Saturday 31 December 2011

What You've Been Waiting For............

'How's your steak Macaiah ?' asked Nicki who was twirling her pasta round with her fork but not really eating. They were in a 5 star restaurant and has just been given there food. The only one really eating was Macaiah as he was the only one who didn't the reason of them going out to dinner. He seemed oblivious to the fact the that the other 3 weren't really eating as he dug into his steak and fries.

Safaree laughed at Macaiah. He guzzled his food and drink down so quickly it was if he hadn't eaten for the last week when in actual fact he had eaten just an hour ago. It reminded him of himself. The way Macaiah seemed to eat food but never put weight was exactly like Safaree. Safaree remembered Nicki once trying to explain to him that he had fast-metabolism but he didn't really understand.

Mama Carol was nervously tapping at the table also being to nervous to eat. Trying to make conversation so Macaiah didn't notice every ones obvious nerves she asked Nicki " so hows this new album going hunny?"

"Pretty good ma. It's almost done. A bit more tweaking and maybe 1 more song and that's it. I'm so excited !"

" You should be Nicki, you have worked so hard and I'm so proud of you. In fact I'm proud of you both. You are both each others support systems and work so well together. To be such good friends for so long really is an achievement and i hope that you will never lose the relationship that you have."

"Thanks Mama Carol. That means a lot" Safaree said really letting Mama Carols word sink in. He had never thought about it before but being friends with someone for so long is an achievement. Sure him and Nicki had had there rough times but had always come out of it laughing. As the Waiter came and took away the plates Nicki, Mama Carol and Safaree exchanged glances. They knew it was time.

Nicki started. Tears were already in her eyes but hastily blinked them away. Safaree gave her hand a quick squeeze under the table.

" Macaiah. We have something to tell you. And before i do we all want you to know that whatever you decide is fine by us. Okay ?"

Macaiah frowned. " Have i done something bad ? Has someone died ?"

"No nothing like that" Mama Carol reassured Macaiah. Macaiah stared at Nicki, then Safaree, then his mother waiting for someone to say something. No one did.

"Will you just spit it out ? I don't mean to be rude but I'm really worried".

"Well Caiah. You know i had abortion before you were born ?"


" Well that was a lie . The baby i had i didn't get rid of. I couldn't do it. But i knew i just wasn't in a position where i could be the mother to a child. I wasn't earning money, i didn't have a job or my own house and i wasn't married. And i thought that was wrong for me to do that to a baby. So i decided i would give it away." Tears streamed down her face. Safaree's eyes were stinging with tears but he kept blinking them back not wanting to break down.

Macaiah looked confused. " Where are you going with this? Are you trying to tell me you gave your son up for adoption and now your going to find him ? Because i would love a brother . Its fine by me "

"No we didn't give it up for adoption." Safaree responded.

"wait. It was your baby.?? You were the dad ? You had sex with my sister ? Ew !"

Macaiah looked between Safaree and Nicki waiting for an answer.

"Yes Safaree was my boyfriend when we were younger but we decided we would be better as friends a long time ago".

Mama Carol stayed silent through the whole thing but tears were welling up. She knew her son had to know the truth sooner or later but know that the time had come she didn't feel ready.

Nicki carried on. "so when the baby was born me and Safaree and mommy decided it wouldn't be fair on the baby to have teenage parents with no source of income or house. So we decided that the baby should be raised by mommy whilst me and Safaree got a career started and some money". Nicki looked at Macaiah in the eyes to see if he understood yet. He still looked confused.

"I don't get it. So where is this baby?Did something happen to it ?"

"No" SB glanced at Nicki and Mama Carol making sure it was the right time to say it. The 2 women were both crying now so Safaree knew he had to step up and be a man and say it.
"What Nicki's trying to say is . Is that you were that baby. You were mine and Onika's baby." Tears streamed down Safaree's face. " Macaiah, if you never want to speak to us again. We understand. But i hope however long it takes you will understand that the only reason we did this was because we loved you so much that we wanted the best for you. We still do love you and will respect you decisions towards us ".

"So your my dad ?" Macaiah said staring at Safaree in the eyes. "And your my mum " looking at Nicki.

"Yes" they both replied. The world had finally been lifted off there shoulders. The huge secret that only Mama Carol, Mama Samuels,jelani,Wayne and Papa Maraj knew about. Macaiah was stunned.

He simply replied "oh".

Thank you !!

I just want to thank all of you guys that have been commenting! I know theres only a few of you but i want you to know i appreciate you so much.  Ever since the first comment i have been motivated more and more ! I know im not the best writer in the world but i do try and hopefully this will get me better ! Since i don't have a twitter you dont know anything about me and i dont know anything about you except that we all love Nicki Minaj!

If you have any questions for me about me or the story ask below and ill answer them at the beginning or end of next chapter! Btw the next chapter should be coming soon. Im just about to start writing but i know you all want a long chapter for this one so it wont be tomorrow.

Okay im ganna get started now so >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ITS BARBIE BITCH!!!

Wednesday 28 December 2011

On the jet......

The days leading up to the day they left for new York flew by. Nicki had called drake and he seemed a little less upset than before. She just hoped and prayed she could get her friend ship back with drake.

Lauren and candi were giving nicki a manicure and pedicure. SB was sleeping in the back of the jet dreaming of seeing his family.

When nickis nails were done she joined SB for a nap. She snuggled into his chest. Suddenly her phone rang waking SB up. He picked it up

"hey Wayne, wuddup ?"

"oh hey SB, I was just wondering if Nicki was ok ?"

"yeh. She asleep at the moment but she's doing fine. We just on the jet to new York. Why ?"

"well. Its just I was speaking to drake and I heard she was being a bit weird lately. Is there anything I should know. I mean if there's something wrong with her I know you would know. "

" well wayne I guess there is. Tomorrow we are going to tell him Wayne". SB sunk into his chair. Wayne was one of the very few people that knew the secret.

"woah. " wayne was suprised. He didn't think it would have ever come out. " are you ready bruh?"

SB sighed down the phone. " for about 13 years man".

"well just to let you know I'm praying for you and Nicki and that things go well. "

"thanks man. Cya soon"

"cya SB, tell nicki I said hey "

"will do."

SB put the phone down as he realised that it was time to get out of the jet. He picked Nicki up bridal style and carried her out of the jet. He put her down in the car and candi and Lauren both hopped in as well. They drove to nickis house and got out. They were greeted by jelani and Macaiah outsides play-fighting.

" hey guys. " Nicki greeted her brothers with huge hugs and kiss's.

SB dapped and hugged the boys and SB heart sped up as he knew the time was near. He couldn't believe it. Neither could Nicki. The next 24 hours would be the most life changing 24 hours in the world. Nicki squeezed SB's hand to calm him.

They greeted Nicki's mum. There were more hugs and kiss's and small talk until mama Carol said

" okay I need to go and get ready for tonight ".

"so do I " nicki replied whilst gulping. " you guys okay down here whilst we get ready ?"

"yep" they both replied. As the ladies walked up the stairs to mama carols room to get glammed up for the night ahead SB and Macaiah sat and chat from everything to macaiah's grades to nicki to jelani. They played xbox for awhile until Nicki came down and told them they 30 minutes until it was time to leave. SB and Nicki gulped as they knew it was just 30 minutes until the moment of truth.

Thursday 22 December 2011

Please Forgive Me.................

'Im so sorry, its just me and you, we aren't working right now. Me and you both have the most hectic work schedules. I have a lot of things on my mind right now that you will find out about sooner or later. Please forgive me'

Drake was stunned he just wasn't expecting it at all. He and Nicki had only ever had a couple of rows. Things were running so smoothly and he had seen a future with her. 'But Nicki, what have i done?'.

'Nothing. Please don't blame this on yourself. Its just the wrong time for both of us. I mean let's face it. We have been together for like 3 months now and we have only seen each other about 7 times. Plus i am touring at the start of 2012 and then it we will be even more hectic. Honestly babe, we were silly to think it would ever work. But i want to stay in touch with you. You know i can tell you anything'.

'Well obviously not everything because this thing you have on your mind you can't tell me ? I mean have who have you told ? How am i supposed to move on if i don't even know what came between us ? Its not someone else is it ?'

'NO' Nicki shouted she was shocked he would ask that. Nicki would never cheat on anyone, never mind Drake. 'Listen we are both upset and are going to say something we will regret. She kissed him on his forehead as tears ran down his cheeks. Sb walked into the room and saw Nicki wiping away Drakes tears. He knew what must have happened, she had told him previously that the situation she was in at the moment meant it was unfair for her to carry on dating Drake and get him into the odd situation as well. SB turned around to give them time together but by the time he reached the kitchen and put his and Nicki's food in the oven so it doesn't get cold Nicki was showing Drake to the door. After one last kiss Drake left absolutely distraught. He had lost the girl off his dreams and didn't know what to do about it.

Nicki turned to SB and gave a huge sigh of relief. She knew what she had done was the right thing but was also sad about it . She wrapped her arms around Sb's neck and he picked her up and placed her on the kitchen side whilst not breaking the hug. He wiped her face gently and said' hey no more crying, please'. He handed her the food and took her hand and led her to the couch.

'So when are we going home to New York ?

' The day after tomorrow.' She looked up and gulped. 'Nervous?'

'Yep'  He had been waiting for that moment for 13 years and it was going to be in just 2 days. It was time for him to man up and face up to it. He grinned at Nicki and knew that if was to be in that kind of situation with anyone he would want it to be Nicki and glad it was. He also knew he had to be strong as Nicki cryed at endangered animals commercials never mind this.

'Everything will be okay won't it ? She looked at her best friend for reassurance. He nodded at her and kissed her hand. 'Course it will munchkin'.

The rest of the night Sb and Nicki sat and talked. They talked of good memories and bad memories and old friends. Nicki got out her photo albums and they went over of pictures of the two of them when they were teenagers. They laughed at one picture of the two of them starin at Macaiah after her was born . It was her favourite picture of all time and had about 20 copies. Sb had 1 in his wallet. One in his room by his bed and 2 on the dresser. It was his most prised possession and would be horrified if he was in any situation without it. As they looked at it both of them silently sobbed. It was 13 years ago, and would be 14 in March.

'Im nervous but kinda excited arnt you?'
'Definately. I just hope it dosnt mess him up.'
'The truth had to come out some time though. The longer we leave it the worse it will get.
'I know. I love you Faree.'
I love you to Nic

With that they both went to bed, mind swimming about what was going to happen in 2 days time.

Can anyone guess what going to happen ? I don't have a twitter by the way so don't ask so just comment below and i will get back to any questions via this. Love ya Barbs. And dont expect anything for a while as its CHRISTMAS! Merry christmas everyone and i hope you all get what you asked for! So expect the next chapter anytime after the 28th! Love you barbs xx Its BARBIE BITCH XOXO !

Tuesday 20 December 2011

What to do .......

There was an abrupt knock at the door. Sb woke up from his day dream and eased of off the sofa doing his best not to wake up nicki. He was successful and as he walked grinned like he had achieved something great.

He opened the door to see drake with a huge bunch of flowers.

"hey drake"

"hey SB". Drake stared at SB. He didn't have his hat on which was odd and no jewelry. SB noticed drake was looking and explained he had been taking a nap. Drake and said " yeh nic said you guys had been really busy, erm is she in ?"

"Oh yeh come on in, she taking a nap on the couch but you can probably wake her up she been asleep for a couple hours now. I'm just gonna go get some food for me and nic, you want some ??"

"naw I'll be gone by the time your back I just need to give nicki these "

"cool cya later drizzy"

"cya SB"

As safaree left the house drake stared at him again. He didn't know him amazingly well but definitely considered Him a friend. Safaree had never been anything but nice to him even though he knew nicki had probably complained to him about himself. I mean he is her best friend and that's what girls do right? He turned around to see nickis tiny frame all bunched up and under a pink blanket. He say down next to her and gently stroked her cheek. She moved slightly bur didn't wake. He repeated his action and she stirred again. He was going to do it again but she opened her eyes and looked at him inquisitively.

"oh hey babe " she said whilst yawning. " what are you doing here ?"

"I came to give you these. I'm sorry. There's obviously something up with you that you aren't comfortable telling me about. And that's fine. Well, not fine but I understand. When you can tell me I'm here. But If you can't tell me make you sure you don't bottle it up babe. "

Nicki smiled and sighed with relief. "thanks babe. You don't know much I appreciate that".

"but I do have 1 question " he rubbed her hand over her belly and had a very quick vision of nicki with a huge belly and an engagement ring on her hand. It was a vision he had on a regular basis. But the vision stopped abruptly as nicki said

"no ! How could I be ? Im on the pill and we use condoms most of the time anyway "

" I was just checking. Anyway I have a flight to catch so cya later babe ". He bent down to kiss her on the cheek but she grabbed him on the back of his head and passionately kissed him. His hands quickly moved from her cheeks down her slim waist and hips to her ass. He gave it a squeeze and she moaned, chuckling softly he groped her some more and peeled her blanket back. She ripped his jacket off and threw it on the floor.

In the next 2 minutes they were on nickis king sized bed. Drake was completely naked by now and nicki was in underwear. The kiss was still unbroken until nickis phone rang. She ignored it but it kept on ringing. Drake knew it wasnt going to stop so rolled off of her and handed her her phone.

"hey mom ". Nicki looked apologetic and got up.

20 minutes later

Nicki walked back in the room and sat on the bed facing drake.

"listen we have got to talk."

Drake looked up at her and frowned. He mentally prayed that she wouldnt break up with him. Or that she wasn't I'll. He prepared himself for the worst and looked at her ready for her to continue.

I know I left you guys on a cliffy but next chapter will be soon xx. I know a few people have read the blog as I have seen how many time the blogs been looked at. Please comment as otherwise I have like no motivation and it makes it about a million times harder x. Love u barbs !

Saturday 17 December 2011

Let's go ......

"Why are you being such a bitch ! "

"I'm not I'm just stressed okay ? Why can't you just leave me alone drake, your always in my face when I'm pissed but the other times you are fucking in the club not picking up your phone"

"I'm sorry that I have to work to do "

" so do I "

By this time nicki was beyond pissed. Her and drake had been arguing for weeks now and she was under enough stress without him moaning at her. She had been up since 3AM doing a club appearance and drake had turned up at get place at 8AM saying he wanted to take her out for breakfast. She was way to polite to tell him no but h had really wanted to.

It was midday now and they were at drakes house. They had been dating for about 3 months but they barely saw each other due to there schedules so it felt like 2 weeks. Nicki had a lot of things on her mind that she wasn't prepared to tell drake.

"listen I'm going home. I'm tired and I have a meeting with the fragrance company at 6" she sighed and kissed him on the cheek.

"is that all I get. C'mon babe" he tried to give her a passionate kiss but she didn't really respond.

As she let herself out he sighed. He loved her with all his heart and never meant to upset her but everytime he saw her he gelt like he always did something wrong. He decided he was also tired and needed a nap, he would ring her when he woke up.

Nicki threw herself lazily on her huge couch. She was closed her eyes and tried to blank all of her troubles out of her mind. But she couldn't get that huge worry out of her head. Tears streamed down her face.

Sb had walked in and saw her tears. He bent down and kissed her on the head as he did this she pulled him down. He moved to the side so he didn't crush her and pulled the blanket over the both of them.

"don't cry nic, please" safaree whispered in her ear.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Okay >here we go

Okay im going to start writing this week xx. I know i said i was only going to start writing after comments but im not getting them just yet. Okay so expect a new chapter this week xx . love u barb


Monday 5 December 2011


Im not really a brilliant writer and im quite busy at the moment but love onikafaree blogs !! Lately a few have been ending so thought i might start one myself ! Im not sure ?? What do you guys think ?? Comment and give me some ideas to start with and i will ! Dont worry though i wont be one of those people who start shit and dont finsh ! GRRR send me comments and in a week ill either post a chapter or tell u whats goin on and shit.  Please comment thoigh as i need motivation to do this !!!!! LOVE YOU BARBS ! *MUAAAHHHH*