Right. So i've decided i don't want to write this blog anymore but i still want to write, so I'm making 2 new blogs! One will be a continuation of this one, except 2 years on. I know some of you wanted me to carry on but i was running out of ideas and this way it'll be better.
Also i want to start a oneshot blog, because sometimes i get cute onikafaree ideas, but dont want to post them because i dont wanna confuse you guys.
The only rule is, 10 COMMENTS PER CHAPTER. I used to get up to 20 comments and they slowly died down, and thats when i wasn't motivated and chapters got a bit boring...so yeh, follow these two blogs, theres new chapters on the oneshot blog, when i get 10 comments i'll start writing for the continuation of this blog, so go follow and read the new chap !

Saturday, 9 June 2012
Tuesday, 5 June 2012
Sunny Days
Nicki woke up on Safaree's chest. Her left hand was laid out on his muscly chest and she smiled as her huge diamond ring sparkled. She couldn't believe she was getting married. She knew it was quick, and not many people even knew her and Safaree were together again, but she knew it was right. Her gut instinct told her that this was the right thing to do, not just for her but for Macaiah too. Cai's life had been all up in the air for the last few weeks and he needed some stability. After Safaree's accident Nicki had dreamt about life without him, waking up without him, living without him, going to parents evenings without him, and it was awful. Marriage was something she had always dreamt about and it was finally coming true. Everything seemed to be coming together in her life.
"Nic, you awake?"
"Yep" Nicki replied. She sat up slightly and kissed him, with tongues and placed small kiss's round his lips.
"I thought you didn't like morning breath kiss's?"
"I didn't like morning breath kiss's with my boyfriend. It's different with your fiance. Totally different" she grinned. Safaree grinned back. "You excited?"
"Of course! Its ganna be the best day ever! How could i not be excited? Your ganna be so handsome in your tux baby"
"I always look handsome!"
Nicki laughed. "Cai's ganna be one of your best men right?"
"Of course he is. We'' be wearing matching tux's, and he'll pass me the rings too. We've already talked about it."
"What do you mean? How did he know we were getting married, you only asked me last night"
"Well i had to ask him obviously."
"Ask him? Ummm Faree, i think your confused, your supposed to ask the father of the bride not the son!"
"i know. And i did ask your Dad, but i know your closer to your brother so i asked him as well. And they both said yes, and Jelani got me up against the wall, told me if i ever hurt you I'd be dead."
Nicki gasped! "Are you freaking serious? And when the hell did you ask that?"
"Oh ages ago. I told you, I've been wanting to ask for a very long time. I wasn't overexaggerating."
"Oh. Well what did you say after Jelani did that?"
"I didn't say nothing. Jelani let me go from the wall, gave me a hug, told me he loved me like a brother, there wasn't anyone else he would want his lil sister to get married too. Then he kinda cried a bit."
"He cried?!" Nicki was in shock. Jelani never cried, Nicki did enough crying for the whole Maraj family and more.
"Yep. He was real emotional."
Nicki smiled, she was glad her brother loved Safaree. It meant a huge deal, and without his support through this whole situation, especially when Safaree was in hospital, she wouldn't have known what to do.
"Anyway" Safaree said, touching Nicki's cheek to get her attention. "I have something to ask."
"Babe. You asked me last night" she giggled, holding up her ring finger.
He laughed." No,not that. I mean its not really a question, just a suggestion. I mean, I'm not sure if you'll like it or not. But here goes. Well actually before i suggest it"
Nicki cut him off. "Faree, just spit it out please"
"Let's move back to New York."
Meanwhile, Caiah woke up suddenly. There was a whole load of noise and laughter coming from outside his room. He muttered angrily under his breath as he got up and walked to his door to see what was going on. He took after his mom when it came to sleep, he needed a good 10 hours so he wasn't cranky, and would hold a serious grudge against anyone who interrupted it for no good reason.
"Why the hell is everybody up so early?" he said to no one in particular.
"Boy, it's not early, it's like 11.30. We're all going home now, we have to get to the airport in like 30 minutes." Safaree's little sister Shaniqua said.
"Does my mom and dad know?"
"Yeah, you coming down to say goodbye to everyone?"
"I guess so." he grumbled as he walked back into his room to grab some sweatpants. He followed Shaniqua down the stairs to see everyone dragging suitcases and getting jackets and coats on. He made his way around the room and said goodbye to everyone, hugging and kissing the women from his mom and dads side of the family and dapping all the men. Purposely he left Mama Samuels till last.
"Cai!" she squealed, as soon as she saw him walking over. She walked away from her her oldest daughter and one of her many nieces to say a goodbye in private to her grandson.
"Now Macaiah. Do you know when your parents are getting back?Because i don't want to leave you here on your own for to long"
"I'll be fine" he laughed. "They'll be back before lunchtime, Dad told me, and i wanna go back to sleep anyway."
"awww, you've had a hard couple weeks huh?" Mama Samuels said, stroking Macaiahs hair. "Well from what I've heard you've been very strong, and I'm proud. Now, your mom told me earlier you'll be back in New York soon for a visit and i expect my house to be the first place you come as soon as your off that flight, do you understand?"
"Yes" Cai giggled.
"Now gimme a hug, I'll miss you" Macaiah and Mama Samuels had one last hug before they heard Jelani shout, "Come on guys, the cars are leaving!" Mama Samuels and Cai walked to the door and with one last kiss on the cheek Mama Samuels walked to the car, leaving Cai and Jelani some time to say goodbye.
"Come here!" Jelani said as he picked up Caiah as if he was 3 years old again. "I'll miss you lil man"
"I'll miss you too Jay."
"I'll see you soon okay? Tell your mom and Dad i love them okay?"
"Kay" Cai said as watched his uncle walk to the car as it sped away. Although he would miss his family, he was glad they had gone, shit he needed his sleep. Macaiah grabbed a cookie from the kitchen and ate it as he walked up the stairs, unknowingly leaving a trail of crumbs to his bedroom, before jumping into his still warm bed. In 5 seconds he was snuggled up under his duvet, still clutching a half eaten cookie.
2 hours later.
After having round 11, 12 and 13 that morning Safaree and Nicki had packed up there stuff and left, eager to get home and spend some well needed time with there son. Safaree had barely spent any time with him as he had been in hospital and Nicki had been by his side, and hadn't been at home that much either. Jelani had stayed at Nicki and Safaree's house watching Cai and trying to distract him from the difficult situation. Nicki opened the front door, and looked around. Everything was back to normal, no one there, and no mess. All that was left of the huge party yesterday was a few balloons in the corner that whoever had cleaned up did not see.
"Cai?" Nicki called as she dumped her louis bag on the couch.
"He's his fathers son, he's probably in the kitchen." Safaree said grinning. Nicki laughed and followed her fiance into the kitchen.
"Where the hell is he?"
"You don't think he's still asleep do you?" Nicki asked.
"Well, i didn't tell you when you were in hospital because i didn't want to stress you out even more. But from the sounds of it, he didn't take you being in hospital very well. Jelani said he wasn't eating too much, and when he was Jelani practically have to force feed him. And he wasn't talking to his friends, or sleeping well. Maybe he's just catching up on his sleep you know?"
"I feel guilty" Safaree said, looking away.
"Babe!" Nicki walked over to him and wrapped her arms round his waist." This is why i didn't tell you. I knew you'd blame yourself. This is in no way your fault. You saved his life Faree! How can you feel guilty that you were in hospital because you jumoed in front of a bullet for him? Thats ridiculous. No one blames you, everyone thinks your such a hero, especially me and Cai."
"yep. Your super hero beezy right?"
Safaree just laughed. "Should we wake him up?"
"Yeah, he probably hasn't eaten all day and its nearly 2. I'll fix us some lunch, then we'll do something as a family?"
"Sounds great to me. Ive missed this so much. What do you wanna do?"
"I'm not sure? We'll ask Cai, but i definatly wanna go for dinner later, i want to put Macaiah on a 400000 calorie diet for a couple weeks, my son aint walking round looking like i don't feed him."
"Ratchet" Safaree playfully muttered under his breath as they walked up the stairs. Nicki playfully punched him in the arm and went to open Macaiah's door. Safaree grabbed her wrist and pulled her arm back.
"What?" she whispered. "He's asleep, whats the point in knocking."
"You don't know he's asleep, your just assuming. And trust me, theres always a point in knocking before entering a teenage boys room."
"Eww" Nicki said, trying not to imagine what Safaree was talking about. She knocked, and waited about 30 seconds for any kind of response.
They let themselves in and smiled as they saw a small Macaiah sized lump in the center of the bed. He was curled up into a ball and there was a reassuring movement under the duvet where his chest was. Nicki sat on the side of his bed and stared at his cute face poking out of the top of the duvet. At first glance you would've said he looked more like Nicki, probably because they had exactly the same skin colour and same eyes, that you could never forget. Buit if you actually studied Macaiah's face he looked pretty much the same as Safaree. He had big lips, and the same adorable nose. His mannerisms were pretty much the match to Safaree's and the way he talked. His voice hadn't broken yet but his voice still stuck in your head for hours. Safaree stood at the end of the bed looking at Nicki and Macaiah. The love he had for them was unbelievable. Nicki stroked his face gently.
"Cai" she said quietly. He stirred but did not wake up. Nicki said it again but he still did not wake. She frowned and turned to look at Safaree.
"He's not waking up?" Safaree said "Wonder where the hell he gets that from?"
Nicki laughed and bent down to kiss Macaiah on the cheek. He woke immediatly and smiled when he saw his mom.
"Morning Lambchop."
"Morning?" Safaree snorted. "Its 2 PM!"
"Hey, i have to get enough sleep to maintain this beautiful face" Cai said as he grinned at his Dad. Being around the house didn't feel right when Safaree wasn't there.
"You getting all cocky now?"
"I aint cocky. Im just being honest Dad" Cai said cheekily.
"Right thats it. " Safaree said and launched himself on the bed, tickling Macaiah on his belly. Macaiah was giggling hysterically and tried to fight back. Nicki laughed obnoxiously on the side of the bed.
"Who you think you laughing at huh?" Safaree said as Macaiah tried to get his breath back from laughing so much.
"You two coons, what else you think i'm laughing at?"
"Oh you wanna be cocky too huh?" Safaree said as he scooped up Nicki and tickled her as well. By now the duvet had been kicked off as the family play fought and laughed hysterically. As Safaree and Caiah pinned Nicki down on the bed to tickle under her arms Safaree felt something under his leg. He reached down and picked up a melting chocolate chip cookie.
"Eeer Cai, are you storing your food for winter or something?!"
Nicki and Macaiah bust out laughing, Nicki clutching her chest as she was laughing so hard. Macaiah's eyes closed and his mouth opened wide as he laughed hard at his Dad. Safaree smiled proudly at his little family, still laughing after all this. They were strong now. After all this Safaree was sure there family was forever.
At Dinner.
Safaree, Nicki and Cai sat round a small round table in a seafood restaurant in LA. Caiah and Safaree both wore shirts, and Nicki a casual maxi dress. They had been in the restearaunt for about 2 hours, even thought it felt like 2 minutes. As the waitor came over and gave them there desserts, Nicki a lemon cheesecake with ice cream, Safaree chocolate cake and Macaiah a chocalate sundae.
"So cai, we had something to ask you." Safaree said, nervously glancing over at Nicki. The way Safaree had looked at Nicki reminded Caiah of the night he was told that they were his real parents. He didn't know wether to be exicted, at the prospect of good news like last time, or just big news, that could possibly affect the rest of his life, also like last time.
"Are you dying?" Caiah asked staring at his Dad, remembering the unstable state he was in, in the hospital. Safaree and Nicki burst out laughing, "Shit Cai, why you so paranoid babe!?" Nicki asked.
"Oh, i dunno, it's just, i was worried." Cai blushed.
"It's not bad news like that Cai" assured Nicki.
"We were wondering, what you thought if we moved to New York, you know you could go to the same school? We could get a nice place there, and then when we have to work, which won't be often because we'll get a place with a studio, and we'll only tour when your out off school. But in case we do have to leave New York for a couple nights you could stay at my moms, or your moms mom, or even at a friends house. I know you like LA and all but we think its best if we stay in New York, we know how much you love your friends." Safaree stared at his sons face, studying his reaction as he explained himself.
"Really?" Cai said casually. "Yeah, i thought you would." He went back to eating his ice cream.
"How would you know that?" Nicki asked.
"i dunno. Gut instinct?" he shrugged. "Was that it?"
"well yeah. So your good with that yeah?"
"Course i am. You don't think I was just ganna leave my boys back in Queens did ya?"
Nicki and Safaree just laughed. There son sure was a smart kid.
"Nic, you awake?"
"Yep" Nicki replied. She sat up slightly and kissed him, with tongues and placed small kiss's round his lips.
"I thought you didn't like morning breath kiss's?"
"I didn't like morning breath kiss's with my boyfriend. It's different with your fiance. Totally different" she grinned. Safaree grinned back. "You excited?"
"Of course! Its ganna be the best day ever! How could i not be excited? Your ganna be so handsome in your tux baby"
"I always look handsome!"
Nicki laughed. "Cai's ganna be one of your best men right?"
"Of course he is. We'' be wearing matching tux's, and he'll pass me the rings too. We've already talked about it."
"What do you mean? How did he know we were getting married, you only asked me last night"
"Well i had to ask him obviously."
"Ask him? Ummm Faree, i think your confused, your supposed to ask the father of the bride not the son!"
"i know. And i did ask your Dad, but i know your closer to your brother so i asked him as well. And they both said yes, and Jelani got me up against the wall, told me if i ever hurt you I'd be dead."
Nicki gasped! "Are you freaking serious? And when the hell did you ask that?"
"Oh ages ago. I told you, I've been wanting to ask for a very long time. I wasn't overexaggerating."
"Oh. Well what did you say after Jelani did that?"
"I didn't say nothing. Jelani let me go from the wall, gave me a hug, told me he loved me like a brother, there wasn't anyone else he would want his lil sister to get married too. Then he kinda cried a bit."
"He cried?!" Nicki was in shock. Jelani never cried, Nicki did enough crying for the whole Maraj family and more.
"Yep. He was real emotional."
Nicki smiled, she was glad her brother loved Safaree. It meant a huge deal, and without his support through this whole situation, especially when Safaree was in hospital, she wouldn't have known what to do.
"Anyway" Safaree said, touching Nicki's cheek to get her attention. "I have something to ask."
"Babe. You asked me last night" she giggled, holding up her ring finger.
He laughed." No,not that. I mean its not really a question, just a suggestion. I mean, I'm not sure if you'll like it or not. But here goes. Well actually before i suggest it"
Nicki cut him off. "Faree, just spit it out please"
"Let's move back to New York."
Meanwhile, Caiah woke up suddenly. There was a whole load of noise and laughter coming from outside his room. He muttered angrily under his breath as he got up and walked to his door to see what was going on. He took after his mom when it came to sleep, he needed a good 10 hours so he wasn't cranky, and would hold a serious grudge against anyone who interrupted it for no good reason.
"Why the hell is everybody up so early?" he said to no one in particular.
"Boy, it's not early, it's like 11.30. We're all going home now, we have to get to the airport in like 30 minutes." Safaree's little sister Shaniqua said.
"Does my mom and dad know?"
"Yeah, you coming down to say goodbye to everyone?"
"I guess so." he grumbled as he walked back into his room to grab some sweatpants. He followed Shaniqua down the stairs to see everyone dragging suitcases and getting jackets and coats on. He made his way around the room and said goodbye to everyone, hugging and kissing the women from his mom and dads side of the family and dapping all the men. Purposely he left Mama Samuels till last.
"Cai!" she squealed, as soon as she saw him walking over. She walked away from her her oldest daughter and one of her many nieces to say a goodbye in private to her grandson.
"Now Macaiah. Do you know when your parents are getting back?Because i don't want to leave you here on your own for to long"
"I'll be fine" he laughed. "They'll be back before lunchtime, Dad told me, and i wanna go back to sleep anyway."
"awww, you've had a hard couple weeks huh?" Mama Samuels said, stroking Macaiahs hair. "Well from what I've heard you've been very strong, and I'm proud. Now, your mom told me earlier you'll be back in New York soon for a visit and i expect my house to be the first place you come as soon as your off that flight, do you understand?"
"Yes" Cai giggled.
"Now gimme a hug, I'll miss you" Macaiah and Mama Samuels had one last hug before they heard Jelani shout, "Come on guys, the cars are leaving!" Mama Samuels and Cai walked to the door and with one last kiss on the cheek Mama Samuels walked to the car, leaving Cai and Jelani some time to say goodbye.
"Come here!" Jelani said as he picked up Caiah as if he was 3 years old again. "I'll miss you lil man"
"I'll miss you too Jay."
"I'll see you soon okay? Tell your mom and Dad i love them okay?"
"Kay" Cai said as watched his uncle walk to the car as it sped away. Although he would miss his family, he was glad they had gone, shit he needed his sleep. Macaiah grabbed a cookie from the kitchen and ate it as he walked up the stairs, unknowingly leaving a trail of crumbs to his bedroom, before jumping into his still warm bed. In 5 seconds he was snuggled up under his duvet, still clutching a half eaten cookie.
2 hours later.
After having round 11, 12 and 13 that morning Safaree and Nicki had packed up there stuff and left, eager to get home and spend some well needed time with there son. Safaree had barely spent any time with him as he had been in hospital and Nicki had been by his side, and hadn't been at home that much either. Jelani had stayed at Nicki and Safaree's house watching Cai and trying to distract him from the difficult situation. Nicki opened the front door, and looked around. Everything was back to normal, no one there, and no mess. All that was left of the huge party yesterday was a few balloons in the corner that whoever had cleaned up did not see.
"Cai?" Nicki called as she dumped her louis bag on the couch.
"He's his fathers son, he's probably in the kitchen." Safaree said grinning. Nicki laughed and followed her fiance into the kitchen.
"Where the hell is he?"
"You don't think he's still asleep do you?" Nicki asked.
"Well, i didn't tell you when you were in hospital because i didn't want to stress you out even more. But from the sounds of it, he didn't take you being in hospital very well. Jelani said he wasn't eating too much, and when he was Jelani practically have to force feed him. And he wasn't talking to his friends, or sleeping well. Maybe he's just catching up on his sleep you know?"
"I feel guilty" Safaree said, looking away.
"Babe!" Nicki walked over to him and wrapped her arms round his waist." This is why i didn't tell you. I knew you'd blame yourself. This is in no way your fault. You saved his life Faree! How can you feel guilty that you were in hospital because you jumoed in front of a bullet for him? Thats ridiculous. No one blames you, everyone thinks your such a hero, especially me and Cai."
"yep. Your super hero beezy right?"
Safaree just laughed. "Should we wake him up?"
"Yeah, he probably hasn't eaten all day and its nearly 2. I'll fix us some lunch, then we'll do something as a family?"
"Sounds great to me. Ive missed this so much. What do you wanna do?"
"I'm not sure? We'll ask Cai, but i definatly wanna go for dinner later, i want to put Macaiah on a 400000 calorie diet for a couple weeks, my son aint walking round looking like i don't feed him."
"Ratchet" Safaree playfully muttered under his breath as they walked up the stairs. Nicki playfully punched him in the arm and went to open Macaiah's door. Safaree grabbed her wrist and pulled her arm back.
"What?" she whispered. "He's asleep, whats the point in knocking."
"You don't know he's asleep, your just assuming. And trust me, theres always a point in knocking before entering a teenage boys room."
"Eww" Nicki said, trying not to imagine what Safaree was talking about. She knocked, and waited about 30 seconds for any kind of response.
They let themselves in and smiled as they saw a small Macaiah sized lump in the center of the bed. He was curled up into a ball and there was a reassuring movement under the duvet where his chest was. Nicki sat on the side of his bed and stared at his cute face poking out of the top of the duvet. At first glance you would've said he looked more like Nicki, probably because they had exactly the same skin colour and same eyes, that you could never forget. Buit if you actually studied Macaiah's face he looked pretty much the same as Safaree. He had big lips, and the same adorable nose. His mannerisms were pretty much the match to Safaree's and the way he talked. His voice hadn't broken yet but his voice still stuck in your head for hours. Safaree stood at the end of the bed looking at Nicki and Macaiah. The love he had for them was unbelievable. Nicki stroked his face gently.
"Cai" she said quietly. He stirred but did not wake up. Nicki said it again but he still did not wake. She frowned and turned to look at Safaree.
"He's not waking up?" Safaree said "Wonder where the hell he gets that from?"
Nicki laughed and bent down to kiss Macaiah on the cheek. He woke immediatly and smiled when he saw his mom.
"Morning Lambchop."
"Morning?" Safaree snorted. "Its 2 PM!"
"Hey, i have to get enough sleep to maintain this beautiful face" Cai said as he grinned at his Dad. Being around the house didn't feel right when Safaree wasn't there.
"You getting all cocky now?"
"I aint cocky. Im just being honest Dad" Cai said cheekily.
"Right thats it. " Safaree said and launched himself on the bed, tickling Macaiah on his belly. Macaiah was giggling hysterically and tried to fight back. Nicki laughed obnoxiously on the side of the bed.
"Who you think you laughing at huh?" Safaree said as Macaiah tried to get his breath back from laughing so much.
"You two coons, what else you think i'm laughing at?"
"Oh you wanna be cocky too huh?" Safaree said as he scooped up Nicki and tickled her as well. By now the duvet had been kicked off as the family play fought and laughed hysterically. As Safaree and Caiah pinned Nicki down on the bed to tickle under her arms Safaree felt something under his leg. He reached down and picked up a melting chocolate chip cookie.
"Eeer Cai, are you storing your food for winter or something?!"
Nicki and Macaiah bust out laughing, Nicki clutching her chest as she was laughing so hard. Macaiah's eyes closed and his mouth opened wide as he laughed hard at his Dad. Safaree smiled proudly at his little family, still laughing after all this. They were strong now. After all this Safaree was sure there family was forever.
At Dinner.
Safaree, Nicki and Cai sat round a small round table in a seafood restaurant in LA. Caiah and Safaree both wore shirts, and Nicki a casual maxi dress. They had been in the restearaunt for about 2 hours, even thought it felt like 2 minutes. As the waitor came over and gave them there desserts, Nicki a lemon cheesecake with ice cream, Safaree chocolate cake and Macaiah a chocalate sundae.
"So cai, we had something to ask you." Safaree said, nervously glancing over at Nicki. The way Safaree had looked at Nicki reminded Caiah of the night he was told that they were his real parents. He didn't know wether to be exicted, at the prospect of good news like last time, or just big news, that could possibly affect the rest of his life, also like last time.
"Are you dying?" Caiah asked staring at his Dad, remembering the unstable state he was in, in the hospital. Safaree and Nicki burst out laughing, "Shit Cai, why you so paranoid babe!?" Nicki asked.
"Oh, i dunno, it's just, i was worried." Cai blushed.
"It's not bad news like that Cai" assured Nicki.
"We were wondering, what you thought if we moved to New York, you know you could go to the same school? We could get a nice place there, and then when we have to work, which won't be often because we'll get a place with a studio, and we'll only tour when your out off school. But in case we do have to leave New York for a couple nights you could stay at my moms, or your moms mom, or even at a friends house. I know you like LA and all but we think its best if we stay in New York, we know how much you love your friends." Safaree stared at his sons face, studying his reaction as he explained himself.
"Really?" Cai said casually. "Yeah, i thought you would." He went back to eating his ice cream.
"How would you know that?" Nicki asked.
"i dunno. Gut instinct?" he shrugged. "Was that it?"
"well yeah. So your good with that yeah?"
"Course i am. You don't think I was just ganna leave my boys back in Queens did ya?"
Nicki and Safaree just laughed. There son sure was a smart kid.
10 comments before i post next okay? If you comment via twitter I count it :). This might be the last chapter of this story, i will either make a new blog continuing this story a few years ahead or just stop, because i don't feel like a lot of people read it, sooo....... Yeh, comment and tell me what to do??!!
Friday, 1 June 2012
BEFORE I START READ http://t.co/eym9FJk @NicholeLewis4 onikafaree blog! Its really good! xxx
Duck Number 3:
Number 3: You love your cheek being stroked before you go to sleep, it reminds you of when your Grandmother would stroke your face to get you to sleep in Trinidad.
Duck Number 4:
Number 4: You bunked off school when you were 16 every other Tuesday for 2 months, just because your favourite store would always be empty and you could try on as much clothes as you wanted without being rushed by other people.
Duck Number 5:
Number 5: You and my sister would buy your weaves for $5 from a random Chinese guy who lived outside Red Lobster. (Basically your mad ratchet ;)
Duck Number 6:
Number 6: You spit in Melanie Jones's prawn salad at Red Lobster, because she bought the same shoes as you, after she saw you in them.
Duck number 7:
Number 7: You love being kissed about 2 centimetres below your earlobe.
Duck Number 8:
Number 8: You put everyone and everything before yourself.
Duck Number 9:
Number 9: You can't sleep without me, or Oscar !
Duck Number 10:
Number 10: Your going to make the best wife in the world. Get out of the tub now my love, your robes hanging on the back of the door.
Nicki was crying again. Safaree was too cute for that, she thought as she gathered all the ducks together, knowing she would want to keep them for the rest off her life. She got her robe from the door and laughed. It was hot pink, versace and matched his yellow one. She walked out of the bathroom, to see Safaree sitting on the edge of the bed in his boxers.
"Did you like the ducks?" he asked.
"Oh baby. They were amazing. You thought of them all by yourself?"
"Yep" he said proudly. "You want me to lotion you?"
"Would you?" She asked dropping her robe and walking over to the bed completely naked. Safarees mouth dropped and he stared at her beauty. How could someone be so perfect? She laid on the bed in front of him on her back and stared up at him. He squeezed some lotion on his hand and started rubbing it in to her arms and shoulders.
"Really Safaree?" she said, knocking the bottle out of his hand and pulling him down to her. She attacked his lips, exploring them like it was her last time.
"Welcome home Dad!" Macaiah shouted as Safaree walked back into his house he had missed so much. Today was the day he had finally got to leave the hospital. He was completely fine now, just had a large bandage at the back of his head which had to be changed daily, but was hidden under his hat so no one could see. Nicki had arranged all close friends and family to be at the house when they got back, like a surprise party. Mama Carol had heard about the incident and immediately flown to LA. It had knocked some sense into her that she couldn't fight with her family, because you don't know how long they'll be there. Mama Samuels was there, Jelani, Safaree's 2 sisters, cousins from both family, Lauren, Candi, Rex, Vince, Martin, TT, Rica and all close friends. Danny, Joe and Joe were all there, accompanied by there parents and also some Aunts and Uncles from Safaree's side of the family who lived in the Bronx. Safaree had no idea he would be greeted like this when he arrived home. Seeing the faces surrounding his made him realise how much he missed them, and how much he appreciated them. Nicki and her mom had cooked, and made party food to feed 5000 and balloons and banners were hung up everywhere.
"Welcome Home Babe" Nicki whispered into his ear and gave him a big kiss on the cheek. "We all missed you"
People crowded round Safaree, hugging him and telling him that they were glad he was fine and stuff. Nicki left him to everyone, she knew she would get to talk to him later when everyone had gone.
"Hey boys" she said walking over to Cai, Joe, Danny and Joe. "Hows it going?"
"Good thank you Nic. Your foods amazing, as always" praised Joe, stuffing chicken into his mouth.
Nicki laughed at him. "You missed Macaiah much since hes been in LA?"
"Barely noticed he'd been gone" Joe said cheekily. Everyone laughed but Cai.
"Oh shut up. Is that why you've all been whining down the phone saying its boring without me? We all know the only reason you guys get to talk to girls is because of me."
"Yeh, because they all want to know whats up with your ugly face!" Danny said.
"eeerrrr, when you say talking to girls, you better mean reading books and studying right?"
"Of course" Cai said as Nicki laughed at their guilty faces. She rubbed Cai's hair forward so it looked less of a mess, straightened Joes collar, and licked her finger and rubbed some dirt off of the other Joes face. She inspected Danny and gave him a kiss on the cheek when she realised he looked immaculate.
"You guys need to take some tips off Danny, he seems to be the only one to check a mirror when he leaves the house". Grinning at the mock gasps of horror coming from the boys and walked over to Rex and Vince.
"Hey Rex, hey Vince."
"Hi Nic" they both replied looking awkward.
"What the hells up with you guys?" Nicki asked.
"Nothing" Rex said, avoiding looking in her eyes by checking his watch.
"Hey can you come, ummm help me with something Rex?" Vince asked unconvincingly.
"Sure" Rex replied and quickly speedwalked out of the room. Nicki shook her head and wondered what the hell they had taken. Safaree sure had some weird friends, Nicki thought. As she scanned the room for Safaree, Mama Samuels walked up to her, smothering her in a maternal hug.
"Hows it going honey?"
"Good thanks, now Faree's back i feel complete again. A whole lot better thank you." Nicki replied.
Mama Samuels had flew in a week ago, to see Safaree in hospital. As soon as Nicki had left the room Safaree told her he was worried about Nic, saying he wasnt sure if she was eating or sleeping at all. Whilst Safaree had been lying in the hospital bed, sounding,eating, speaking and sleeping fine, Nic had been on edge and not acting right. But just as Mama Samuels had predicted, she was just worried about Safaree. She had never really felt safe without him, and Mama Samuels knew life at home wouldn't be the same without him.
"Good. I'm glad, i was worried about you Nic. You have to take care of yourself, just because you were taking care of your 2 boys, dosn't mean you can forget about yourself. Okay?"
"I know. I was just sick with worry thats all. I'll get a good nights sleep tonight now Faree's back."
As Mama Samuels was about to respond they heard the clinking of glass's. Safaree was standing there, Vince and Rex telling everyone to shut up.
"I just wanted to thank everyone that came tonight, i know you all travelled a long way so thanks. But that isn't really why I'm up here. I have a question to ask my girlfriend." He held his hands out to her and she blushed, walking up to him. A few gasps were heard around the room as Safaree pulled her right in front of him and got down on one knee. Everyone stayed silent as they watched the scene unfold.
"Baby, these last few months have been hard, my accident, Cai moving in with us, the whole Drake thing. And you've been there for me through it all. The last 3 weeks I've been in hospital, and there hasn't been a day where you haven't been there. You've helped me through so much in my life and i couldn't have done this without you. Your the one that makes me happy every day, and the one i have a connection with like no one else. We haven't been together long, but in my head we have been together forever, because i only think of the happy memories, and the only happy memories I've had are with you." He tried to ignore the tears running down his face. " I've wanted to ask you for a long time, but i haven't found the right time, but this was the right time. You gave me the best gift of my life. My son, and now i want to ask you, Onika Tanya Maraj, if you will be my wife"
Rex handed him a white box from his pocket and Safaree opened it, took the ring and looked up at her.
"Oh my God Safaree! YES!" He took the ring and placed it onto her finger and stood up.
"I love you so much Nicki"
"I love you too Faree " Nicki cried as she tried to wipe her tears away but failed. He picked her up and kissed her, and swirled her around. Most of the women were crying in the room, and a few of the men too. As Safaree put Nicki down, her mom ran up to her.
"congratulations Onika" Mama Carol sobbed into her shoulder. "i can't believe my babys getting married!"
Nicki was still in shock, she couldn't believe she was really getting married to the man of her dreams, when just 3 weeks ago she wasn't sure she would even get to speak to him ever again. As she was congratulated by everyone, she just continued sobbing, with overwhelming happiness. Safaree walked up to her, "Mrs Samuels, would you consider stopping crying the night and accompanying me to a hotel for the night?"
"I'm not Mrs Samuels yet!" She giggled.
"I know. I'm just getting you used to it. Cause, you know when we married, thats all im ganna call you right? Just so that everyone knows your mine."
Nicki giggled and got on her tiptoes, "But for real though. Were you serious bout that hotel?" she whispered seductively.
"Of course Mrs Samuels, I'm ready whenever you are, your bag has already been packed. "
"By who?" Nicki asked.
" Who'd you think?" Safaree said, nodding towards Lauren and Candi.
"Oh. Well lets go say bye to our son, does he know we're going somewhere for the night?"
"Yeah, i told him ages ago."
They walked up the Macaiah hand in hand, huge grins planted on there faces.
"Cai, we're going now, you ganna be okay here with your Lauren for the night?"
"Course i will Mom." he said hugging her tightly. "Have a good time at the movies and stuff."
"Movies?" Nicki asked.
"Yeh, Dad said he was taking you to do normal stuff? Didn't he tell you."
"Of course i told her" Safaree said butting in and giving Nicki a funny look, like he was telling her to shut up. "We'll see you tomorrow Cai, don't get up to any mischief while we're gone"
" I never do" Cai said, giggling as he hugged his father. "And thank you Dad. We're a proper little family now huh?"
"Yep, i promised remember?"
Macaiah laughed, " have a good night" he called as Safaree and Nicki walked outside.
"Your carriage awaits" Safaree said as he opened up the limousine door for her.
"You did all this for me?" Nicki gasped.
"Of course."
As Nicki and Safaree got into the car, she snuggled into his chest and he help her tight.
"Faree? Why are we going to the movies on the night we got engaged."
"Oh we ain't really. You didn't expect me to tell Cai that i was taking his mom to a hotel did you? Jesus, i thought he would vomit all over me!"
Nicki laughed. "So what did you have in mind then?" she asked, letting her hand go under his shirt and feeling his muscular pecs.
Safaree didn't respond with words, just kissed Nicki passionately on the lips. His hand found its way on her thigh and she moaned into his mouth. "Baby ive missed your touch so much" she moaned she he kissed down her neck and breast. Suddenly the door was opened. Neither had realized the car had been parked outside the hotel for a good 20 minutes. Giggling, they made their way into the hotel, to be seen to there room. As Safaree let them in, Nicki gasped at the beautiful scene in front of her. Pink and white candles were flickering around the room, creating the perfect amount of light.
"Go and have a bath baby, relax. I just have a few bits to do. Theres a robe in there for you."
Nicki smiled and walked into the white bathroom, lit with the candles. Sniffing at one, she realised why the room had smelt so nice. They were vanilla, her favourite scent for candles. The bathtub had been filled with warm water, and pink rose petals. Nicki laughed loudly at the 10 pink rubber ducks swimming around the large tub, among the petals. Safaree must have got them to put pink bath salts in as well as the water was a shocking pink. Nicki got in and relaxed.One of the rubber ducks kept hitting her foot so she sat up to move it. As she did, she noticed something on the bottom of the duck. It had on a large number 7 with a writing beneath it. She didn't read it because she guessed she should read it from number 1. She gathered all the ducks and organised on the side of the side of the tub all the ducks from 1 to 10.
On duck number 1 read: 10 things, only i know about you.
Number 1. When you were 5, you got bit by a mouse, leaving a small mark on your left pinky. Now you anything slightly resembling a mouse and still check under the duvet fro them before you fall asleep.
Duck Number 2:
Number 2: You used to love raisins, but saw how much it resembled rabbit shit, and stopped eating them.
On duck number 1 read: 10 things, only i know about you.
Number 1. When you were 5, you got bit by a mouse, leaving a small mark on your left pinky. Now you anything slightly resembling a mouse and still check under the duvet fro them before you fall asleep.
Duck Number 2:
Number 2: You used to love raisins, but saw how much it resembled rabbit shit, and stopped eating them.
Duck Number 3:
Number 3: You love your cheek being stroked before you go to sleep, it reminds you of when your Grandmother would stroke your face to get you to sleep in Trinidad.
Duck Number 4:
Number 4: You bunked off school when you were 16 every other Tuesday for 2 months, just because your favourite store would always be empty and you could try on as much clothes as you wanted without being rushed by other people.
Duck Number 5:
Number 5: You and my sister would buy your weaves for $5 from a random Chinese guy who lived outside Red Lobster. (Basically your mad ratchet ;)
Duck Number 6:
Number 6: You spit in Melanie Jones's prawn salad at Red Lobster, because she bought the same shoes as you, after she saw you in them.
Duck number 7:
Number 7: You love being kissed about 2 centimetres below your earlobe.
Duck Number 8:
Number 8: You put everyone and everything before yourself.
Duck Number 9:
Number 9: You can't sleep without me, or Oscar !
Duck Number 10:
Number 10: Your going to make the best wife in the world. Get out of the tub now my love, your robes hanging on the back of the door.
Nicki was crying again. Safaree was too cute for that, she thought as she gathered all the ducks together, knowing she would want to keep them for the rest off her life. She got her robe from the door and laughed. It was hot pink, versace and matched his yellow one. She walked out of the bathroom, to see Safaree sitting on the edge of the bed in his boxers.
"Did you like the ducks?" he asked.
"Oh baby. They were amazing. You thought of them all by yourself?"
"Yep" he said proudly. "You want me to lotion you?"
"Would you?" She asked dropping her robe and walking over to the bed completely naked. Safarees mouth dropped and he stared at her beauty. How could someone be so perfect? She laid on the bed in front of him on her back and stared up at him. He squeezed some lotion on his hand and started rubbing it in to her arms and shoulders.
"Really Safaree?" she said, knocking the bottle out of his hand and pulling him down to her. She attacked his lips, exploring them like it was her last time.
He kissed her spot, exactly 2 centimetres below her earlobe. "I was right wasn't i?"
"You know you was. You know that's my spot."
"Not that" he said in between kiss's." I mean, I'm the only one who knows?"
"Of course. No one knows my body like you. You've been the only one to care about me in this way" she said,now rubbing the back of his head as he kissed her all the way down. He got to her bellybutton and kissed around it, before dipping his tongue into it. She shivered, he knew she would. He kissed down to her shaved pussy. He breathed slowly, making her more and more excited.
"Please Faree" she gushed.
"What do you want?"
" You know what i want!"
"Say it."
"Please Faree. Eat my pussy. Suck on my clit, fuck me with your tongue."
"Say it again. You know you don't call me Faree in bed." he teased, still breathing on her clit.
"Please Daddy. Suck my clit, eat my pussy" before she could continue he went all out on her clit. He licked it quickly, she screamed. He did it again, and again, feeling her juices on his chin. Then finally he gave her what she wanted. He sucked on her clit hard as she squirmed about the bed, now not in control of her body at all.
"Where you think you going?" he said, as he pulled Nicki by her thighs back down to his face.
"I can't help it Daddy" she breathed, her hand moving down her body trying to rub her throbbing clit.
"Nope" he said as he flicked her hand away." I'm in control tonight".
"You always are Daddy" she giggled as she looked down at Safaree, in position between her thighs.
"Stay like that. I want you to see this" he said as he slid his tongue inside of her.
"SHIT!" she screamed. He angled himself the way she liked it and she screamed even more.
"Daddy. I think I'm ganna cum" she said, whilst moaning and trying to control her thrashing thighs. Safaree withdrew his tongue and gave her clit one last lick.
"You taste so good babe" he said as he licked up all her juices.
Nicki saw some still on his upper lip and pulled his face up to her so she could lick it off.
"You a freak" he said.
"You love it" she winked. " Now gimme my dick" she said, reaching for Safaree's boxers. Safaree reached into the drawer to get a condom but Nicki snatched his hand away.
"I'm on birth control pills. I went on them when we got back together, i love feeling just you" she said as she got out his dick and rubbed it. It was rock hard by now and Nicki knew he was ready. "Where do you want me?"
He pulled her to the edge of the bed, which was just the right height and positioned himself between her legs. "You ready baby?" he asked.
"mmmmmmm" she said, as he slowly and gently entered her.
"Your sooooo big" she moaned. He started to thrust slowly so Nic could get used to his size, and the rhythm. It wasn't long before she was used to it, and started wanting more. "Daddy faster"
"Faster what?" he teased going slower and slower.
"DADDY FASTER PLEASE!" she screamed. Safaree did as she asked and leant over her so she could grab at something. She was grateful and wrapped her arms and legs around him, clawing at his back as he worked her, just how she liked it.
"Oh baby, how do you do that" Nicki moaned as she watched her legs shake, knowing she was about to come for the second time that night. Safaree noticed and didn't want her to come just yet. He wanted to try out something new. Still pounding into her, he kissed her hard and picked up, still inside of her. In doing this, he went deeper into her and she cried out.
"Daddy I'm ganna cum"
"Baby your pussy so good" he said, as her dirty talk turned him on even more. He started bouncing her up and down on his 9 1/2 inch dick as she enjoyed every bit of him. Just as they were both about to come Safaree lyed on the bed, Nicki on top so he could see her face. He held up, only leaving the smallest bit of his dick inside her, and dropped her down. They came at the same time, Nicki flopping onto Safaree, Safaree gripping her tiny waist, both wishing they weren't so out of breath.
"That was amazing daddy" Nicki said, still trying to get her breath back.
"Your amazing." he responded, tightening his grip. "I love you"
"I love you too" she said back.
"Round 2?" Safaree asked as he got hard again inside of her.
"Of course" she said winking at him.
*wipes brow* That got a bit....................umm............yeh.......i hope u still see me as an innocent little ladybug after this... But probably not. Oh well. Anyway i hope you like, sorry i made you wait for ages. I might post a couple times this week because its half term !!! Comment or @ me please! 10 comments !!!!!?
"You know you was. You know that's my spot."
"Not that" he said in between kiss's." I mean, I'm the only one who knows?"
"Of course. No one knows my body like you. You've been the only one to care about me in this way" she said,now rubbing the back of his head as he kissed her all the way down. He got to her bellybutton and kissed around it, before dipping his tongue into it. She shivered, he knew she would. He kissed down to her shaved pussy. He breathed slowly, making her more and more excited.
"Please Faree" she gushed.
"What do you want?"
" You know what i want!"
"Say it."
"Please Faree. Eat my pussy. Suck on my clit, fuck me with your tongue."
"Say it again. You know you don't call me Faree in bed." he teased, still breathing on her clit.
"Please Daddy. Suck my clit, eat my pussy" before she could continue he went all out on her clit. He licked it quickly, she screamed. He did it again, and again, feeling her juices on his chin. Then finally he gave her what she wanted. He sucked on her clit hard as she squirmed about the bed, now not in control of her body at all.
"Where you think you going?" he said, as he pulled Nicki by her thighs back down to his face.
"I can't help it Daddy" she breathed, her hand moving down her body trying to rub her throbbing clit.
"Nope" he said as he flicked her hand away." I'm in control tonight".
"You always are Daddy" she giggled as she looked down at Safaree, in position between her thighs.
"Stay like that. I want you to see this" he said as he slid his tongue inside of her.
"SHIT!" she screamed. He angled himself the way she liked it and she screamed even more.
"Daddy. I think I'm ganna cum" she said, whilst moaning and trying to control her thrashing thighs. Safaree withdrew his tongue and gave her clit one last lick.
"You taste so good babe" he said as he licked up all her juices.
Nicki saw some still on his upper lip and pulled his face up to her so she could lick it off.
"You a freak" he said.
"You love it" she winked. " Now gimme my dick" she said, reaching for Safaree's boxers. Safaree reached into the drawer to get a condom but Nicki snatched his hand away.
"I'm on birth control pills. I went on them when we got back together, i love feeling just you" she said as she got out his dick and rubbed it. It was rock hard by now and Nicki knew he was ready. "Where do you want me?"
He pulled her to the edge of the bed, which was just the right height and positioned himself between her legs. "You ready baby?" he asked.
"mmmmmmm" she said, as he slowly and gently entered her.
"Your sooooo big" she moaned. He started to thrust slowly so Nic could get used to his size, and the rhythm. It wasn't long before she was used to it, and started wanting more. "Daddy faster"
"Faster what?" he teased going slower and slower.
"DADDY FASTER PLEASE!" she screamed. Safaree did as she asked and leant over her so she could grab at something. She was grateful and wrapped her arms and legs around him, clawing at his back as he worked her, just how she liked it.
"Oh baby, how do you do that" Nicki moaned as she watched her legs shake, knowing she was about to come for the second time that night. Safaree noticed and didn't want her to come just yet. He wanted to try out something new. Still pounding into her, he kissed her hard and picked up, still inside of her. In doing this, he went deeper into her and she cried out.
"Daddy I'm ganna cum"
"Baby your pussy so good" he said, as her dirty talk turned him on even more. He started bouncing her up and down on his 9 1/2 inch dick as she enjoyed every bit of him. Just as they were both about to come Safaree lyed on the bed, Nicki on top so he could see her face. He held up, only leaving the smallest bit of his dick inside her, and dropped her down. They came at the same time, Nicki flopping onto Safaree, Safaree gripping her tiny waist, both wishing they weren't so out of breath.
"That was amazing daddy" Nicki said, still trying to get her breath back.
"Your amazing." he responded, tightening his grip. "I love you"
"I love you too" she said back.
"Round 2?" Safaree asked as he got hard again inside of her.
"Of course" she said winking at him.
*wipes brow* That got a bit....................umm............yeh.......i hope u still see me as an innocent little ladybug after this... But probably not. Oh well. Anyway i hope you like, sorry i made you wait for ages. I might post a couple times this week because its half term !!! Comment or @ me please! 10 comments !!!!!?
Saturday, 26 May 2012
Nicki clutched Macaiah's hand.
"I'm happy to inform you it's good news. I'm not going to lie, we didn't think he was going to pull through, your Dad and your boyfriend, is a very strong man. We are going to give him some medication at 7:30 tonight, and hopefully he will be awake by morning. We can't gurantee anything, but it's more than likely he will be awake, and talking and walking by morning. Of course, he won't be able to leave hospital until a couple of weeks are up."
Nicki and Macaiah were speechless. Macaiah lept up and hugged the nurse. "Thank you. Thank you so much" he said. The nurse smiled and hugged him back.
"No problem hunny. It's just my job"
Nicki had sunk down on the end of Safaree's bed. She was crying with happiness, and relief that Safaree would be alive.
"Macaiah, go out and tell the boys the good news? I just need a minute?"
"Okay mom." he walked up to his mom and hugged her tight." I knew he would. I prayed so hard mom, i really did. Dad would never have left us, he loves you too much mom"
"After this, when your Dad gets home, we'll go back to being a family. Normal family, okay? Im so sorry there's been so much drama in your life recently. I'm going to make it up for you"
"You don't need to be sorry. I'm going to go and tell Mack and Wayne and them the good news."
Nicki just nodded and watched Macaiah happily walk out of the room. As soon as he left Nicki let her emotions go. Standing right by Safaree and bending down to hid level Nicki whispered in his ear " Baby, i knew you would fight. You fought for us, for our son, and now you've fought to stay alive. I'm so proud of you, your the best boyfriend, the best Dad, the best best friend, the best man alive. You saved Macaiah's life, and the proves you couldn't be a better Dad. I love you babe"
Even though he was still lifeless, and emotionless Nicki knew he heard her. She knew he would say i love you to if he could. Nicki got her phone out of her pocket and checked on the time. It was 18:30, that means Safaree would get the medication to awaken him soon. Although she was excited, Nicki felt scared. What if it didn't wake him? What if Macaiah would be let down again. Nicki wasn't sure if she could take Macaiahs heart broken face if Safaree wasn't awake by the morning.
Drake sat awkwardly on the plane to New York. There was no business class seats left so he had to sit with the standard ones.
"Excuse me? Are you Drake?"
"Eerrrmmmm yes" Drake said, sounding annoyed, he had a hat on and a scarf so that no one recognised him, but it obviously hadn't worked.
"WOW! I love your music" The girl said.
"Thanks. I guess." Drake said rudely. He turned away from her so she would get the picture he wasn't in the mood.
"Can you sign this for me?" the girl said, handing him her iphone case.
With a deep sigh Drake took the iphone and the marker and turned it around. "Who's signature is that?" Drake said pointing to a squiggle at the top of the case.
"Its Nicki Minaj's. I went to her album signing, and we werent meant to ask her to sign anything apart from the album but i sneaked her that, but then the security dragged me away so she only did half her name." the girl babbled on.
"Why the fuck would you like that bitch?"
"What?" the girl asked shocked. She was a dricki fan and expected Drake to say something cute about Nicki.
Drake stood up. "YOU HEARD ME. SHES A BITCH, SHE USED ME AND HURT ME. NO ONE SHOULD FUCKING LIKE THAT FILTHY WHORE" Drake got the phone and threw it, watching it smack against the wall airplane window and break. By now everyone was watching and an air steward was hurriedly walking from the front of the plane with a pair of handcuffs.
"You can't fucking arrest me. You aint police." Drake yelled.
"No, you have to stay handcuffed at the seat behind the cockpit until the end of the flight sir. Then the police will be called and they will arrest you when they get there. Drake tried to fight him, but soon realised there was no where to go. Drake was cuffed to the chair and watched by an air hostess for the rest of the flight.
It was about midnight in the hospital. Nicki had insisted Wayne and Mack had to go home, even though they didn't want to. They told Nicki they would go home, shower and sleep and come back in the morning, hopefully to see Safaree awake and well. The nurses had advised Nicki to go home and return in the morning but she couldn't, she couldn't leave him by himself. Macaiah had also refused to go home, saying he didn't want to miss seeing his Dad wake up. By now, he had fallen asleep, stretched across two chairs in Safaree's room. Nicki sat on the side of Safarees bed, gently stroking his face. Now that they had given him the medication, his head strap was taken off and replaced with a small bandage where the bullet had gone in. Nicki lay there next to him, staring at the gentle rise of his chest as he breathed.
Suddenly she felt something warm on her hand. She looked up and saw it was Safarees hand.
"ssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Safaree said, nodding over at there sleeping son.
"Baby. Your awake" Nicki whispered. Trying to stop her tears.
"Dont talk" Safaree said, stroking Nicki's cheek. He didn't like to cry in front of Nicki all the time but this time he couldn't help it. He had heard all of the things Nicki had said to him while he was in the coma, and he was dying inside not being able to respond to her. He clutched her, trying to squeeze out all the hurt she had been through these few days. Nicki nuzzled into Safaree even more, for the first time, really appreciating the way he responded to it. She had never really realised it but the more she nuzzled into him, the harder he squeezed her, almost as if she was telling him she needed him, and he was telling her that he was there, he always was going to be, and always had been. Nicki finally fell asleep. She wasn't sure exactly how long she had been awake, but it felt like weeks.
Macaiah tossed and turned in his sleep. He had woken up 5 minutes ago, and didn't want to open his eyes, because he knew he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. Macaiah turned to his left, thinking he was at home, in his king sized bed.
"OUCH" Macaiah yelled as he hit the floor. He had fallen off the chairs landed on the cold hard floor. His eyes sprung open and he stood up, looking over to his Dads bed. His mom was snuggled into him, but there was something different. His Dad was in a different position.
Safaree immediatly awoke, hearing the word Dad.
"Dad!" Macaiah cried, as he ran over to the side of the bed his mom was not on.
"ssshh" Safaree said as opened one of his arms out to his son. Macaiah gratefully excepted.
"I love you so much daddy. Don't leave me like that again" he sobbed into his Dads arms.
"I won't. I'm sorry Cai. I'm not going to leave you ever again. I love you to. I always have, ever since you were born, theres been a connection between us, i'm not going to ever get again. Come up" Safaree said, motioning for him to get on the bed with him and Nicki. Macaiah climbed on snuggled into his Dad. By now Safaree's left side of the body was occupied by Nicki's sleeping body, his right side, covered by Macaiah who was acting as if he didn't want to ever let go of his Dad again. Safaree let a few tears dribble down his face. To think, he nearly lost all of this, the two people he loved unconditionally was frightening. "god is good" he mutted to himself as he tried to also get to sleep.
What did you think? Sorry its short, its good weather here and i've been out a lot more! Comment or DM me what you think !! xxx
"I'm happy to inform you it's good news. I'm not going to lie, we didn't think he was going to pull through, your Dad and your boyfriend, is a very strong man. We are going to give him some medication at 7:30 tonight, and hopefully he will be awake by morning. We can't gurantee anything, but it's more than likely he will be awake, and talking and walking by morning. Of course, he won't be able to leave hospital until a couple of weeks are up."
Nicki and Macaiah were speechless. Macaiah lept up and hugged the nurse. "Thank you. Thank you so much" he said. The nurse smiled and hugged him back.
"No problem hunny. It's just my job"
Nicki had sunk down on the end of Safaree's bed. She was crying with happiness, and relief that Safaree would be alive.
"Macaiah, go out and tell the boys the good news? I just need a minute?"
"Okay mom." he walked up to his mom and hugged her tight." I knew he would. I prayed so hard mom, i really did. Dad would never have left us, he loves you too much mom"
"After this, when your Dad gets home, we'll go back to being a family. Normal family, okay? Im so sorry there's been so much drama in your life recently. I'm going to make it up for you"
"You don't need to be sorry. I'm going to go and tell Mack and Wayne and them the good news."
Nicki just nodded and watched Macaiah happily walk out of the room. As soon as he left Nicki let her emotions go. Standing right by Safaree and bending down to hid level Nicki whispered in his ear " Baby, i knew you would fight. You fought for us, for our son, and now you've fought to stay alive. I'm so proud of you, your the best boyfriend, the best Dad, the best best friend, the best man alive. You saved Macaiah's life, and the proves you couldn't be a better Dad. I love you babe"
Even though he was still lifeless, and emotionless Nicki knew he heard her. She knew he would say i love you to if he could. Nicki got her phone out of her pocket and checked on the time. It was 18:30, that means Safaree would get the medication to awaken him soon. Although she was excited, Nicki felt scared. What if it didn't wake him? What if Macaiah would be let down again. Nicki wasn't sure if she could take Macaiahs heart broken face if Safaree wasn't awake by the morning.
Drake sat awkwardly on the plane to New York. There was no business class seats left so he had to sit with the standard ones.
"Excuse me? Are you Drake?"
"Eerrrmmmm yes" Drake said, sounding annoyed, he had a hat on and a scarf so that no one recognised him, but it obviously hadn't worked.
"WOW! I love your music" The girl said.
"Thanks. I guess." Drake said rudely. He turned away from her so she would get the picture he wasn't in the mood.
"Can you sign this for me?" the girl said, handing him her iphone case.
With a deep sigh Drake took the iphone and the marker and turned it around. "Who's signature is that?" Drake said pointing to a squiggle at the top of the case.
"Its Nicki Minaj's. I went to her album signing, and we werent meant to ask her to sign anything apart from the album but i sneaked her that, but then the security dragged me away so she only did half her name." the girl babbled on.
"Why the fuck would you like that bitch?"
"What?" the girl asked shocked. She was a dricki fan and expected Drake to say something cute about Nicki.
Drake stood up. "YOU HEARD ME. SHES A BITCH, SHE USED ME AND HURT ME. NO ONE SHOULD FUCKING LIKE THAT FILTHY WHORE" Drake got the phone and threw it, watching it smack against the wall airplane window and break. By now everyone was watching and an air steward was hurriedly walking from the front of the plane with a pair of handcuffs.
"You can't fucking arrest me. You aint police." Drake yelled.
"No, you have to stay handcuffed at the seat behind the cockpit until the end of the flight sir. Then the police will be called and they will arrest you when they get there. Drake tried to fight him, but soon realised there was no where to go. Drake was cuffed to the chair and watched by an air hostess for the rest of the flight.
It was about midnight in the hospital. Nicki had insisted Wayne and Mack had to go home, even though they didn't want to. They told Nicki they would go home, shower and sleep and come back in the morning, hopefully to see Safaree awake and well. The nurses had advised Nicki to go home and return in the morning but she couldn't, she couldn't leave him by himself. Macaiah had also refused to go home, saying he didn't want to miss seeing his Dad wake up. By now, he had fallen asleep, stretched across two chairs in Safaree's room. Nicki sat on the side of Safarees bed, gently stroking his face. Now that they had given him the medication, his head strap was taken off and replaced with a small bandage where the bullet had gone in. Nicki lay there next to him, staring at the gentle rise of his chest as he breathed.
Suddenly she felt something warm on her hand. She looked up and saw it was Safarees hand.
"ssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Safaree said, nodding over at there sleeping son.
"Baby. Your awake" Nicki whispered. Trying to stop her tears.
"Dont talk" Safaree said, stroking Nicki's cheek. He didn't like to cry in front of Nicki all the time but this time he couldn't help it. He had heard all of the things Nicki had said to him while he was in the coma, and he was dying inside not being able to respond to her. He clutched her, trying to squeeze out all the hurt she had been through these few days. Nicki nuzzled into Safaree even more, for the first time, really appreciating the way he responded to it. She had never really realised it but the more she nuzzled into him, the harder he squeezed her, almost as if she was telling him she needed him, and he was telling her that he was there, he always was going to be, and always had been. Nicki finally fell asleep. She wasn't sure exactly how long she had been awake, but it felt like weeks.
Macaiah tossed and turned in his sleep. He had woken up 5 minutes ago, and didn't want to open his eyes, because he knew he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. Macaiah turned to his left, thinking he was at home, in his king sized bed.
"OUCH" Macaiah yelled as he hit the floor. He had fallen off the chairs landed on the cold hard floor. His eyes sprung open and he stood up, looking over to his Dads bed. His mom was snuggled into him, but there was something different. His Dad was in a different position.
Safaree immediatly awoke, hearing the word Dad.
"Dad!" Macaiah cried, as he ran over to the side of the bed his mom was not on.
"ssshh" Safaree said as opened one of his arms out to his son. Macaiah gratefully excepted.
"I love you so much daddy. Don't leave me like that again" he sobbed into his Dads arms.
"I won't. I'm sorry Cai. I'm not going to leave you ever again. I love you to. I always have, ever since you were born, theres been a connection between us, i'm not going to ever get again. Come up" Safaree said, motioning for him to get on the bed with him and Nicki. Macaiah climbed on snuggled into his Dad. By now Safaree's left side of the body was occupied by Nicki's sleeping body, his right side, covered by Macaiah who was acting as if he didn't want to ever let go of his Dad again. Safaree let a few tears dribble down his face. To think, he nearly lost all of this, the two people he loved unconditionally was frightening. "god is good" he mutted to himself as he tried to also get to sleep.
What did you think? Sorry its short, its good weather here and i've been out a lot more! Comment or DM me what you think !! xxx
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
Nicki wiped her tears and stood up. Her son was standing outside, wanting to know what was wrong with his dad and he was at an age where Nicki couldn't just tell him that Daddy had gone to sleep, and would wake up in a few days. She had to be strong, even if she didn't want to, to make her son feel better. As she stepped out of the room, trying not to look as depressed as she felt, Macaiah's head popped up from his hands, hoping for good news.
"You wanna step out with me for a bit Cai? I need a word?"
"Can you not just tell me now?" Macaiah said.
"No. Out" Nicki said firmly. She knew Caiah would not have normally said that, it was just the situation had got to him, but she would not tolerate rudeness of any form. Mama Carol pulled her up on any kind of rudeness growing up, and Nicki wanted to be as good as mum as she had had when she was growing up. Macaiah walked to the door and opened it, waiting for him mum to follow.
"I'll be 2 seconds, just wait for me out there?" She said to him. Macaiah nodded and walked a few paces forward, as soon as the door closed Nicki turned around.
"Wayne. Go and sit with him? I don't want him to be alone when he , erm if he wakes up?"
"wakes up?"
"Yes Wayne. Now i have to go and explain to my son that his fathers in a coma, so would you mind stopping the questions?" Nicki didn't look back as she walked out of the door to see Caiah, waiting for her.
"Where we going?"
"Umm, i think theres a canteen somewhere round here"
A nurse was walking past as Nicki said this and stopped in front of them. "Excuse me maam, the canteens just round the corner, take your first left and the canteen will be right in front of you."
"Thanks" Nicki mumbled, leading Cai where the nurse directed them.
Nicki lead Caiah to a table in the corner of the canteen and sat opposite him. She hled out her hands and Macaiah held out his, grasping onto him mums and clutching them.
"He is still alive right?" Macaiah asked, tears dripping down his face.
"Yes! He's alive, he's just had a really bad head injury and it was really painful, that's wnhy he passed out, and loss of blood. The nurse said that they had to put him into a coma, so that he wouldn't be in so much pain."
"A COMA?" Cai screamed! "What if he dosnt wake up? Why would they do that to him?"
"Cai please, keep your voice down. Thats exactly how i reacted at first but they said that if they hadn't, maybe he wouldn't be alive."
"Oh" Cai said quietly.
"At the moment, they're doing a brain scan to see if theres any damage."
"Like what? Is he like brain dead? Will he have to learn to walk and talk again? Will he remember who i am?"
Almost immediately Nicki went to assure Cai that none of that would happen, Safaree wold remember exactly who he was, he would be out of the hospital, as good as new in no time, but she had to stop herself. She hadn't really thought about what the scan would say to much, she was too busy worrying if he would ever wake up.
"Can i see him?"
"Well, that's the thing Cai. I'm not sure if seeing him is the best idea, he's not in the best state right now. Ya know, seeing him with tubes and stuff running out of him scared the sh-- umm sugar out of me."
"I really wanna see him. I just want to tell him i love him."
"Okay that's fine, but I'm warning you, it's not nice to see him like that, but your mature enough to make your own decisions."
"Thanks mum" Macaiah wiped his face with his hands, then his hands on his jeans. Nicki wasn't going to start nagging him now about doing that, but made a mental note that if she saw him doing it again, to tell him not to.
They walked back into the waiting room and saw no one there. Nicki assumed that everyone must have gone into the room to see how he was doing.
"You sure you wanna see him?" Nicki asked one more time.
They walked in to see the boys gathered round the bed. Each of them were completely silent just staring down. When Mack saw Nicki walk into the room he beckoned the rest of the boys.
"We'll leave you guys with him, we'll be outside."
"You guys can go now, thank you for being here"
"We aint leaving you Nic. We're here for the long haul" Wayne said as he hugged Nicki.
"I'm sorry for biting your head off earlier, i know you were just worried."
Wayne just nodded understandingly and walked out leaving Cai and Nicki just staring at Safaree. Nicki looked at Cai's shocked face, as if he was watching a horror movie.
"What's that thing round his head?"
"I don't really know Cai. I guess its to keep the wound together, stop the bleeding and stuff."
"Is that beeping his heart?"
"Yep. I find it kind of reassuring. Do you?"
"Nope." Macaiah asked, eyes still glued to his Dad.
"How comes?"
"Because in about half a second, that beeping could stop and become one long beep. And then he's gone." That's when Macaiah fell apart. He walked over to his dad and stood there, looking at each individual tube.
"He didn't deserve this mom. Why did God let this happen? Everything was going so great for once, and now, now i cant even speak to my Dad? I love him so much. I can't lose anyone else Mom, we already lost Nicholas recently, and i can't do that again. I can't live without him."
"I know baby. Let it all out. But this is not the time to start doubting our faith, we shouldn't be blaming God, we should be asking him for his help right now. Remember, everything happens for a reason, and we might not know it right now, but we'll figure it out. I need you to stop getting so stressed Cai."
"How can i not be stressed?"
"Do it for your Dad. Do it for me, i don't want my son and my love in hospital at the same time. I couldn't take it."
"Sorry mom."
"Don't be sorry hun, you have nothing to be sorry for" Nicki said, trying to contain her crying. "Listen to me, your Dads a fighter, and he has everything to live for. Just pray, that's whats going to get us all through this"
"Can he hear me?" Cai asked.
"I think so. I'm not sure, but if you want to talk to him go right ahead. I did"
Macaiah turned to his Dad again and bent right down, "I love you Dad, and when you wake up, which you will, i want to spend all my time with you. I havnt known you as a dad for long but i want you to know your the best Dad in the world and i can't live without you. Neither can Mom and i hate seeing her upset so please wake up soon. Thank you for saving my life Dad, it just confirmed what an amazing person that i always thought you were. I love you"
Nicki's tears were pouring as Cai was speaking to his Dad. Just as Nicki was about to go and wrap her arms round her son, the moment was interrupted by a nurse.
"I have Mr Safaree Samuels brain scan" she said with a serious face.
Meanwhile Drake was in the airport on the phone to his manager.
"Just cancel everything okay?"
"Everything? For how long? Your right in the middle of a tour right now. Whats happened?"
Drake hung up, and pulled his hood over his head. He walked over to the desk. "Hey, whens your first flight to New York?"
Comment or @ me xx @ilovenickiandSB 10 comments before i post again xx
"You wanna step out with me for a bit Cai? I need a word?"
"Can you not just tell me now?" Macaiah said.
"No. Out" Nicki said firmly. She knew Caiah would not have normally said that, it was just the situation had got to him, but she would not tolerate rudeness of any form. Mama Carol pulled her up on any kind of rudeness growing up, and Nicki wanted to be as good as mum as she had had when she was growing up. Macaiah walked to the door and opened it, waiting for him mum to follow.
"I'll be 2 seconds, just wait for me out there?" She said to him. Macaiah nodded and walked a few paces forward, as soon as the door closed Nicki turned around.
"Wayne. Go and sit with him? I don't want him to be alone when he , erm if he wakes up?"
"wakes up?"
"Yes Wayne. Now i have to go and explain to my son that his fathers in a coma, so would you mind stopping the questions?" Nicki didn't look back as she walked out of the door to see Caiah, waiting for her.
"Where we going?"
"Umm, i think theres a canteen somewhere round here"
A nurse was walking past as Nicki said this and stopped in front of them. "Excuse me maam, the canteens just round the corner, take your first left and the canteen will be right in front of you."
"Thanks" Nicki mumbled, leading Cai where the nurse directed them.
Nicki lead Caiah to a table in the corner of the canteen and sat opposite him. She hled out her hands and Macaiah held out his, grasping onto him mums and clutching them.
"He is still alive right?" Macaiah asked, tears dripping down his face.
"Yes! He's alive, he's just had a really bad head injury and it was really painful, that's wnhy he passed out, and loss of blood. The nurse said that they had to put him into a coma, so that he wouldn't be in so much pain."
"A COMA?" Cai screamed! "What if he dosnt wake up? Why would they do that to him?"
"Cai please, keep your voice down. Thats exactly how i reacted at first but they said that if they hadn't, maybe he wouldn't be alive."
"Oh" Cai said quietly.
"At the moment, they're doing a brain scan to see if theres any damage."
"Like what? Is he like brain dead? Will he have to learn to walk and talk again? Will he remember who i am?"
Almost immediately Nicki went to assure Cai that none of that would happen, Safaree wold remember exactly who he was, he would be out of the hospital, as good as new in no time, but she had to stop herself. She hadn't really thought about what the scan would say to much, she was too busy worrying if he would ever wake up.
"Can i see him?"
"Well, that's the thing Cai. I'm not sure if seeing him is the best idea, he's not in the best state right now. Ya know, seeing him with tubes and stuff running out of him scared the sh-- umm sugar out of me."
"I really wanna see him. I just want to tell him i love him."
"Okay that's fine, but I'm warning you, it's not nice to see him like that, but your mature enough to make your own decisions."
"Thanks mum" Macaiah wiped his face with his hands, then his hands on his jeans. Nicki wasn't going to start nagging him now about doing that, but made a mental note that if she saw him doing it again, to tell him not to.
They walked back into the waiting room and saw no one there. Nicki assumed that everyone must have gone into the room to see how he was doing.
"You sure you wanna see him?" Nicki asked one more time.
They walked in to see the boys gathered round the bed. Each of them were completely silent just staring down. When Mack saw Nicki walk into the room he beckoned the rest of the boys.
"We'll leave you guys with him, we'll be outside."
"You guys can go now, thank you for being here"
"We aint leaving you Nic. We're here for the long haul" Wayne said as he hugged Nicki.
"I'm sorry for biting your head off earlier, i know you were just worried."
Wayne just nodded understandingly and walked out leaving Cai and Nicki just staring at Safaree. Nicki looked at Cai's shocked face, as if he was watching a horror movie.
"What's that thing round his head?"
"I don't really know Cai. I guess its to keep the wound together, stop the bleeding and stuff."
"Is that beeping his heart?"
"Yep. I find it kind of reassuring. Do you?"
"Nope." Macaiah asked, eyes still glued to his Dad.
"How comes?"
"Because in about half a second, that beeping could stop and become one long beep. And then he's gone." That's when Macaiah fell apart. He walked over to his dad and stood there, looking at each individual tube.
"He didn't deserve this mom. Why did God let this happen? Everything was going so great for once, and now, now i cant even speak to my Dad? I love him so much. I can't lose anyone else Mom, we already lost Nicholas recently, and i can't do that again. I can't live without him."
"I know baby. Let it all out. But this is not the time to start doubting our faith, we shouldn't be blaming God, we should be asking him for his help right now. Remember, everything happens for a reason, and we might not know it right now, but we'll figure it out. I need you to stop getting so stressed Cai."
"How can i not be stressed?"
"Do it for your Dad. Do it for me, i don't want my son and my love in hospital at the same time. I couldn't take it."
"Sorry mom."
"Don't be sorry hun, you have nothing to be sorry for" Nicki said, trying to contain her crying. "Listen to me, your Dads a fighter, and he has everything to live for. Just pray, that's whats going to get us all through this"
"Can he hear me?" Cai asked.
"I think so. I'm not sure, but if you want to talk to him go right ahead. I did"
Macaiah turned to his Dad again and bent right down, "I love you Dad, and when you wake up, which you will, i want to spend all my time with you. I havnt known you as a dad for long but i want you to know your the best Dad in the world and i can't live without you. Neither can Mom and i hate seeing her upset so please wake up soon. Thank you for saving my life Dad, it just confirmed what an amazing person that i always thought you were. I love you"
Nicki's tears were pouring as Cai was speaking to his Dad. Just as Nicki was about to go and wrap her arms round her son, the moment was interrupted by a nurse.
"I have Mr Safaree Samuels brain scan" she said with a serious face.
Meanwhile Drake was in the airport on the phone to his manager.
"Just cancel everything okay?"
"Everything? For how long? Your right in the middle of a tour right now. Whats happened?"
Drake hung up, and pulled his hood over his head. He walked over to the desk. "Hey, whens your first flight to New York?"
Comment or @ me xx @ilovenickiandSB 10 comments before i post again xx
Saturday, 19 May 2012
Just One Of Those Days
Safaree looked at his son and his eyes widened. He ran to him, trying to find the cut where the vast amount of blood was coming from.
"Did he do this to you?" Safaree said gently searching for some kind of wound in his sons head. Eventually he found it, a couple of centimetres from his left temple.
"Lemme get you a towel" Mack shouted running up the stairs to the bathroom. Safaree knew pressure must be put on the cut immediately so whipped off his top in about 1.2 seconds.
"This might sting buddy" he said while pressing the t-shirt onto the cut.
Macaiah could not speak through sobbing. "I think there's glass in it Daddy".
"Glass, How'd you get glass in it?"
By now Mack was on hand passing Safaree the towel. He had also brought down other towels for the numerous small, less serious cuts on Cai's arms.
"I was in the boot"
"THE BOOT" Safaree roared. "HE PUT YOU IN THE BOOT OF HIS CAR?" Safaree turned to look at Drake, intending on beating him until he was unconscious and then shoving him in a boot. But Drake was no where to be seen.
"Where did he go?" Safaree asked, looking at Slim.
"I'm here" Drake said, from behind him. Safaree turned round to see Drake with a gun.
"CAI GET OUT" Safaree shouted, he ran to his son, running at him. Safaree seemed to see everything in slow motion. The frightened look on Cai's face, then Cai turning around to run out of the house. He saw Mack, grabbing at Macaiah's hand, trying to make him run even faster. Then the noise. The sound of the shot went off and Safaree jumped at Cai, smothering as much of him as he could. There was no way he could let his son get shot.
"CALL THE COPS" Wayne screamed. Drake heard these words and ran out of the house. Wayne and Slim tried to catch up with him and ran out. Mack thanked God silently that no one got hurt, burying his head in hands.
"Dad. You get off me now" Cai said trying to get his Dads weight off of him. "Dad? DAD??!!"
Mack looked up at the heap on the floor. "Shit! Cai don't move" He bent down, looking at Safaree who had blood all over him. "Please tell me that's Cai's blood on him" Mack whispered to himself.
"Is he okay?" Cai said, clearly distraught.
"Umm yep. He's just, ummm in shock" Mack said lying through his teeth. By now he knew the bullet must have hit Safaree. He dragged Safaree off of Cai and tried to find his pulse.He couldn't find it and was now getting panicked.
"Cai, i need you to stay calm, and go wait for the police outside" Cai stood there, looking at his limp dad, with blood leaking out of him.
"He's not alright is he?" Cai asked hoping for reassurance.
"Just go wait for the police. Everything ganna be okay" Mack said, hoping that whoever called the cops asked for an ambulance to.
An Hour Later.
The ambulance had picked Safaree up and he was being taken to the hospital. Mack didn't quite see what was going on but knew that it was serious. He decided quickly that he would take Cai to the hospital in his car, since Caiah was already distraught seeing his dad unconscious on the floor. Mack had rung Wayne and told him to meet them at the hospital.
"How long is it to the hospital" Cai said through his tears.
"Not long dude." Mack said, keeping as calm as possible for the little boy sitting to his right. He didn't want to make it obvious that he was speeding to get to the hospital, because he didn't want to make it obvious that he thought the next couple of hours could be the last of Safaree's life.
"I better ring ya mom, just to let her know that your Dad's umm passed out."
Cai just nodded and carried on crying. He wished he had been allowed in the ambulance with his Dad because he knew what was going on. Even though everyone kept lying to him and saying that his Dad was fine, it was evident to him it wasn't. He didn't wanna snap on anyone though, because Cai knew they were only doing it for his benefit, but he just wished everyone would stop treating him like a baby.
With Nicki and Lil Chuckee.
Chuckee had been trying to calm Nicki as much as possible, like Safaree had told him. They were sitting on the couch, watching Judge Judy while Nicki nervously tapped her fingers on the edge of the couch.
"He should be back by now. They both should be"
"Ya know, everything will be fine Nic. Safaree prolly got Cai and they getting some ice cream or something on the way back."
"I wish i could believe you Chuck. But i just have this gut feeling somethings wrong" Nicki was about to expand when her phone went off. Hoping it was Safaree with good news, she jumped up to get it. She frowned when she saw Macks name. He knew she was having a week off of work.
"Listen Nic, Safaree's had a little accident. I need you to get to the hospital, as quick as you can, but safely. Okay Nic?"
"OMG! Was it a car accident? Is he okay? How do you know? Was Cai with him?""
"Cai's with me. He's perfectly fine Nic, we're on the way to the hospital as well."
Nicki just dropped her phone onto the floor and grabbed her keys, hastily wiping the tears from her face."Chuckee, get in the car, Faree's had an accident"
In the Hospital.
Mack and Wayne and Cai were waiting nervously outside Safaree's room. There had been about 12 nurses and doctors walking in and out, but whenever asked, all 3 of them were denied access. As another Doctor walked out, looking stressed and reading a long list of notes on a clipboard Cai stopped him.
"Stop the bullshit. Is my Dad going to die"
Everyone was taken aback. The doctor looked at his notes again, to Wayne, to Mack and finally back at Cai. "I can't promise you anything. But there are a lot of people in there trying there absolute hardest to make your Dad okay" The doctor patted Cai on the shoulder and walked off. Cai huffed and walked over to the row of chairs. He buried his head in his hands and cried. Mack and Wayne eyed each other, not quite knowing what to do. As much as they wanted to comfort the boy, and tell him his Dad was going to be fine, they couldn't, because they couldn't promise him anything they weren't sure of themselves.
Wayne went and sat down on the chair next to Cai. He had never even spoke to the kid before, In fact he had never seen him in person before he escaped from Drakes boot, but he knew he couldn't just let this boy sit and cry by himself. He put his arm round Cai and pulled him to him, so that Cai was crying on his shoulder.
"You want anything little dude?"
"Do you know what time my moms ganna get here?"
"I don't know that. But she wont be long."
About 2 minutes later Nicki and Lil Chuckee ran into the little waiting room.
"Baby!" Nicki cried as she saw her son. "Your bleeding! I thought you said he wasn't hurt?!" Nicki said angry at Mack for lying to her. She took Cai in her arms and squeezed him.
"Everythings going to be fine Cai. Your Dad's a good man, we just need to pray."
Cai nodded and Nicki patted him in the direction of Chuckee. She had told him to try and distract him from the situation and not let Macaiah get depressed or paranoid.
"Mack? Can i have a word?"
Mack got up and followed Nicki out of the small room, down the hall. As soon as she was out of Cai's eyesight she let her real emotions out. Grasping at Mack's arm she asked, not sure if she wanted to know the answer or not."What happened? Honestly, please Mack."
"Drake shot him. I think he was aiming at Macaiah but Safaree jumped in front of him in time. I didn't think it hit him, i thought everyone was fine. But then i saw the blood and and " Mack started to get choked up just remembering the horrible sight.
"Where did the bullet hit?" Nicki already guessed the answer. She had seen how many people had gone in and out of Safaree's room and knew it must be serious.
"His head"
Nicki's eyes closed and she slumped against the wall.
"I'm so sorry Nic."
"Don't be sorry. Just pray with me. Please"
Nicki and Mack sat against the wall in the corrider and prayed. Nicki prayed to God that he wouldn't take away her happiness. She couldn't live without Safaree, her man, her love, her life. She prayed Safaree would live, and that if he did, he wouldn't have any kind of brain damage. She knew Safaree would hate having to depend on anyone for anything, he was way to proud. She prayed that God wouldn't take her sons father away from him. In the middle of her prayer Wayne burst through the doors.
"Nic, the nurse said the next of kin can go in, but no one else"
Nicki stood and walked into the waiting room before going to see Safaree. Walking over to Cai she bent down at the chairs level and asked quietly "Is there anything you want me to tell your Dad? The doctors say you can't go in yet"
"Just tell him i love him." Cai said still sobbing uncontrollably.
"I will. Stay strong for me, and your Dad, lambchop. He would hate to see you like this"
Cai nodded and Nicki walked towards the room the Nurse was standing at. She had no clue what to expect when she walked into the room, but it what she saw shocked her. Safaree lay there, completely limp and lifeless. There seemed to be a million different wires and leads coming from him, and his head was strapped to the bed. For some reason, his eye was swollen and there was dried blood all over him. There was a heart moniter, beeping at a steady rate in the corner of the room, that in a weird way soothed Nicki. She walked over to him and put her hand over his. It was cold, and did not respond.
"Whats wrong with him. Is he in a coma? Why isn't he saying something." Nicki said hysterically.
"Please calm down maam. We are trying to help your boyfriend as much as we can. At the moment he in a stable condition but we had to put him in a coma otherwise the pain in his head would be too much for him to take."
"Yes maam, as i said if we hadn't the pain would have been unbearable and he would have died, or gone permanently delusional. At the moment we are doing a brain scan to check if the bullet has hit the brain. Hopefully, the brain will be undamaged and we will be able to try and wake him in 2 days."
"TRY? What the fuck you mean your ganna try?"
"Well maam, when someone is in a coma then its not 100% that they will ever wake up. I'm really sorry but i have to go and look over these brain scans, as soon as i know anything you'll be the first to know." The lady left but quickly popped her head back in. "Oh and maam, we aren't really allowed more than one visitor at a time but i noticed you had a young son, so just this once i'm willing to bend the rules. Just keep it quiet"
"Thanks" Nicki said.
Nicki didn't know what to do. Her hand touching his was soothing, to know he was right there, but at the same time odd, he had never not reacted to Nicki, even at the slightest touch, and it felt so unnatural. Now she just had to make the decision, whether it would be a good idea to let Caiah see his Dad in this state. Would seeing his Dad, on a heart moniter, in a coma, strapped to a hospital bed going to freak him out, or make him feel better that he was at least still alive?
:( I know. Sad :(
Anyway, @ me or comment, you know the deal xxx
"Did he do this to you?" Safaree said gently searching for some kind of wound in his sons head. Eventually he found it, a couple of centimetres from his left temple.
"Lemme get you a towel" Mack shouted running up the stairs to the bathroom. Safaree knew pressure must be put on the cut immediately so whipped off his top in about 1.2 seconds.
"This might sting buddy" he said while pressing the t-shirt onto the cut.
Macaiah could not speak through sobbing. "I think there's glass in it Daddy".
"Glass, How'd you get glass in it?"
By now Mack was on hand passing Safaree the towel. He had also brought down other towels for the numerous small, less serious cuts on Cai's arms.
"I was in the boot"
"THE BOOT" Safaree roared. "HE PUT YOU IN THE BOOT OF HIS CAR?" Safaree turned to look at Drake, intending on beating him until he was unconscious and then shoving him in a boot. But Drake was no where to be seen.
"Where did he go?" Safaree asked, looking at Slim.
"I'm here" Drake said, from behind him. Safaree turned round to see Drake with a gun.
"CAI GET OUT" Safaree shouted, he ran to his son, running at him. Safaree seemed to see everything in slow motion. The frightened look on Cai's face, then Cai turning around to run out of the house. He saw Mack, grabbing at Macaiah's hand, trying to make him run even faster. Then the noise. The sound of the shot went off and Safaree jumped at Cai, smothering as much of him as he could. There was no way he could let his son get shot.
"CALL THE COPS" Wayne screamed. Drake heard these words and ran out of the house. Wayne and Slim tried to catch up with him and ran out. Mack thanked God silently that no one got hurt, burying his head in hands.
"Dad. You get off me now" Cai said trying to get his Dads weight off of him. "Dad? DAD??!!"
Mack looked up at the heap on the floor. "Shit! Cai don't move" He bent down, looking at Safaree who had blood all over him. "Please tell me that's Cai's blood on him" Mack whispered to himself.
"Is he okay?" Cai said, clearly distraught.
"Umm yep. He's just, ummm in shock" Mack said lying through his teeth. By now he knew the bullet must have hit Safaree. He dragged Safaree off of Cai and tried to find his pulse.He couldn't find it and was now getting panicked.
"Cai, i need you to stay calm, and go wait for the police outside" Cai stood there, looking at his limp dad, with blood leaking out of him.
"He's not alright is he?" Cai asked hoping for reassurance.
"Just go wait for the police. Everything ganna be okay" Mack said, hoping that whoever called the cops asked for an ambulance to.
An Hour Later.
The ambulance had picked Safaree up and he was being taken to the hospital. Mack didn't quite see what was going on but knew that it was serious. He decided quickly that he would take Cai to the hospital in his car, since Caiah was already distraught seeing his dad unconscious on the floor. Mack had rung Wayne and told him to meet them at the hospital.
"How long is it to the hospital" Cai said through his tears.
"Not long dude." Mack said, keeping as calm as possible for the little boy sitting to his right. He didn't want to make it obvious that he was speeding to get to the hospital, because he didn't want to make it obvious that he thought the next couple of hours could be the last of Safaree's life.
"I better ring ya mom, just to let her know that your Dad's umm passed out."
Cai just nodded and carried on crying. He wished he had been allowed in the ambulance with his Dad because he knew what was going on. Even though everyone kept lying to him and saying that his Dad was fine, it was evident to him it wasn't. He didn't wanna snap on anyone though, because Cai knew they were only doing it for his benefit, but he just wished everyone would stop treating him like a baby.
With Nicki and Lil Chuckee.
Chuckee had been trying to calm Nicki as much as possible, like Safaree had told him. They were sitting on the couch, watching Judge Judy while Nicki nervously tapped her fingers on the edge of the couch.
"He should be back by now. They both should be"
"Ya know, everything will be fine Nic. Safaree prolly got Cai and they getting some ice cream or something on the way back."
"I wish i could believe you Chuck. But i just have this gut feeling somethings wrong" Nicki was about to expand when her phone went off. Hoping it was Safaree with good news, she jumped up to get it. She frowned when she saw Macks name. He knew she was having a week off of work.
"Listen Nic, Safaree's had a little accident. I need you to get to the hospital, as quick as you can, but safely. Okay Nic?"
"OMG! Was it a car accident? Is he okay? How do you know? Was Cai with him?""
"Cai's with me. He's perfectly fine Nic, we're on the way to the hospital as well."
Nicki just dropped her phone onto the floor and grabbed her keys, hastily wiping the tears from her face."Chuckee, get in the car, Faree's had an accident"
In the Hospital.
Mack and Wayne and Cai were waiting nervously outside Safaree's room. There had been about 12 nurses and doctors walking in and out, but whenever asked, all 3 of them were denied access. As another Doctor walked out, looking stressed and reading a long list of notes on a clipboard Cai stopped him.
"Stop the bullshit. Is my Dad going to die"
Everyone was taken aback. The doctor looked at his notes again, to Wayne, to Mack and finally back at Cai. "I can't promise you anything. But there are a lot of people in there trying there absolute hardest to make your Dad okay" The doctor patted Cai on the shoulder and walked off. Cai huffed and walked over to the row of chairs. He buried his head in his hands and cried. Mack and Wayne eyed each other, not quite knowing what to do. As much as they wanted to comfort the boy, and tell him his Dad was going to be fine, they couldn't, because they couldn't promise him anything they weren't sure of themselves.
Wayne went and sat down on the chair next to Cai. He had never even spoke to the kid before, In fact he had never seen him in person before he escaped from Drakes boot, but he knew he couldn't just let this boy sit and cry by himself. He put his arm round Cai and pulled him to him, so that Cai was crying on his shoulder.
"You want anything little dude?"
"Do you know what time my moms ganna get here?"
"I don't know that. But she wont be long."
About 2 minutes later Nicki and Lil Chuckee ran into the little waiting room.
"Baby!" Nicki cried as she saw her son. "Your bleeding! I thought you said he wasn't hurt?!" Nicki said angry at Mack for lying to her. She took Cai in her arms and squeezed him.
"Everythings going to be fine Cai. Your Dad's a good man, we just need to pray."
Cai nodded and Nicki patted him in the direction of Chuckee. She had told him to try and distract him from the situation and not let Macaiah get depressed or paranoid.
"Mack? Can i have a word?"
Mack got up and followed Nicki out of the small room, down the hall. As soon as she was out of Cai's eyesight she let her real emotions out. Grasping at Mack's arm she asked, not sure if she wanted to know the answer or not."What happened? Honestly, please Mack."
"Drake shot him. I think he was aiming at Macaiah but Safaree jumped in front of him in time. I didn't think it hit him, i thought everyone was fine. But then i saw the blood and and " Mack started to get choked up just remembering the horrible sight.
"Where did the bullet hit?" Nicki already guessed the answer. She had seen how many people had gone in and out of Safaree's room and knew it must be serious.
"His head"
Nicki's eyes closed and she slumped against the wall.
"I'm so sorry Nic."
"Don't be sorry. Just pray with me. Please"
Nicki and Mack sat against the wall in the corrider and prayed. Nicki prayed to God that he wouldn't take away her happiness. She couldn't live without Safaree, her man, her love, her life. She prayed Safaree would live, and that if he did, he wouldn't have any kind of brain damage. She knew Safaree would hate having to depend on anyone for anything, he was way to proud. She prayed that God wouldn't take her sons father away from him. In the middle of her prayer Wayne burst through the doors.
"Nic, the nurse said the next of kin can go in, but no one else"
Nicki stood and walked into the waiting room before going to see Safaree. Walking over to Cai she bent down at the chairs level and asked quietly "Is there anything you want me to tell your Dad? The doctors say you can't go in yet"
"Just tell him i love him." Cai said still sobbing uncontrollably.
"I will. Stay strong for me, and your Dad, lambchop. He would hate to see you like this"
Cai nodded and Nicki walked towards the room the Nurse was standing at. She had no clue what to expect when she walked into the room, but it what she saw shocked her. Safaree lay there, completely limp and lifeless. There seemed to be a million different wires and leads coming from him, and his head was strapped to the bed. For some reason, his eye was swollen and there was dried blood all over him. There was a heart moniter, beeping at a steady rate in the corner of the room, that in a weird way soothed Nicki. She walked over to him and put her hand over his. It was cold, and did not respond.
"Whats wrong with him. Is he in a coma? Why isn't he saying something." Nicki said hysterically.
"Please calm down maam. We are trying to help your boyfriend as much as we can. At the moment he in a stable condition but we had to put him in a coma otherwise the pain in his head would be too much for him to take."
"Yes maam, as i said if we hadn't the pain would have been unbearable and he would have died, or gone permanently delusional. At the moment we are doing a brain scan to check if the bullet has hit the brain. Hopefully, the brain will be undamaged and we will be able to try and wake him in 2 days."
"TRY? What the fuck you mean your ganna try?"
"Well maam, when someone is in a coma then its not 100% that they will ever wake up. I'm really sorry but i have to go and look over these brain scans, as soon as i know anything you'll be the first to know." The lady left but quickly popped her head back in. "Oh and maam, we aren't really allowed more than one visitor at a time but i noticed you had a young son, so just this once i'm willing to bend the rules. Just keep it quiet"
"Thanks" Nicki said.
Nicki didn't know what to do. Her hand touching his was soothing, to know he was right there, but at the same time odd, he had never not reacted to Nicki, even at the slightest touch, and it felt so unnatural. Now she just had to make the decision, whether it would be a good idea to let Caiah see his Dad in this state. Would seeing his Dad, on a heart moniter, in a coma, strapped to a hospital bed going to freak him out, or make him feel better that he was at least still alive?
:( I know. Sad :(
Anyway, @ me or comment, you know the deal xxx
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