Sunday 26 February 2012

oh no.

Nicki glanced back at the phone and answered quickly. Mama Carol hated when people didnt pick up there phone.

"Hey ma"

"Onika" Mama Carol replied in a calm but stern voice.

"uumm yes mom?" Nicki said sweetly.

"is there anything you wanted to tell me?"

Nicki sat and stared at SB pleading with her eyes for his help. He couldnt resist those eyes so he took the phone and stood up, walking away in case the call didnt go well and then Nicki would stress.

"Hey it's me" said SB as soon as he was as far away from Nicki as he needed to be.

"Hello Safaree. Im going to ask you the same question i just asked my daughter and i would like an honest answer."

Safaree gulped. Mama Carol was not someone to be messed with so he knew he would have to tell her the truth but on the other hand he knew Nicki was no where near ready for Mama Carol to know about there relationship. He wasnt worried she would be disaproving but more nervous she would forbid the relationship in case it would mess with Cai's head. He knew it wouldnt because he understood how mature and intelligent his son was but Mama Carol didnt quite understand that Cai was as mature as he was.

"Go ahead." he replied realising he had left her hanging for about 5 minutes.

"Have you been letting MY son watch scary films! Karen told me that Danny told her that Cai told him he watched Paranormal something or other on Friday with you guys. That is not an appropriate film to be letting my 13 year old watch. In fact im starting to regret letting him on this weekend with you guys in the first place. You have to remember, your his parents not his friends."

Safaree swallowed. He was genuinely upset as to what Mama Carol just said. Fair enough she was different to him and Nicki, maybe a bit more strict but to question his parenting was a bit far.

"I understand your point Mama Carol but the thing is."

She cut him off." No, i want a word with you and Nicki right now. Drop cai,joe, Danny and Joe at Karens. I have already told her your on your way so hurry up. We need to talk."

"Well you can ring up Karen and tell her not to expect them in the next few hours. They are all having fun and so are me and YOUR daughter. We can talk later but im not going to ruin my sons day because your upset with us 2. Its not his fault, and if you think that our weekend with him is over your wrong because its only Saturday afternoon. We will see you at about 6." Safaree hung up. He knew he was rude but he felt like him and Nicki had done nothing wrong. He wanted to just not turn up at all but it was quite clear that Mama Carol didnt like this new situation at all. They way she had said MY son was almost as if she was annoyed and bitter Macaiah was having a good time with them.

SB walked back to the love of his life who was now talking to Joe. The boys had gone back to the games but it looked like Joe had stayed back to have a drink.

"Your just so cute lambchop" Nicki gushed as Joe laughed.

"You know i am nearly 14 now Nic, you dont have to call me that any more."

"I know your nearly 14" Nicki mock gasped. " How could i forget your birthday, i know it off by heart. So anyway how you know bout Roman little Lamb?"

"ohh well um i just do i guess." he stuttered and blushed.

Nicki laughed and ruffled his hair, she pulled him down to kiss him on the cheek and playfully pushed him away. " Now go beat Cai's high score, we dont want him getting a bigger head than he already had now do we?"

"Defineately not! If it gets any bigger we are all in serious danger " he laughed as he ran back to his friends.

Safaree laughed at Joe and pulled Nicki onto his lap and kissed her cheek.

"Am i a bad dad?" he whispered in her ear.

She moved back and stared at him in the eyes. " What? Why would you even question that?"

"Umm well i dunno, its just. Umm the thing is. I don't really know how to say this..."

"Safaree spit it out. Your scaring me, stop it."

"im sorry baby" he clutched her tighter, "Well your mom. She dosnt know about us but Karen told her that we watched that scary movie. And she wasnt that happy, she said that she regreted letting us having him for the weekend and she kept repeating it was HER son." He sighed, he prepared for Nicki to be mad at him. " So she said we had to drop the boys back to Karens immediatly and go speak to her. But the boys were having so much fun and i dont want our weekend with our boy getting cut short so i basically told her that we would see her at 6 but that i wouldnt drop them back at that very second. I told her that we would have Macaiah until the end of the weekend and then i kind of hung up ".

He looked away not wanting to see Nicki's reaction at him being rude to her mom. She was so close to her and was bound to take her mothers side.

"Babe, you did good. You said exactly what i wouldve wanted to say but wouldnt of because im too scared. If we are going to be Macaiahs parents now she needs to understand that and we are responsible. " She grabbed Safaree's chin and forced him to look at her. " She has to realise that we arnt kids any more. Your such a good dad. All weekend your main priority has been your son and thats what a good dad is. Macaiah adores you as a dad already. Can you really not see that?"

"I dunno babe--" Macaiah walked over panting and Nicki looked at him.

"You having a good time hun?"

"Yes thanks mum. Hey dad, come help me shoot some hoops? " Joe's whooping my a-" He was about to cuss but stopped at both parents glared at him expectantedly. " I meant butt. I was going to say butt."

"You better have been lamb chop. Otherwise you really will know what getting you butt whooped is like!"

They all laughed and walked over to the basketball game. SB stood behind him and took the ball in his hands showing Cai where he positioned them. He then showed him how to throw it with a slight curve to gurantee it went in the hoop and then threw it. It went straight into the hoop and all the boys cheered. Nicki stood to the side and smirked. She remembered when Safaree used to play basketball with CJ and Rex when they were younger and Nicki would watch and look cute on the side of the court with Candi and Lauren, Macaiah took the next ball and copied what his dad had done a few seconds ago. He threw the ball and hit the edge of the hoop. They all squinted watching the ball circle the hoop slowly until it finally dropped in. They all cheered again and Safaree got Macaiah into a playfull headlock and scruffled his hair.

Safaree checked his watch and realised it was already 5 PM. "Okay guys we have to leave in like half hour cuz we are ganna drop you all back to Dannys for a bit then we will pick you back up little man."

"Where are you going while im at Dannys Dad?"

"We just have to speak to Mama Carol for a bit then we will come pick you up. "

"Is everything okay?"

"Yes Macaiah, everythings just fine." Safaree looked at his worried expression and laughed. " You are way too much like your mom, you know that?"

"I know" he giggled.

"Now go back and have fun we have to leave soon." Macaiah ran back to his friends and Safaree walked straight back to Nicki enveloping her in a hug, Safaree held her tightly and rubbed her back a little.

"What were you saying about being a bad dad ?" she said nodding over to Macaiah who was smiling and laughing continuing to shoot hoops. SB smiled. "love you" he said in her ear.

"Love you too."

---------------------------30 minutes later--------------------------

Nicki and Safaree dropped the boys off and kissed and hugged them all goodbye telling Safaree they would see him soon.

When they got to Mama Carols house they were both a bit nervous almost like when they were had to tell Mama Carol that Nicki was pregnant.

"Lets just get this over with so we can go back to our boy huh?"

"yeh" Nicki replied clutching his hand as she knocked on the door. To her suprise Jelani opened the door. "Oh hey Jelani what are you doing here?"

"i was just speaking to dad thats all. What are you guys doing here? Dad told me you were having a weekend with Macaiah?"

Safaree grinned. "we are. Its going great, just Mama Carol wants to speak to us about being responsible parents"

Jelani frowned. "Why what did you do? Oh god he didnt take drugs did he?"

"NO!" Nicki quickly shrieked.

"Then what did you do?"

"Let him watch a scary film" Nicki replied with a stroppy look on her face.

"Is that it? Jesus Christ, i mean you know how much i love mum but she is such a drama queen. She needs to just chill you know?"

Jelani got a smack round the back of the head from Mama Carol as he hadn't noticed she had walked up behind him.

"jelani this isn't your business, you can go now." she sniped.

Jelani bowed his head and quickly walked away and gave a slight smile of reassurance to the pair of them. Nicki and Safaree followed Mama Carol into the house and sat down at the living room table. Mama Carol didnt really look mad just blank and upset. She sat at the other end of the table than them and stared at Nicki.

"Listen. You have to realise your supposed to be Macaiah's parents. Do you really think that letting him watch scary movies is responsible. The only reason he is having a good time is because your bribing him to like you as parents by bad food and moves he wouldnt be able to watch at home." She said it so spitefully and it hit Nicki like a cold bowl of sick.

"Yor so wrong for saying that mom." she replied. Tears were welling up but she didnt let herself cry.

"No im not Nicki. You to have to grow up. Your not parents at all, your just being his friends. You would let him get away with anything."

"Actually your wrong, Macaiah went to cuss earlier and we stopped him. Safaree was teaching him how to shoot hoops and hes just beeen having a good time."

Mama Carol sighed. "Look im sorry. I guess its just weird having your son on the phone saying how much of a good time hes having with his parents."

"mom, thats fine. But having a go at us and saying those comments really hurt." Nicki looked up at Safaree and he still looked angry.

"Yeh we fforgive you" He said through gritted teeth. "But we have to go now." He gave her a quick hug but it wasnt like normal and walked towards the door so as to let Nicki and her mom have a moment together. Nicki hugged her.

"hes just mad now but he will be over it sooner or later."

Mama Carol nodded. "again im sorry".

Nicki left and walked to the door to see her boyfriend still looking sad.

"Hey, why dont we go pick up our son then go see your mom?"

His eyes lit up. "Really? We dont have to just because we have seen your mom?"

"I know but i havnt seen Mama Beezy in ages and i really feel like some of your moms food right now. Plus Macaiah thinks shes like the funniest person in the world!"

Friday 24 February 2012


Nicki was in her room getting her shoes on. She was wearing heels before but decided they hurt when she got down to the lobby to get into the car so went back to the room to get sneakers. She found some and left the room quickly as Safaree had said he would be outside the hotel entrance and she didn't want them to have to wait for her for to long. She took the loft down to the lobby and as she walked through it she heard Did It On Em, the clean version blasting through the lobby. There were a few old people screwing up there faces and looking around clearly annoyed but Nicki could only laugh. Normally she would of ran through the lobby to the car and told Safaree to turn it down but with the mood she was in she wasn't sure if anything could annoy her. She reached the car where SB was shouting his part loudly while replacing the bad words with funny ones and Macaiah loudly laughing in the back.

"You are such a bad influence!" she laughed.

SB smiled and looked back at Cai still trying to contain his laughing and badly failing. Nicki turned the music off and looked back to Cai.

"Lambchop, you wanna ring all the boys to tell them we are on the way? Oh and are they all at there separate houses or together?"

"I'm not sure, ill ring Danny and if they arnt at his ill ring Joe and Joe as well."

"Okay hun".

Macaiah got his phone from his pocket and speed dialed Danny.

"Hey Dan, where are you guys?"

"We are all at mine, you just leaving?"

"Yeh my mom said to ring you and tell you we are leaving."

"Cool see ya in a bit Cai".


Macaiah ended the call and stared at his phone. The screen saver was a picture of him and his parents, he had changed it the day he had found out that Nicki and Safaree were his mom and dad. He tried to remember what the picture was before that day and couldn't remember. Cai flicked through his pictures to see if he could remember.

When he came across the picture of him and Mama Carol he felt a stab of guilt. He realised he hadn't missed her that much at all. He felt really bad, almost as if he had had the same toy all his life and as soon as another toy came along he had thrown the old one out. He let out a long sigh by accident.

"Whats wrong Cai? Can one of the boys not come?" Safaree asked. Safaree had been conscious of keeping Cai happy throughout the whole weekend and every time he looked or sounded sad it killed him.

"No, they can all come."

"Then whats wrong?" Safaree wanted to look round and talk to Cai but couldn't as he was driving.

"I dunno, its just. Should i feel like sad or something?"

"About what?" Nicki asked, also concerned.

"Well, Ive been so happy with you guys. Ive barely thought about Mama Carol at all and i just feel really bad. Should i be miserable or something?"

"Of course not. You shouldnt have to feel any way or another. Your feelings are only natural, and im sure that if you spent a week apart from Mama Carol then you would miss her. Like right now your excited, to be starting something new with us so you havnt even thought about it. But when it comes more normal with us guys and less new and stuff you will. When i moved to Atlanta i was so excited because it was new, i didnt feel like i missed TT and Rex and everyone. But when i was settled into my new home every night i missed everyone back in Queens." Nicki said reminicing on how difficult but happy her move to Atlanta had been. She hadnt thought about it before but it was somehow a bit similair ot Cai's situation.

"How comes you didnt just move back mom?"

"well just because you miss home and people and your old life it dosnt mean your not enjoying your new life? You know? Like i had brilliant times in Queens. I loved it and i still do. But Atlanta was amazing as well. It was a new start and it was the best thing that ever happened to me."

"Plus you only saw her yesterday. I mean i know a lot has happened since Friday night but its been one night," added Safaree.

Cai stayed quiet. He felt somewhat better but still a bit bad, he looked out of the window and immediatly beamed at Dannys house. The thought of seeing his friends always put everything to the back of his mind. He got out of the car quickly and speedwalked to the front door as Nicki and Safaree ambled towards the door. They both knew Dannys mom pretty well and and knew they would probably have a chat with her before they left. As they approached the door SB unexpectedly grabbed Nicki's hand, and beamed as Dannys mum Karen opened the door. Nicki was baffled by the gesture as she thought that were going to keep things under wraps for a bit until things were more officail.

"hello guys" said Karen warmly as she kissed and hugged them both. "Thanks for getting these little monsters off my hands for a bit" she joked.

Nicki and SB laughed. "no problem Karen we just wanted to do whatever Caiah wanted to and these guys are like connected by the hip!" Nicki laughed.

Karen glanced down and noticed them holding hands.

"ooh you guys are so cute, I didnt know that you were together."

Nicki didnt know what to say but SB quickly replied "yep".

"Aaawww you guys were always cute together. Well ill get the boys" But before Karen could turn and get them the boys noisily came down the hall cracking up laughing.

"Hey Nic, Hey Safaree" they all called.

"hey you guys" Nicki replied hugging them all. Safaree dapped them and playfully teased Joe about his big diamond earring in his left lobe.

"didnt know i had competition in the ice department coon number 3 !"

"You sure do SB. I mean im swagged out" Joe replied cockily, while everyone laughed.

They all got in the car and SB started to drive to Chuck e Cheese. He had called up that morning and booked the whole place out so the boys could do whatever they wanted.

"so, Nicki, whos this gay guy from england ive been hearing about? I'm so confused, i mean i thought i knew you well but this girl came up to me at school and was asking these mad confusing questions about you and i was so confused. " Danny asked.

Before she could reply Joe quickly said "thats roman! Where the hell have you been living ?"

"im sorry Joe, i didnt know you were Nicki's biggest fan." They laughed and poked fun at each other all the rest of the car ride, Macaiah, Danny and both Joes were all like this, none of them were sensititve and always poked fun and had banter with each other. Although they did this, they were so close that they knew each others boundaries. They wouldnt joke about things they knew would upset any of them.


In chuck e cheese. SB had been playing with Cai and Joe on the grabbers and Danny and the other Joe were showing Nicki had to play all these games. As Nicki was watching Danny beat all her scores easily SB went up behind her and kissed her on the cheek. The boys were so involved with the game they barely noticed.

"You wanna go grab a drink babe" he said in her ear.

"yeh sounds good." she said back. "Boys your soda's are on the table."

A round of thanks were chorused back but not one had moved from there games. Nicki and Safaree sat at a table where they could still see the boys but wasnt completely in front of them . They sat in silence for a bit and laughed occasionly at the boys.

"them 2 reminds me of us 2." SB said nodding at Cai and black Joe who were giggling in the corner.


"yeh, they tell each other absolutely everything. I mean i was thinking, if i found out that my sister and her best friend were my real mum and dad i would go straight to you. Just like Cai went straight to Danny. Im just happy that he has someone really close like we do."

"I know. So am i. Anyway, what happened earlier?"

"What do you mean? When?"

"When you held my hand at Danny's house ? I mean i thought that we were keeping it on the low for a bit?"

"What were you embarrased?" SB looked hurt, he had meant it as a sweet thing to show that what he had told Nicki was serious.

"Of course not " she quickly responded grabbing his hand. " Babe i just thought we should wait and clarify things a bit before we tell everyone."

"i know, so do i. But i figured its only Karen and just really wanted to show everyone that your mine. All mine."

"But you do realise my mom will know by like, the end of the day. Her and Karen are about as close as Caiah and Danny are, And when my mom knows, your mom knows. Then your sisters will know. Jelani will found out from your big sister, then by next week the whole of Queens will find out."

"Oh." Nicki looked concerned and anxious. Safaree grabbed her hand and said quietly." Well its a good job that i love you so much and want to spend the rest of my life with you then isnt it".

Nicki just smirked and looked down checking her phone. Oh no, it was Mama Carol, and Nicki felt like it wasnt going to be good.

Monday 20 February 2012

What should we do today?

Nicki and Safaree were cleaning up the breakfast stuff and Nicki had sent her son to get in the shower and get ready for the day.

Macaiah had just gotten out of the shower and was rubbing his hair dry when he heard something coming from his bag. "Oh crap my phone." Nicki had gotten him a blackberry for his thirteenth birthday and since he had gotten it he was constantly texting his friends on it. He had been so caught up this weekend with his parents he hadn't checked it since he left Mama Carols house.

His phone read he had 1 missed call, 3 texts and 9 bbm's. The missed call was from his Mama Carol from last night so he immediately called her back. If there was one thing that annoyed Mama Carol it was people not returning her calls.

"Hey Cai"

"Hey, did you call last night?"

"Yeh, i was just ringing to see if you was having a good time and everything was okay ?"

"I'm having a great time! Last night we got some Chinese and watched a film and we were just like a family. I'm learning so much about them that i never knew before."

"That's good Cai. Did you just wake up or have you had breakfast?"

"No I've had breakfast, my mom made it. It was so good I'm like stuffed."

"Okay i was just ringing to see if everything was okay, you know if you want to come back before Sunday night just ring and ill be on my way."

"Thanks, but i doubt i will."

"Bye Cai, and tell your mom and dad i said hi, Love you."

"Love you to, bye." Macaiah clicked the end button and checked his texts. The first one read:

Cai wat u up 2 this weekend?Wanna do something?

The second one read:
Where are you ? Me and Joe just knocked for you but no one answered the door?

The third one read:
Hey Cai, me Joe and Danny just knocked for you but no one answered? Have you gone back to Trinidad for the half term?

All his BBM's were similar messages from his closest friends who hadn't seen him since the last day of school before the week they had off started. They normally spent every day off school together and after school as well. He decided to ring his best friend Joe and tell him where he was before he got worried.

"Hey man its me"

"Cai? Where the hell have you been? Its like Saturday morning and the last time i saw you was Friday afternoon? Whats up with that ? Are you pissed at me?"

Cai was giggling at Joe speaking so fast he could barely breath. Cai had only told his closest friends, Joe ,Danny and the other Joe that Nicki and Safaree were his real parents. The four of them barely ever were apart. Danny was black and was fairly lanky. He wanted to be a basketball player when he was older and his gym coach was very supportive of this. Joe was mixed race and was into fashion. A lot of the boys poked fun at him that he was gay but he wasnt and his friends knew that.The other Joe was white and quite chubby, his mother had always babied him so he was fairly naive, Nicki had always loved him because he was so cute and cuddly. Nicki and Safaree had both met them all before and knew them since they were at least 4 or 5.

"No Joe. I'm spending the weekend with my parents. You know my real ones."

"Really? Hows it going?"

"Great thanks, what are you guys ganna do today?"

"Not sure yet. Wait my moms calling me down for breakfast, gotta go."

"Cool speak to you later Joe. Oh and would you telling Joe and Danny that im okay before they have heart attacks as well"

"Sure, Bye"


Macaiah pressed the end button and chucked the phone on his bed. He walked over to the closet where he had hung up some clothes he had packed for the weekend. There was a knock at the door and he heard his mom say.

"Hey Cai can i come in? Are you decent?"

"Sure mom,come in." He laughed at her asking if he was decent because she had asked the same question before entering his room as soon as he could dress himself. She entered and immediatly saw the screwed up clothes of the bed.

"Hey mom pick me out an outfit for today, your good at stuff like that." She walked over towards the closet and sifted through the clothes. While she did so she said

"Who was that on the phone Cai?"

"Just Joe?"

"Oh what did he want?"

"They were just checking if i was okay because they knocked for me yesterday after school and no one answered so they were kinda worried about me."

"aawww thats cute. Hey me and your Dad could took you 4 out for the day? I mean we were just saying when we were washing up that you could have some friends round, so invite who you want but im guessing.."

"Joe, Danny and Joe."

"what a suprise!"

"yeh that sounds good, ill text them now. When should i say we will pick them up?"

"13:30? How does Chuck e cheese sound?"

"Brilliant! Does Dad know?."

"not yet, but he will be more excited than you, you know what hes like with all them games."

They laughed and Nicki laid out the clothes she picked for him to wear. "Im ganna go get ready for the day,what you ganna do for a couple hours while me and you dad getting ready".

He flopped onto the bed and switched on the flat screen across his bed. He grinned and Nicki laughed whilst walking out.

Nicki had showered and lotioned but still needed to get dressed, she stripped out of the sweat suit she had put on for a bit and walked to her closet in her bra and thong. Safaree had walked out of the shower with just a towel on just as Nicki was bending over closet to pick up a necklace she had dropped on the floor. He quietly walked over to her and pretended to accidently bump into her by accident. She giggled and turned around to pull him into a kiss.

"Oh so now i get my kiss?"

"Yep" She greedily sucked his bottom lip that she had missed so much. Safaree was the best looking man in the world in her eyes, and no one had ever matched him in the bedroom department ever. He threw her on the bed gently and kissed up her leg. He skipped her center and continued kissing up to her neck. He immediatly attacked her soft spot that was just to the right of her ear lope and she moaned a little. As they kissed there hands roamed each others body that they had both missed so much. After about 15 minutes Nicki knew they had to stop to get ready. Safaree knew that it wasnt going anywhere and never would have let it anywhere as Macaiah was only down the hall but he still groaned when she pushed him off her.

"i hope you havnt left your mark"" she giggled.

"You know i have " he replied as he rolled onto his back on the bed.

"Get up Faree, we have to leave soon to pick up Joe, Danny and Joe."

"Ummm i have a little situation that i have to deal with before i can get dressed."

Frowning Nicki turned to look at SB, then realised what he meant.His manhood was standing at full attention and she knew he would lie there until it went down before he got ready.

"so that means you have to get dressed in the bathroom" he said as got a pillow and covered his eyes as she ran to the bathroom, he knew if he took another glance at her in that red underwear set his situation wouldnt go down anytime soon.

Custom-Fit Big Pony Polo - Polo Ralph Lauren Custom Fit - Ralph Lauren UK Macaiahs outfit that Nicki picked out.
Joe Danny

Joe. Nicki's underwear.

Decided to keep it cute for a while before any drama happens. Did you love it ? and dw you wont have to wait to long for Nicki and Safaree to 'get it on' lmao !! ITS BARBIE BITCH, you know the deal 20 comments. *Muah*

Friday 17 February 2012

The best night ever.

Nicki laid her head back down on the pillow and decided not to wake up her 2 boys. She didn't want to go back to sleep but just wanted to think for a minute, about how great her life is. She knew she had to ring Lauren and Candi and TT about how the weekend had been do far as they told her to ring them and tell them. She laughed silently as she thought of Laurens reaction when she told her that her and SB were back together. All of her friends had been teasing them about getting together but Lauren was the most serious about it . She was always saying that they were perfect together and ever since they had broken up at the age of 15 she would nag Nicki and Safaree about there relationship.

As Nicki was thinking Macaiah woke up. He stretched his arms and legs with his eyes closed and hand bashed into something. Looking up he saw his hand had bashed into a pink pillow? He damn sure knew that he didn't have a pink pillow in his room so he sat up, then he remembered he had got into his moms bed last night.

"Morning mom" he whispered so as not to wake his dad.

"Hey Cai ?" she motioned for him to get up and they walked out the room together towards the kitchen.
"Hungry" Nicki aked ?

"Starving, hey can we talk " he said sitting at the breakfast bar.

"Sure what's up ?"

"Well last night i came into your room cuz i was so scared after watching that film, and i saw you and dad all cuddled up in the bed."

"Oh i-- errm -w well about that "

"Listen mom thats what i wanted to talk to you about."

"Go ahead" Nicki gulped, she didnt think that maybe Macaiah would be okay with this but now she was wondering if he was.

"I just wanted you to know that Dad really loves you. He told me when we went to the store and that he really wants us to be a family, just like me and you. But this Drake guy has to go mom. Like what did you ever see in him anyway?"

"Macaiah i can assure you that Drake wont be back in my life other than in a business way ever again. I mean we are labelmates so obviously im ganna be at partys where he isthere but i wont let him in our home ever again. Okay?"

"Okay, and i know you would never dream of breaking dads heart purposely, but letting Drake in again and going on dinners with him and stuff, would really upset Dad. "

"I know. After the eay he spoke to both of you last night, we will never be friends again. ".

"But did you say the way Dad got him by his neck and shoved him against the wall though?" Cai spluttered with laughter. "That was so cool."

Nicki was giggling as well know. "You know how i feel about violence Cai" she quickly with a serious face "but that was cool."

"What was cool ?" shouted Safaree as he walked down the hall to the kitchen where Nic was know preparing breakfast.

"The way you got Drake up against the wall last night. I didnt know you was so strong Dad ?"

"Well what can i say son "Safaree replied in a silly deep voice. He ruffled Macaiah's hair and pulled a silly face.

"Umm are you ganna put some clothes on or are me and Cai ganna have to eat breakfast with you in your boxers."

"so no good morning huh ? Didnt know we would be out of the honey moon period so quick ?" He grabbed Nicki and puller her to him and gave her a big kiss on the cheek.

"shut up" she mumbled whilst giggling and blushing like a school girl.

"Eeewww, like i am happy for you guys but really ?" They turned round to see there son pretend retching over the bin dramatically.

"Oh god not another drama queen in the house?" Safaree groaned.

"who's the first ? " Nicki replied quickly with a serious look on her face .

"umm no one, especially not you sweetie" he replied again giving her a big hug.

"okay guys, im super happy for you and stuff but like thats kinda gross". They all laughed and Nicki served them the food.


Hey keep forgetting to tell you but am not ganna post again until 20 comments. We did it before so let's do it again ? Want another cute chapter or something bad to happen ?

Thursday 16 February 2012


Macaiah stared at the big lump in the bed. He didn't really know what to think. The first thought that went through his mind was that his father had lied to him earlier in the evening. He frowned, his dad had seemed genuine earlier in the evening when he basically said he wanted to be with his mom but that he wasn't.

He was confused and just stared at them for about 10 minutes. Nicki was a heavy sleeper and was known to sleep through storms and arguments and hurricanes but luckily SB woke easily. He woke up with one arm wrapped around Nicki and one above the duvet. he inhaled Nicki's sweet scent and glanced at the clock on Nicki's bedside table. It read 3:00 AM and he looked through the window to see if there was a storm that had woken him up. There was normal weather and he was confused as to why he woke up. He glanced around and said

"Macaiah are you okay, whats wrong ? Has something happened?" Safaree was so troubled and concerned for Cai as he looked a mixture of angry and confusesed and weirded out.

"Cai ? CAI ?" SB was trying not to wake Nicki but Cai was scaring him and he didn't know what to do. Macaiah stared at his dad for ages and tried to figure out if he had been keeping himself and his mothers relationship a secret or it had just happened that night. He decided he needed time by himself and walked away ignoring all of his dads calls. ]

Safaree lied there for a second trying to figure out what was wrong with his son. He decided the best thing to do was go to Macaiahs room and ask again and if his son still didn't speak to him he would wake Nicki up. As soon as he thought of her he realised what was wrong with Cai. "SHIT" he mumbled. He got out of bed quite carefully but he knew he wouldn't wake Nicki up due to his Nicki's sleeping issues. Walking down the hall to Cai's room he was scared to what Macaiah was going to say.

He knocked on Cai's door not really expecting an answer at all.
"Come in Dad, we need to talk."

Safaree walked into his crying son who was gathering stuff up and folding clothes.

"What are you doing ?"

"What does it look like I'm doing?" Macaiah still hadn't looked up from his suitcase and didn't want to look his dad in the eyes whilst he was crying.

"Macaiah please listen to me. I'm begging you. I understand why your upset because you think me and your mom are together but we haven't told you. But its not like that. It was only a few hours ago that i ...that i told your mom i loved her."

"Oh and you just jump into bed together when I'm only in the next room?" Macaiah had stopped what he was doing now and stood in the middle of his room in just a pair of sweat pants staring at his dad.

"It wasn't like that. We didn't do anything, you know i have way too much respect for your mom to do that."

"What do you mean it wasn't like that. I saw it with my own eyes. You two couldn't have got closer if you tried?"

"We were cuddling. You and me both know how much your mom loves a cuddle and last night after we put you to bed i asked to speak to your mom. We got into the bed ,-"

"exactly my point".

"MACAIAH LISTEN TO ME" It was the first time SB had really shouted at him. Macaiah's shoulders sunk and his eyes grew big.

"Sorry" he mumbled.

"No i sorry, i shouldn't have shouted at you just then but you have to listen to me."

Macaiah had nodded.

" I basically told your mom how much i loved her, how much i needed her and that i wanted her to be mine. She wasn't having any of it, you know what your moms like, but she agreed. We werent going to tell you about it for a couple of weeks because we wanted to make sure that we were going to work as a couple. But i know we will work. We did before."

Macaiah had been listening intently and he was a bit surprised. He didn't think his dad would just confront his mom about how he felt and he didn't know how his mother felt about his dad.

"Dad ? Why did you and mom split up anyway?"

"Basically after we had you, we wanted to make sure we could get the best careers we could. We both needed to grow up and mature and we both just said that we should separate and just man up a bit . You know, learn to depend on ourselves in stead of each other i guess ".

"oh" Macaiah replied.

"You okay now little man ?"

"Yeh i guess so. But i wanna talk to mom about it in the morning."

"Thats fine. I think you should go to bed now though, its really late. - Oh actually why did you come in our room anyway? "

"Oh well, i couldnt sleep . Its just that film scared the crap outta me. I was ganna go see if mom was awake because i thought she would be to scared to sleep like me."

"Hey you can sleep in our bed with us if you want ? " Safaree tried to hide his smile. " I'm a bit scared too you know."

"Really ?"

"course i am. Theres plenty of room in our bed. You dont have to obviously but i want you too feel comfortable."

"Its not like, embarrasing to be in bed with your parents at the age of 13?"

"No not really, i mean i think our situation is a bit different from everyone elses isnt it ?"

"Yeh i guess, i mean are you sure it will be okay ? With mom?"

"your mum would love you to be in bed with her. " Safaree rubbed macaiah's head and pulled him into a tight hug. "And son, i wanted to tell you something else as well. I dont want to feel like because we are men we cant show affection. Real men cry, real men hug and real men say they're true feelings. Next time your scared dont feel you have to go to your moms room and not mine because you think i will be ashamed of having a son that is scared. I love you and im proud of you."

"Thanks dad, i love you to. " By now they were getting into bed and getting comfortable.


Nicki woke up and looked around her. On her left was Safaree. He was the love of her life, the sexiest man she had ever seen and she knew he loved her. He had given her the boy to her right. Her beatiful son, her sweet little lampchop that was possibly the sweetest boy in the whole world. She was so happy and no one could burst this bubble right now.

Tuesday 14 February 2012


I know i only posted like 4 days ago but i have a half term at the moment sso i can post a bit more for the next week !!! And omg Nicki's Grammy performamce ! I was in tears, i was just so proud, how far has she come?!!!!! And if anyone has the link to when Nicki won a BET award and said that she would take a bullet for SB because i never got to see it as they dont stream to England! Thanks. whichever barb find it for me gets to choose what happens next in the story!

Nicki got comfy in the bed and pulled the blankets up to her chin. Oscar and Elenor were tucked up at the end of the bed and SB was just slipping his sneakers off to get into bed.
"So what did you want to speak to me about ? Did it okay when you took Macaiah to the store ?"

"Yeh it was fine, Macaiah's fine, dont stress".

Nicki sighed with relief. "So whats wrong ?"

"Onika, i dont know really where to start. Its just lately, well when you started to go out with Drake, i realised how much i need you. I would prefer to spend a day without food or water than spend a day without you. You have given me the best gift that i have ever been given in Macaiah. Every time i see you with another dude i get weirdly jealous and possesive and thats not me at all, only you can do that to me. I have never really gotten that serious with a girl and i could never understand why until a couple months ago, i realised its you. I know that we dated when we were like 15, but im 30 now and i know so much more about you."

Nicki eyes were wide and she was praying mentally he was going where she wanted him to go with this.

"It sounds awful and i hope that you forgive me for this but when your sad, i get sad too but at the same time it gives me an excuse to hold you cose to me. When you broke up with Drake and we sat and snuggled for hours i was imagining us, in the future with our son and and, and"
He trailed off getting everything off his chest that he had always wanted to.

Nicki cut him off. "I love you too" She stated simply.

"I know you do Nic, but i'm in love with you, its different."He looked away.

"No, im in love with you. I get it. I always have, you and me, we have always been in love."

"What ? Did you think of maybe telling me this ?"

"Well we cant be together? Can we ? Its too difficult."

"But why is it ?You just said it yourself, we are destined to be together, so why would we ignore that?"

"Its not about just us Safaree."Nicki sighed. "We have a son."

"Macaiah wants us to be together. We spoke about it together at the store, he wants the perfect family, just like me.

Nicki looked down. She wanted this so bad, but didnt want it to end badly."What if we split up? I cant put Cai through that."

"Why would we split up?"  Safaree knew Nicki wanted this almost as much as he did so he went with it, Softly he leaned forward and pecked her lips, before he could pull back Nicki put her hands at the back of his head and pilled him. They deepened the kiss and gently Safaree pushed Nicki onto the bed. The kissed passionately for the next 10 minutes.

SB pulled away for air and rubbed there noses together. There face's about an inch away from each other Nicki whispered " I love you babe"

"I love you so much baby. We will never split up, i wont let you leave me, your mine forever and im yours"

Nicki was overwhelmed with emotion and just smiled, she yawned quietly trying to make sure Safaree didnt see but he did.

"lets got to sleep, we still have all day tomorrow with Macaiah and i dont want to sleep all morning."


"Yeh?" Safaree replied.

"Should we tell him........... about us?"

"Whatever you want Nicki. It really dosnt bother me."

"Well i definatelly want to tell him soon, but maybe in a few weeks? So that we are settled and we know how to tell him and stuff."

"sounds good babe."

Nicki snuggled straight into SB without even thinking and closed her eyes. Feeling SB's bare chiseled chest underneath her meant the world to her and she grinned. She was happy. He was happy. He played with Nicki's beatiful curly hair and kissed her temple. The love of his life. The love of her life.

----------------------------------------------An hour later------------------------------------------------

Macaiah had been tossing and turning in his bed. Paranormal activity had really scared him and every time he closed his eyes he saw the scene when she got pulled out of the bed by the spirit. He had tried having a drink of water and counting sheep but it wasnt working. He decided to go see if his mom was awake.

He pottered down to his moms room, peeking under the door to see if the light was on before he entered. It wasnt but he still knocked. There was no answer so he opened the door and stared at the bed. There was a big lump there, way bigger than his sister. He frowned, if his mom had let Drake in he would be so pissed he thought. But then he saw an arm out of the blanket with a micheal jackson tattoo on. It was his Dad, but this was Nickis room. Safaree stirred slightly in his sleep making Nicki's curls visible to Macaiah.


Did you like it ?  what did you think ?????????? and remeber please find me that clip when Nicki says about taking a bullet for SB ?Thanks.
ITS BARBIE BITCH *MUAHH* love yo barbs.

Friday 10 February 2012

I think i love you

"Right walk forward....................little bit the left "

"Safaree why am i wearing this blindfold?" Nicki was giggling hysterically, whilst Safaree guided her to the dining room where Macaiah was standing. He had the bunch of flowers in his hand and had laid the table, with all Nicki's favorite Chinese food.

"You ready ?"

"Yeh, i have been for the last 15 minutes!!"

Macaiah handed Nicki the big bunch of flowers and moved to the left so she saw the table. She gasped, when she saw how beatiful it looked. "You guys didnt have to do this?" Nicki looked around and smiled. "these flowers are gorgeous. And so is the table. But you know what means the most ? Just you 2 being here. You boys are my two favourite people in the whole world."

"i just wanted to tell you that i appreciate all you do for us. I understand how hard you work and i know how much the house was you bought mum. Im so proud of you." He looked at Safaree, " and you Dad, you always protect my mom, from stupid co--- um i mean dumb guys like Drake.So thanks i guess."

Nicki stared at Macaiah and looked into his eyes. She didnt understand how someone so young was so intelligent. After they all ate and laughed they went to the lounge and decided to watch a movie.

"Mom, can we watch Paranormal Activity ?"

"I dont know Cai ? Isnt that meant to be like amazingly scary ? I dont want you to have nightmares?"

"Mom, im like 13 years old now, i have watched scarier things with my friends at sleepovers and stuff. And anyway wouldnt you prefer me to watch it with you guys rather than my friends?"

Nicki sighed and looked down at the box. She then looked up at Safaree, he shrugged, " Maybe just tonight we could watch a scary movie? I mean i doubt its even that scary."

"Okay then, but dont be blaming me when you are peeing your beds at night."

"Mom we are real men, we dont get frightened of scary films." Safaree cracked up laughing at Cai's comment as he settled down on the couch. Nicki was tucked into his left side with her head on his chest and Macaiah stretched out to the right of him. He had never been so happy. He had never been in a room that was so filled with love. He had never thought that Macaiah would want to be in the same room as him again, never mind tucked into his side watching a movie. The film started and Safaree felt Nicki clutch at the bottom of his shirt, already frightened. he moved his left hand to the top of her head and stroked her hair gently, with the other he clutched at her hand that was clutching his shirt.

------------------------------3 Hours Later-----------------------------
 The movie had finished and Nicki was still petrified. Safaree hadnt really paid much attention to the film as his mind was reeling in pure bliss. Macaiah was also scared but had fallen asleep pretty much as soon as it finished. Nicki got up and headed towards the bathroom, gently brushing Macaiahs head as she walked past. She stopped, "Safaree should we take him to bed ?"

"yeh i guess so". He scooped Macaiah up and followed Nicki to his room. As Safaree laid him on his bed Nicki pulled back the duvet and tucked Macaiah in. He was only in sweat pants and a t-shirt so he would be comfortable in the night.

"Cant believe how lucky we are " Nicki whispered.

"I know" he replied. Safaree bent down and kissed Cai on his head and Nicki did the same.

"Nicki before you go to sleep can we talk ?"

"Sure, lets get in bed and talk though. Im so tired and i wanna get comfy"

"Okay then"


Friday 3 February 2012


I know its been ages but i was kinda upset.. I didn't get many comments on last chapter but I'm over it !!! Anyways this is ganna be like super short becuz its like half 10 in England and I'm super tired and have stomach cramps ! And I'm really cold, its like the coldest it has been in this country for like ............ages. i dunno how long but my geog teacher told me but i forgot. But anyways i have been waffling again soz !  Yeh so lets try and get to 20 comments please !

Macaiah and Safaree got into the truck and strapped in. Before Safaree started the car he looked at Macaiah making sure he had his seat belt on before he started. Macaiah saw and burst out laughing !
"Hey i thought you were ignorant and all of that ! Then i see you making sure I'm strapped up before i we go ! Since when have you become all parenty and anxious ?"

"Parenty? Really cai ? Is that a word ? What the heck are they teaching you in school these days huh ?"

"More than they taught you I'm guessing by the way you spell !"

"Oooh low blow Cai, low blow."

They were both cracking up laughing whilst Macaiah stared at Safaree, SB didn't really notice as he was looking at the road.
"Well i guess i know where i got these damn big lips from now huh ?"

"Why you say it like a bad thing ? Girls love em !"

"Then how come you don't have a girlfriend ?

"I don't really have time that's why. You know how much me and Nicki work and now we told you and stuff i was kinda hoping that all of our spare time we would wrapped up in you i guess. I mean if that's what you want "

"Definitely. If you can make time for me "Macaiah grinned

"More like if we can ever be separated from you. You know Nicki is ganna hate saying bye don't you ?"Safaree laughed picturing the scene. " She is ganna like cling onto you and tell you how much she loves you like she aint never ganna see you ever again,"

Macaiah was also picturing the scene and realising that was exactly what it was ganna be like. "I wish i didn't have to say bye" Macaiah mumbled thinking his dad wouldn't hear him as he was looking through all different types of popcorn in the store.

Safaree just caught what his son had said. He turned away from the popcorn and stared at his son. He bent down in the middle of the store just so he could be eye level with Macaiah. He didn't care what anyone thought of it and ignored the people walking past them giving them dirty looks. "You don't just have to spend the weekend you know ? We wanna spend all the time with you we can ?"

"I know but i have school."

"You have half term this week don't you ?"

"Oh yeh i forgot. But i don't wanna get in the way of you guys work. I know how important this album is to my mum and i don't wanna ruin that for her."

"You wont be. Look me and your mom have spoke about you staying with us and stuff before and you don't understand how bad she wants it. But she wont tell you cuz she don't wanna pressure you. Honestly, she would be ecstatic if you wanted to spend more time with us."

"Really?"Macaiah stared at his dad in the eyes showing his vulnerability. His eyes had gone wide and innocent just like Nicki did when she was feeling vulnerable.

"Really" he confirmed. Macaiah smiled and looked at the floor, SB stood and brushed is jeans where he had been kneeling. "Right lets get loadsa snacks and bad food. Your moms on this stupid diet cuz she thinks she needs to lose weight, and she don't so we are gonna let her know shes perfect". They got all the snacks and then stopped by the florist on there way home. They picked out some beautiful pink roses with some white roses in as well, Macaiah wrote the tag and put them in the flowers and they got wrapped beautifully.

As they got in the car Macaiah just blurted out "You really love my mom don't you ?"

"OF course, shes my best friend, you and her are the most important people in the world to me right now. Your my family."

"Except that we arnt. You and my mom arnt together. I just don't get it."

"Loadsa peoples parents are split up Cai, it doesn't mean we arnt a family ?"

"Its not that part i don't get. I don't get that you love her and wanna marry her and be a proper family, and she loves you and wants to be a proper family. And don't deny it cuz everyone knows it."

"Huh? Who?"

"Everyone, the whole family, every time you leave your mom and Nicki's mom are both like "when are they gonna get together" and stuff. I mean its pretty obvious. And your basically a married couple anyway right ?"

"No me and your mom are happy as we are."

"But your not. You wanna marry my mom, i can tell. Cuz if you didn't you would be with someone else by now. Its been like 10 years hasn't it ?"

"Your moms happy though Macaiah, i don't wanna complicate things."

"Not as happy as she could be if you would just give it up and stop pretending that you 2 are just happy being friends".

"You think ?"

"I know. Your like soul mates."