not going to. I have this figured out. Macaiah has half term right now. That means 9 days off. We didn't have anything planned for this week as we thought we would spend a week with Cai on day trips and stuff, and a couple of weeks finding beats for album number 3."

Nicki nodded, listening.

"We can take Cai back to LA with us. I can protect us from the paparazzi. He can get out of that house. We can be a proper family, in our home this time, not just a hotel like last time. This time will be real Nic, start of a new life, just us 3."

"Safaree, we can't just do that. He might not be comfortable babe? Remember we said we wouldn't move forward with this arrangement without him suggesting it first."

"Oh, didn't i mention?" Safaree clutched at her hands. " He wants to live with us. He wants to be a family just as much as we do."

Safaree grinned at Nicki, expecting her to be smiling back but instead she dropped his hands and sank back into her seat. SB looked confused until she covered her face with both her hands, he realised she was crying. He got close to her, the first time the whole morning and prised her hands away from her face.

"Baby? Why are you the only person who acts really sad when they're actually really happy. It confuses the shit outta me babe. Why you gotta cry Nic?" he teased playfully.

"I'm just overwhelmed. My baby wants to live with us. Oh my god."

"I know this is a really joyful occasion but i there's no time for this. To be honest i didn't really want to tell you but Macaiah's miserable in that house. Mama Carol hasn't been treating him the same ever since he got back from the weekend with us and he's been grounded and got his phone taken off of him. He hasn't been out since the incident at his school and Mama Carol has just been laying into him about stuff."

"What? Why is she being mad at him for something he had no control over? He's just a kid. We agreed she would still treat him the same!"

"I know Nicki, i guess shes a bit jealous maybe? You know its difficult for her as well as him i guess"

"I know that Safaree but it does not mean she can just treat a 13 year old boy like that. Taking his phone away? Like that means he hasn't been able to speak to his friends either? Oh god, he must be completely miserable right now." 

"He is Nic, which is why we need to work together right now, figure out how to Cai out of there and quick. 

"Okay babe. What are you thinking so far?" Nicki asked.

" Well your not going to like this idea at all, but i really don't think your mom is in a reasonable mood right now. And we really don't have the time to wait for her mood to change, i cant leave my son in that house for any longer Nicki, i really can't. So we are just going to have to take him when shes not around."

"I don't know Faree." She sighed." I'm not comfortable going behind her back like that."

"I know. But I'm more comfortable going behind her back than leaving my son in that house. Its hard for you because you didn't see him, but he was distraught. His eyes were puffy and he was crying. I never want to see him like that again ever Nicki."

Nicki could see Safaree getting emotional just talking about it which showed her just how important the situation is.

She quickly picked up her phone and speed dialled her only brother.

"Hey bro. I need your help, just dont ask any questions okay?"

"Okay Nicki, you name it."

"Can you take mom and Dad out to dinner tonight? Like fairly late?"

"Umm, sure sounds fine. But why?"

"I said don't ask questions Jay!" Nicki replied quickly.

Jelani could tell it was important because of how quickly his little sister he knew so well got so angry. 

"Okay Nic. I'll text you when i leave. I'm guessing i should leave Cai at home?"

"Yes please. Don't worry, hes grounded so mom wouldn't have let him come anyway."

"Okay Nic, that's fine, you know id do anything to help you out don't you?"

"Thanks bro, i really appreciate it. Oh, and one more thing?"


"When you arrive to pick mom up, go up to Cai's room and tell him pack as much stuff as he can, all the necessities and everything else, but tell him not to worry if he runs outta bags we can always pick more stuff up later and buy more stuff in LA."

"LA?" Jelani rubbed his head." Please don't tell me your taking Cai to LA without mom knowing?"

"Well....... I don't wanna lie to you Jay"

"You know what. I trust you and your husband. I know your doing whats right for him. Just ring me when you get there? That's all i ask."

"Sure Jay, thanks again. I love you so much."

"Not as much as i love you Nic."

She hung up and looked at Safaree. We need to repack all of our stuff. Cancel all interviews and meetings and appearances for the next 10 days. That will take quite a while because everyone will want to argue with us about having to cancel but we're going to have to say its a family emergency. Then as soon as we done, we come get Cai, get all his stuff in the car and take him to the airport. Its not healthy for him to be in that house right now."

-----------------------5 HOURS LATER-------------------------------

Nicki and SB were in the car driving to Mama Carols house, when Nicki gotta text.

Jelani: Nicki if you havnt already got Cai, you need to hurry the fuck up, Mom felt sick we had to leave mad early.

"Oh shit" Nicki said aloud.

"What?" Safaree said, he noticed she was looking at her phone so peered down and saw what it read. They were 2 minutes away from the house by now but Safraee was more worried that they would not get all of Cai's stuff in the car in time. 

"Right, we need to be mad quick right now Nicki".

As soon as they pulled up they jumped out of the car running to open the door, luckily Cai must have been watching for them out of the window as the door flung open as they were still running down the path.

"Son, i know you wanna say hi to us and stuff but we need to hurry. Help up get your bags into the car okay?"

"Kay dad" he replied obediantly, knowing he would be able to hug and kiss his parents in the car but he could see the serious look on his fathers face and knew he needed to hurry some kind of reason. As Nicki was pulling one of Cai's suitcases to the car, she saw them.

They had taken Nicki's dads car and Nicki saw it turn the corner into the road. She stopped moving and stared, her Dad was staring back was slowing down the car. Her mom must have been in the back seat as Nicki couldnt see her at all. She closed her eyes and waited for the car to pull up and her mother to get out, obviously not going to be happy about them taking her son. As she opened her eyes back to reality she saw the car turn around and exit the road.

"What?" she said aloud. She knew her father had seen her but still just left. Until she saw her brothers hand stick out of the car window giving her the thumbs up. She smiled, she knew her brother had her back.

"Nicki. Everythings packed, get in the car before they get back" Safaree yelled from the car.

She ran to the car and shoved the bag she was carrying into the unocupyed front seat and squished into the back with her family. She looked to her left to see Macaiah crying on Safaree's chest. 

"Its okay now lambchop, your coming with us." Nicki said, trying to reassure him. 

"I know. I knew you were going to come."

"How?" Nicki asked.

"because Dad promised, and i prayed to God. And you always say if your good and you work hard and pray you'll get what you want right?"

"Right" Nicki said, pulling Macaiah closer to her and smothering him with maternal kiss's. She held him to her and rocked and looked at Safaree who was looking at them with a huge smile on his face. By now Nicki thought Macaiah had fallen asleep on her.

"What you laughing at coon" she whispered to Safaree.

Macaiah let out a loud snort." You know i can hear you when you whisper mom"! he said. They all erupted into laughter and got into a comfy position for the ride to the airport. 
SB's t shirt
SB's jeans

Nicki's leggings.Sleeveless Denim Shirt
Ones of Macaiahs bags.
Macaiah's jeans
Cai's hoodie

Friday 13 April 2012

Nicki and Safaree both had a nice lie in after there exhausting trip to Japan. Safaree awoke at 11:00, his arms wrapped around Nicki, their legs intertwined, as always. He wanted to get his phone and text Cai, to ask him if he was up, but didnt want to wake his sweetheart so decided on keeping still. As if she read his mind she stirred and gave a deep sigh, remembering what had happened the night day before.

"Whats the long ass sigh for baby?" Safaree asked.

"Just thinking Faree. That's all" Nicki sighed again, avoiding eye contact with her boyfriend.

Safaree felt like Nicki was about to burst into tears, he knew his girlfriend so well and she was displaying the tell tale signs. "Heey baby, don't get upset" he tried pulling her to him but she objected. "Listen Nicki, whats happened, has happened. We can't do anything about whats happened now can we?" He reassured.

"Safaree! How the fuck can you say that!? Did you not see the look on our boys face? And this is ALL my fault. You don't understand." She looked away.

"What do you mean I don't understand? SB sat up, angry. "We're in the exact same position Nic, He's OUR son. Drake's done this to get back at US. Not you. None of this is your fault Nic. It's not your fault he's a ass-hole Nicki. We are in the exact same position."

"No we are not." she shrieked. " This is ALL my fault, all of this."

"How?" Safaree questioned. "What do you mean?"

"Drake dosnt have anything against you. He was trying to get back at ME, not you and definately not Caiah." She was beyond hysterical now."EVERYTHINGS my fault. It's ALWAYS my fault."

"Nicki wait." Safaree grabbed her arm. "Of course Drake was trying to get back at me as well. Because he's jealous of me. I have you, who isnt jealous of me?"

"Don't make stupid lies to make me feel better SB" Nicki said.

"I'm not Onika. Will you just listen to me." Safaree tried to grab her and put her on his lap but she pushed his hand away again. "Onika, this is not your fault. Let me comfort you! Let me be your boyfriend. Please Nic."

"Faree, i can't look at you right now, all i feel is guilt." Before she turned away she said " Now go get ready,  we need to speak to Cai" Nicki walked off to the bathroom, grabbing some of her clothes on the way.

SB just watched helplessly. He felt like there was nothing he could say or do to make his love feel better. Sighing, he got himself ready, he knew as soon as Nicki saw there son, she would feel immediatly better.
Nicki and Safaree were still not speaking to each other. The paps were still hounding them but it was not as bad as the previous day, but getting to Mama Carols door was quite difficult. Nicki knocked on the door, which was immediatly opened.

"Get in" Mama Carol hissed.

Nicki turned and frowned at Safaree who looked just as confused as she did. They followed her into the lavish dining room, both searching for there son, eager to see him after a long week without him.

"Where's Cai mom?" Nicki asked.

"You think I'm going to let you see MY son after all of this?Mama Carol sniggered at them and continued. "All you've done is brought havoc into MY sons life. These men with the cameras havnt left him alone all week. I'm disgusted with you. Your treating him like a publicity stunt."

"Mom? Do you really think we wanted this to happen? He's not your son mom, he's OURS. We would never want this to happen to him , why would you think that?"

"I would'nt put it past you. And you two getting back together? You expect me to believe that?"

"Mom, I know your just trying to look out for him, but we are ood parents."

"Good parents?" she snorted."Your the worst parenst ive ever seen. If you think im going to let you see Cai ever again your mistaken." Mama Carol turned as if she was about to walk away, but Nicki stood up, in shock.

Safaree pulled her back down, worried she was going to slap her in the face. "Mama Carol is this what Macaiah said?"

"he cant make his own decisions Safaree. He's 13, dont be so naive, he dosnt have a clue what he wants. He never loved you, just what you bought him." she replied harshly.

" You can't do this mom." Nicki shrieked.

"Do what?"

"Keep us from our son!"

"He's my son. You may have given birth to him but ive raises him while you've been off having a great time. Macaiah's mine."

"NO" Nicki shouted in her moms face.

"Who do you think you are, shouting at me in my house Onika? Get out, no one wants to see you around here. Run along."

"Mom, please can we just see our son? For a few minutes. We need to see him please" Nicki begged and pleaded. While all this was going on Safaree was thinking about what he was going to do.

"Nicki, you heard your mom, go get in the car. I just need to got to the bathroom."

Nicki turned to stare at Safaree. " Safaree? What are you saying, why are you not fighting for our son? What the fucks wrong with you?"

"NICKI" he raised his voice and said it sternly. Nicki stared at him tears in her eyes and she saw a look in his eye. Although he sounded harsh and stern his eyes read reassurance and trust. Nicki got up and stormed out, not looking at her mother. Safaree also got up heading for the stairs. He glanced at Mama Carol quickly and made sure she wasn't following him. When he reached the top of the stairs, he had made his plan.  He ran to Macaiah's room and knocked, praying he opened his door quickly.

Macaiah opened the door, puffy eyed and red in the face. As soon as he saw his father, his eyes lit up.

"Dad!" Macaiah said excitedly.

"Ssssshhh." Safaree pulled at Macaiahs arm and dragged him to the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind them.

"Cai, I've got to be quick. Mama Carol dosnt want me and your mom seeing you. I have 1 question. Do you still want to be part of me and your moms lives? I mean after all thats happened."

"Yes Dad" Macaiah threw his arms around his Dads waist and held on tightly, like he never wanted to let go. " I wanna live with you and mom. But Mama Carol won't let me see you guys any more" he was hystercal now, just like his mother that morning."Dad please, get me out of this house. Ive been trying to ring you but she took my phone away and when i shouted at her she just grounded me. Dad please. I can't not see you anymore. Help me."

Safaree felt heartbroken. There was no doubt in his mind that he was going to help his son, but currently he just didn't know how.

"Son? I need you to stick it out a couple more hours. Can you do that? I know it will be hard but can you do that for me?"

Macaiah nodded as Safaree wiped at his sons tears.

"Me and your mom love you. We'll be back okay? I wish i could stay longer and comfort you but Mama Carol will get suspicious."

They hugged and Safaree kissed Caiah on the top of his head.

"Love you Dad."

"Love you to son. And if your mom was here she would say it as well, but i thought if she was in this house any longer she might slap Mama Carol round the face."

The both giggled and Macaiah left the bathroom and snuck into his room while Safaree ran down the stairs noisily so Mama Carol wouldn't hear Macaiah walking around upstairs. He walked briskly to the car, asking himself "Why is life so damn difficult" he asked himself aloud.

Wednesday 11 April 2012

I'm Sorry.

Before Wayne replied, SB already knew he it was. To him, it was quite obvious, no one in his family or Nicki's would family would tell the press about Macaiah, and if Wayne hadn't it just left Drake.

"It was Drake, he said it at a press conference. I'm sorry Nic. I'm just about as mad as you are."

Nicki didn't know what to say. Her and Drake might not have been on the best terms right now, but before she was really connected to him. She thought he was a gentleman and this just didn't seem like him at all.

"Ok Wayne. I'm ganna go. Luv"

"Luuv Barbie, bye."

Nicki dropped her phone and stared at Safaree, waiting for him to say something.

"I fucking hate that pretty gay ass girl. Why the FUCK WOULD HE DO THAT." Safaree looked like he was going to punch someone. SB was rarely angry because he was a very tolerant man, but this had really got him pissed. Why would Drake feel the need to do that. For all he cared Drake could say any shit about him, but messing with his family was something else. If he had said shit about Nicki, he would have been mad, but saying something that could affect his 13 year old sons life made him fuming.

Nicki stared at Safaree. He was visibly mad. His fists were clenched and Nicki decided it was one of these times were SB needed some space. She knew there nothing she could say or do that would make him less mad. They sat in silence until they pulled up to the hotel in New York.

"Faree?" Nicki stroked the back of his head gently.

He looked her way.

"I'm ganna go to TT's for a little bit. I think you need some time to yourself, i know how mad you are, and i know you hate me seeing you mad. So i'll be back later okay?"

"Kay." he got out of the car and got the luggage. Nicki was telling the driver the directions to TT's when Safaree opened the door again.

"Nicki?" Safaree still looked pissed and his eyes looked hurt and angry. "Don't go see Cai without me. We havnt seen him for a week and when we get back to see each other i want it to be all of us. As a family. Is that okay?"

"I wouldn't dream of it. I won't be too long, but if you want me to come back soon, just give me a call okay?"

"Okay baby." He gave her a gentle kiss on the lips and walked into the hotel.

Nicki sighed and sunk into her seat. Not only was Drake saying this going to make her life hard, it would put a strain on everything. Now, the paps would be desperate to get an exclusive picture. Nicki wasnt sure if they knew Safaree was the father and she wasnt sure if they knew about her and Safarees relationship either. She turned on her phone and rang TT.

"TT? Please say your in."

"Yeh babe, im just doing laundry. Why whats wrong?"

"Im on my way, i'll explain then"

"Okay Nic, see you soon. Keep your held high, whatevers wrong okay?"

Nicki smiled and put the phone down. She looked out the window and saw what seemed like millions of cars swarming around them, following Nicki to wherever she was going. She clutched at Big Dream's hand who was now sitting where Safaree previously was, as he was worried on the paps would try and get into the car with Nicki whilst they were moving. He squeezed back, silently reassuring her that nothing would happen to her whilst he was there.

When the car pulled into TT's road Nicki looked at Big Dream for guidance.

"Dream, how the hell am i ganna get out of this car? There are fucking loads of them. I'm never going to get in the house."

"What i would suggest is, we get out of the car as quick as possible and we are just going to have to make a run for it Nic. Just hold onto me and ill get you inside just fine okay?"

"Okay." Nicki did feel safe with Dream, but always felt more safe when Safaree was around in these situations, especially as the paps seemed so desperate for the gossip, that they didnt seem to be humane at all. Nicki pulled up her hood and Big Dream exited the car and ran to her door. She jumped out and grabbed his hand. There were so many camera's in her face and people around her they just couldnt move at all. The door to TT's house was about 30 metres away and they couldnt even move 1 metre at the moment.

Big Dream knew he had to take charge. "GET OUT OF THE FUCKING WAY, SHES ILL." he shouted. Nicki looked up at him in suprise.

He carried in with the lie. "SHES ABOUT TO PASS OUT, LET HER IN THE HOUSE" he pushed past her and got her to the doorway. By now TT was at the door laughing. She found it hilarious that so many people were interested in her best friend. Nicki got in the house and Big Dream called " I'll be in the car, text me when your ready to leave and ill get you from the door."

"Okay" she replied, still laughing at his blatant lie just so that they would move. TT and Nicki greeted each and TT went to get them drinks whilst Nicki sat on the couch. TT sat down and looked at her miserable friend.

"Nicki, spill".

Meanwhile, Safaree had got into the hotel and unpacked his clothes. Sometimes he didnt unpack in hotels if they were moving on quickly, but they were in New York for a week now. After the unpacking he kicked off his sneakers, pants, jewelry, hat and t shirt and jumped into bed. It was only 7:00 PM but he felt emotionally drained. He was mentally restraining himself from finding out where Drake was and killing him. He had just done the pettiest thing, just because he was mad at Nic for dumping him. He wanted to know exactly what Drake had said, who he had said to and why so he pulled up his laptop and googled Drakes name. It immediatly came up a million news results about Drake snitching on Nicki. He clicked on the first video which came up, which was named 'Drake tells all on Nicki Minaj'.

*Drake Press Conference*

Interviewer: Drake, over the years there have been many rumours about you and your label mate Nicki Minaj.

Drake looked at the reporter and smirked. He knew this was the time to get back at Nicki for dumoing him for no apparent reason. He cleared his throat and started.

"Actually i do have something to say about Miss Nicki Minaj." Drake looked around at all the reporters in the room that looked intrigued and happy they were getting an exclusive scoop. He continued.

"Yes we did date. But Nicki harshly dumped me after 3 months, to be honest i was going to dump her but you know. Shes kinda messed up so i didnt want to. But anyway she dumped me because well, her and her pussy whipped assistant have this fucked up little affair going on. And basically they had a kid like 13 years ago, and didnt tell anyone. Not even him. And now they told him and i walked in to her hotel the other day to ummm, return some stuff to her. And he was there."

The reporters looked stunned and shocked. "Is this true?" one of them piped up.

"Defineately." Drake gave a smug look and walked out smirking at everyone as he walked past them. Finally he felt like Nicki was going to be hurt, just like she hurt him before.
*End of Drake Video*

Safaree picked up the laptop and was about to throw it. The laptop was high above his head and as his hands went to throw it the movement caused his wallet to fall out of his pocket onto the bed. It fell open, exposing the picture of him, his son, and the love of his life. His breathing immediatly regulated. He knew, beating up Drake and getting agressive with the laptop, or anything else for that matter, would make him feel better. But he knew he would make Nicki cry. He pictured her crying, tears streaming down her face, making them cure little sniffling noises. He lowered the laptop and put it back down. He looked back at the laptop and was about to log off when something caught his eye. One of the related videos was named
" Nicki Minaj and Safaree Samuels's love child first encounter of fame."

Safaree clicked onto the video and watched his son trying to walk out of school. He looked suprised at the papparazi and a huge grin appeared on his face. Safaree was confused, why was Macaiah happy to see these people. Subtitles appeared on the bottom of the screen.
*Video of Cai*
"Yo Cai? Is your mom and Dad picking you up?"

"Not that i know of. Unless, they're doing it as a suprise." Macaih grinned and looked around, looking for his parents, when one of the photographers called out. "NO, WE ARE HERE FOR YOU. MACAIAH MARAJ, HOW DO YOU FEEL AFTER YOU'VE FOUND OUT YOUR MOTHER IS MISS NICKI MINAJ?"

Macaiah frowned and bowed his head, he tried to walk through the crowd but there was so many he couldnt get through.

"You guys can go. I'll be fine by myself." Macaiah said to Danny, Joe and Joe who were trying to help there friend get home.

"We 're not leaving Cai." Danny piped up. Macaiah felt a hand on his back and turned around. His principal was there, "Macaiah, come back inside, we will have to ring your errr, Grandmother? To pick you up." She ushered the boys back inside. Macaiah sniffed trying to hold back tears, he really thought his parents were there then, only to find out his parents were still in Japan, but the whole world knew there secret.

Safaree was nearly crying at the video. He closed down the laptop and put it on the floor. He knew he was going to make Drake pay for this. He got into bed still thinking of the image of his boy not even being able to go home with his friends, like a normal boy of his age, all because of Drake.

Nicki and TT had had a good catch up and Nicki had also seen the videos of Drake spilling the beans and Macaiah not beeing able to go home. TT had seen them earlier in the week and knew she had to show Nic. Nicki had also cried when she saw this. Macaiahs disapointed face reminded her of when she had to leave to go to work when he was younger and he would cry and beg her not to. After she had cried on TT's lap she wanted to go and see him but she had promised SB otherwise so she didnt. She knew she had to go home and tell Safaree about the video's she had seen.


Nicki walked into the hotel room. She couldnt hear anything and figured Safaree had gone out, to get some fresh air or speak to the biys about what had happened, she walked into the bedroom, and was about to start gettin change into something comfy, when she noticed the lump in the bed. As she walked over to him, her foot kicked something, she looked down and realised it was his laptop. Knowing him, she guessed he gone online and searched his name and also seen the video's.

Nicki sighed, knowing how upset Safaree would've been when he saw the video and Nicki was upset she wasn't here to comfort him. She got ready for bed in the bathroom so as not to wake Safaree and threw on one his shirts and a thong. She got into bed and got as close to him as she could. Her hand immediatly went to his chest and she gently rubbed, knowing that that always soothed him.


"Babe? Did I wake you? Im sorry"

"You didnt wake me i wasnt properly asleep just thinking. Anyway, i have to show you something that you arnt ganna like."

Before he could finish she cut him off. "I've already seen. And thank you."

"For what?"

"Not beating Drakes ass. I know you want to."

"I do. So fucking bad. But i wanna be a good role model for my son. And i don't wanna make my girlfriend cry. And i don't want Mama Carol stopping us seeing Cai because i have a criminal record for killing a man soo."

They both laughed and giggled, clutching each other closely. Nicki knew Safaree felt like shit at the moment and knew of one thing that would cheer him up. "Well think of it this way, the faster you go to sleep, the quicker it will be before we see our son. " As expected Safaree grinned broadly and gave Nicki a peck on the lips.

"Well then, I'm off to sleep. Night babe. I love you so much. With all my heart. Never forget that."

"I love you too Faree."

But nicki was having more of a difficult time getting to sleep. She was so upset that Macaiah had to go through that without his parents there and so unexpectedly as well. She hoped Macaiah was going to be okay tomorrow when they saw him, Nicki knew how strong he was and hoped he would'nt be put off seeing them because of the fame that came with it.

Tuesday 10 April 2012


Nicki was on her way back from Japan. It had been a great trip for the whole team and everyone had enjoyed themselves, but was also exhausted. They had fit so many appearances and interviews and shows in one day that when it was over everyone just collapsed into bed. Nicki and Safaree hadn't had any arguments in Japan, but they hadnt really got to spend much time together as boyfriend and girlfriend ever since they got together which neither was particularly happy about. Nicki clutched at Safaree's hand as they walked through the airport swarmed with camera's and flashing lights. As they turned the corner there seemed to be thousands more.

"Who else is supposed to be coming?" Nicki asked to her team, she was used to paps, but not thousands of them, just for a return to America. As the team continued walking they could hear what seemed like a million different languages being shouted at them at once. Nicki frowned, she wanted to stop and ask one of them what was happening but she knew if she did then it would take ages to get into the car so she decided to wait until they got into the car to find out.

"Nicki. Get on my shoulders" Safaree shouted, aware of Nicki's small frame and how easy it was for her to be knocked over and hurt. She hopped on and the security formed a tight circle around Safaree who was holding onto Nicki so she didnt fall off of him. They finally made it to the car and as they were about to pull off Nicki said" Wait, dont drive until i say so."

She put her sunglasses on and rolled down the window. "EVERYONE SHUT UP" After about half a minute the loud noise had stopped. Nicki looked at the closest man to the car, who was a middle aged chubby white man. "You" she said staring straight at him. "What do ya'll wanna know? What happened?"

The man smiled proudly as if Nicki had chosen him for a particular reason instead of a random selection. "Why did you keep your son a secret for 13 years Miss Nicki Minaj?"

Nicki's mouth gaped open and Safarees head turned as quick as a flash not sure wether what he heard was correct. Nicki turned her head straight forward, winded up the window and said "Drive, back to my apartment, quick please".

The pair of them sat in silence for a few minutes until Nicki piped up angrily "How the fuck do they know?"

"I don't know babe. I mean, only our familys and Wayne know's right?"

Nicki didnt even reply just got her phone out of her bag and rang Wayne. "Wayne? Please don't tell me you told everyone bout Macaiah."

"Nicki, i didn't tell no one nothing. But i do know who did."

"Who?" Nicki asked staring at SB who was looking equally confused as she quickly put the phone on speaker.

Basically most of you said a bit of drama so what im going to do is do a couple of drama chapters then like 5 cute ones? Is that okay? Tell me in the comments, because i do care what you guys think xx. This is just the preview. Thanks xx

Saturday 7 April 2012

Everything will fall into place.

Martin stood patiently outside of Nicki's apartment knocking loudly. He had been there for about 5 minutes now and still Nicki hadnt opened the door. He sighed loudly and decided to call SB, Nicki might have fell asleep on his couch last night. The phone went straight to voicemail. Martin had a key but hated having to use it even though Nicki had told him to use it whenever he needed to go in her apartment to pick up her luggage or anything else. He fished the previously unused key out of his pocket and unlocked the door. He wrinkled his nose when he walked into the living room as the room smelt of going of chicken.

"This isnt like Nic at all, normally shes pretty tidy." He said aloud to himself as he binned the bag of chicken weirdly in the middle of the carpet. On the couch was a tray of junk food which was half eaten. That was even weirder of Nicki to not eat all of her skittles.

"NICKI?" he called out slightly concerned as to what had happenen in here. His mind raced, imaginig scenes of Nicki getting dragged into a big dirty van by thugs wearing balaclavas. "NICKI?" he called again.

Meanwhile Nicki awoke and sat up causing Safaree to stir. She nudged his arm off of her which was tightly wrapped around waist.

"Faree did you hear that?"

"Huh?" Safaree replied refusing to open his eyes, trying to tug Nicki back into the comfortable position they were in before.

"I heard a noise. Never mind babe, lets go back to sleep." As they settled back down, Martin called again.

"NICKI" Martin called, now completely stressing.

"MARTIN" Nicki shot up from the bed and ran to the door. "MARTIN" she called again.

Martin let out a hige sigh of relief as he heard Nicki and walked to her room. Nicki heard his footsteps and called out "Martin Please say you still have the key for my room that i gave you, we're locked in!"

"Key for your room? Ummm, its probably in my apartment Nic, i never bring it because i figured i would never need it."


"Look, my apartments like a 20 minute drive to get there and then i need to find it and drive back, i wont be longer than like an hour, and that includes traffic. Will you be okay for that long?"

"I guess so. Will we make the flight?"

"Yes, we will still have ages. Okay i'll be back soon Nic."

"Kay Martin, hurry up we are fucking starving."

"We??" Martin replied confused.


Martin ran out of the apartment silently praying the roads would be clear before Nic got really mad. Even though he told Nicki they had ages he was worried that they wouldnt make the flight to Japan as it wasnt a private jet and wouldnt wait for Nicki. He shook his head and got into the car hoping there wasnt many speed camera's in the area.

Back in Nicki's room Nicki stood still staring at the door, frustrated that she couldnt get out. She turned around to see Safaree still lying in the same position, she thought he was sleeping so went and got her camera from the drawer. As she got close to him so she could take the ultimately cute pic of him he swiftly knocked the camera to the bed and put it on his bedside table.

"Why you taking pics of the kid when hes asleep Nik Nak?"

"Well your obviously not asleep Faree!"

"Not after my girlfriend was tryna take pornographic pictures of me!!!"

"Pornographic? What the fuck you talking about boy?" She looked down to what he was looking at and saw his manhood standing straight up making a large tent in the sheets. She giggled and gripped it at the base and started stroking up and down kissing his jaw bone at the same time.

"Nicki, please dont start something you can't finish babe."

"Who said i can't finish it? Martin said he will take an hour and im awake now."

"Umm.... Why is it that i remember your on your periods and you don't. I mean if i had blood leaking out of me for like 2 days, i sure wouldnt forget it."

"Eww, thanks for that graphic description babe."

He laughed, and pulled her to his chest so that they couldn't get any closer.

"You know? Its normally the woman that has to be right next to there boyfriend so that they can sleep? But with you........"

"You know you can't sleep without me Nic" Safaree said, his eyes closed still kind of half asleep.

"I know, i'm just kiddin Faree."

"I love it when you call me that. Your so fucking adorable Nic, i swear theres no one who can one minute be the sexiest person, straight to being the most cute and adorable. Just you can do that Nic. Just you." He gripped her round the waist tightly and she nuzzled into his chest even more.

"You going back to sleep Faree?"

"Nope, i just wanted an excuse to hold you close." He opened his eyes and looked at her, her crazy hair sprawled out everywhere and her tiny cute hands laid out gently on his chest, he picked it up and kissed every finger tip, then kissing the palm. "Your mine" he thought aloud.

"Huh?" Nicki said sitting up and looking at him.

"Oh nothing." SB replied, embarrased she had heard him.

"No say it baby?"

"I just said your mine. Because i just cant believe it. Before all this i didnt believe anyone could ever have a perfect life. But after the weekend with Cai and you, i can see the perfect life. I lived it for just two days and i guess im still on a bit of a high from that. Your mine, he's mine. I just cant believe it."

"SB why do you have to be so fucking cute and make me cry all the time?" she said smiling but also trying to stop her eyes from watering again. "Anyway Safaree, as we were talking about Cai, i was thinking last night. Well, if he does wanna live with us, how do i tell the world? I mean we can't hide it. I'll be cutting the workload a bit, and only travelling in the school holidays and plus i'll wanna take him places where the paps will be, like the grammys and London and everywhere else. How the fuck do you explain, the boy you previously told everyone was your brother is actually you and the man you previosuly called your best friends son? Not even young money know and they're like family!"

Safaree stared at her face, she looked so frazzled and stressed just thinking about it, he brushed a bit of hair out of her face and once again pulled her to him. He kissed the top of her head and wrapped her up to her chin in the sheets. "Baby, don't stress. Everything will fall into place. It always does with us. If Cai does come live with us, then we will think about it, but right now we don't have to worry at all."


Monday 2 April 2012

This could go either way.

Safaree felt in his pants pocket one more time. His eyes widened as he tried to remember where he had put the key.

"Babe? Can we go get the food now?" Nicki whined.

"Um, Nicki does anyone else have the key for this door?"

"Yeh, Martin does, why?"

"Please don't get mad?"

"What have you done Faree?"

"I dont have a clue where the key is?"

"WHAT? We are locked in here till Martin gets here?"

"Well i guess so. Unless you can figure out another way out?"

"We can just bash the door down duh." Nicki stood up and walked to the door and stared at it. She lifted her leg and was about to kick it but Safaree caught her leg.

"What the hell are you doing you crazy woman!" Safaree was laughing his ass off. "You really think you can just kick this door down with your pretty little feet?"

"Ummmm, yeh. How hard can it be?"

"Hard enough for you to kick it and break your foot. We aint bashing no door down Onika. Its late anyway, Martin will be here at 10;00 and then he can let us out."

"Faree i'm hungry."

"You must have some snacks in your bags somewhere?" Nicki looked around and her face went from annoyed to completely angry. "No Faree i dont have any fucking snacks in my bag? Like why would I? Oh my god your so dumb, i cant even look at you right now. I'm getting in the shower."

"I'm sorry babe" Safaree said, genuinely upset that he had made Nicki upset.

"Sorry doesnt cut it sometimes" she replied harshly as she gathered her stuff for the shower. She slammed the door shut and turned the shower on. As she lathered up she started reminiscing on the time her and Safaree had had before. Some of the times when they had just been friends but most when they were a couple. She leaned against the door as she remembered the good and the bad times.

"Babe, you didnt have to do this." Nicki blushed as he tucked the napkin into her cleavage.

"Safaree, isnt a napkin meant to go on my lap?"

"Hey, you can't blame a nigga for trying huh?" They both laughed. They were in SB's mum kitchen where Safaree had prepared Nicki a meal. Neither of them could afford posh dinners but Safaree wanted to make her feel as special as he could. After they had eaten Safaree took Nicki's hand and guided her to him. She sat down on his lap and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm sorry this isnt a posh 5 star resteraunt Nic."

Nicki moved his head so he was staring at her in the eyes. "I dont want a 5 star resteraunt. I want you. Even in 20 years if we are millionaires, i'll still just want just you."

She awoke from her day dream and giggled. That was one of the best nights ever, when it was just him and her. "The best dates were always when it was just us together" she said aloud to herself and she let herself go into another flashback.

Everyone had gone out for Rex's birthday. Lauren, Iesha, TT, Candi, all the vakiees and loads of others. They had gone to the club, because unlike Nicki and SB, Rex and most of the others loved the club. Nicki and SB both hated the club but it was Rex's birthday so definately were going to go.

By the time it was 2:00 AM Rex was completely off his face drunk and Nicki knew he had to go home before he did something stupid. She looked around for Safaree but couldnt see him anywhere. She sighed loudly, annoyed because she knew she wouldnt be able to get Rex out by herself.

"What you sighing for baby?" Safaree said into her ear wrapping his arms round her small waist.

"There you are" she grinned. "Help me get Rex back to his house?"

"Thats exactly what i just thought. You get the jackets and ill meet you outside?"

"Kay babe."

A few hours later they had left Rex's house after finally managing to get him into bed. Safaree had had to pick him up because Rex fell on the way home and scratched all up his leg, and Rex wasnt exactly light. When he was in bed Nicki wouldnt leave before she had taken his sneakers off because her mom had told her if anyone ever slept in shoes they could become embedded in your feet.

"Nicki?" Safaree asked as they walked back to Safarees house, arms wrapped round each other tightly.


"Your the most caring person ive ever met. Before i met you at Damons party my life was just kinda average you know? But now your here its.... I cant find words to describe to you how good it is now."

She pressed her lips firmly against his as a small tear ran down her cheek.
(End of flashback)

Nicki realised she has been horrible to Safaree. He had only locked the door to the bedroom because he was so concerned about her that he didnt want to let her out of his sight before she told him her problems. She got out of the shower and rubbed herself dry thinking about how Safaree tried to please her all the time. She walked back into the room and stared at Safaree. He was lying on the bed staring at the ceiling in just his boxers.

She picked his shirt off that he had thrown on the floor and quickly changed into it in the corner of the room.

"Babe?" She called from the other side of the room. He didnt respond at all and she sighed quietly. Nicki walked towards the bed and stood over Safaree. "Babe?" she repeated.

"I thought sorry wasnt good enough?" Safaree replied still not looking directly at her.

"I'm sorry" she said quietly. " I was being a bitch. Please dont be mad at me Faree?"

"I'm not mad." he said lifting his arm up and smiling. Nicki knew him lifting his arm up meant he wanted her to snuggle into his side and she did so happily. She nuzzled her head into his bare chest and stared at a black mark on his chest. She sat up and stared at it. It was her name tatted over his heart which read Onika.

"Safaree? You said you had that removed when we split up?"

"I know i did. But i couldnt bring myself round to it. I knew we would get back together".

SO I HOPE YOU LIKE THE CHAPTER, S/O TO @TeamMinajLexi for helping me she literally wrote the plot for this chap and i just added in a few details. Thanks, anyways comment or tweet me ! ITS BARBIE BITCH. ITS PINK FRIDAY ROMAN RELOADED HOE!