Tuesday 5 June 2012

Sunny Days

Nicki woke up on Safaree's chest. Her left hand was laid out on his muscly chest and she smiled as her huge diamond ring sparkled. She couldn't believe she was getting married. She knew it was quick, and not many people even knew her and Safaree were together again, but she knew it was right. Her gut instinct told her that this was the right thing to do, not just for her but for Macaiah too. Cai's life had been all up in the air for the last few weeks and he needed some stability. After Safaree's accident Nicki had dreamt about life without him, waking up without him, living without him, going to parents evenings without him, and it was awful. Marriage was something she had always dreamt about and it was finally coming true. Everything seemed to be coming together in her life.

"Nic, you awake?"

"Yep" Nicki replied. She sat up slightly and kissed him, with tongues and placed small kiss's round his lips.

"I thought you didn't like morning breath kiss's?"

"I didn't like morning breath kiss's with my boyfriend. It's different with your fiance. Totally different"  she grinned. Safaree grinned back. "You excited?"

"Of course! Its ganna be the best day ever! How could i not be excited? Your ganna be so handsome in your tux baby"

"I always look handsome!"

Nicki laughed. "Cai's ganna be one of your best men right?"

"Of course he is. We'' be wearing matching tux's, and he'll pass me the rings too. We've already talked about it."

"What do you mean? How did he know we were getting married, you only asked me last night"

"Well i had to ask him obviously."

"Ask him? Ummm Faree, i think your confused, your supposed to ask the father of the bride not the son!"

"i know. And i did ask your Dad, but i know your closer to your brother so i asked him as well. And they both said yes, and Jelani got me up against the wall, told me if i ever hurt you I'd be dead."

Nicki gasped! "Are you freaking serious? And when the hell did you ask that?"

"Oh ages ago. I told you, I've been wanting to ask for a very long time. I wasn't overexaggerating."

"Oh. Well what did you say after Jelani did that?"

"I didn't say nothing. Jelani let me go from the wall, gave me a hug, told me he loved me like a brother, there wasn't anyone else he would want his lil sister to get married too. Then he kinda cried a bit."

"He cried?!" Nicki was in shock. Jelani never cried, Nicki did enough crying for the whole Maraj family and more.

"Yep. He was real emotional."

Nicki smiled, she was glad her brother loved Safaree. It meant a huge deal, and without his support through this whole situation, especially when Safaree was in hospital, she wouldn't have known what to do.

"Anyway" Safaree said, touching Nicki's cheek to get her attention. "I have something to ask."

"Babe. You asked me last night" she giggled, holding up her ring finger. 

He laughed." No,not that. I mean its not really a question, just a suggestion. I mean, I'm not sure if you'll like it or not. But here goes. Well actually before i suggest it"

Nicki cut him off. "Faree, just spit it out please"

"Let's move back to New York."


Meanwhile, Caiah woke up suddenly. There was a whole load of noise and laughter coming from outside his room. He muttered angrily under his breath as he got up and walked to his door to see what was going on. He took after his mom when it came to sleep, he needed a good 10 hours so he wasn't cranky, and would hold a serious grudge against anyone who interrupted it for no good reason. 

"Why the hell is everybody up so early?" he said to no one in particular.

"Boy, it's not early, it's like 11.30. We're all going home now, we have to get to the airport in like 30 minutes." Safaree's little sister Shaniqua said.

"Does my mom and dad know?"

"Yeah, you coming down to say goodbye to everyone?"

"I guess so." he grumbled as he walked back into his room to grab some sweatpants. He followed Shaniqua down the stairs to see everyone dragging suitcases and getting jackets and coats on. He made his way around the room and said goodbye to everyone, hugging and kissing the women from his mom and dads side of the family and dapping all the men. Purposely he left Mama Samuels till last.

"Cai!" she squealed, as soon as she saw him walking over. She walked away from her her oldest daughter and one of her many nieces to say a goodbye in private to her grandson.

"Now Macaiah. Do you know when your parents are getting back?Because i don't want to leave you here on your own for to long"

"I'll be fine" he laughed. "They'll be back before lunchtime, Dad told me, and i wanna go back to sleep anyway."

"awww, you've had a hard couple weeks huh?" Mama Samuels said, stroking Macaiahs hair. "Well from what I've heard you've been very strong, and I'm proud. Now, your mom told me earlier you'll be back in New York soon for a visit and i expect my house to be the first place you come as soon as your off that flight, do you understand?"

"Yes" Cai giggled.

"Now gimme a hug, I'll miss you" Macaiah and Mama Samuels had one last hug before they heard Jelani shout, "Come on guys, the cars are leaving!" Mama Samuels and Cai walked to the door and with one last kiss on the cheek Mama Samuels walked to the car, leaving Cai and Jelani some time to say goodbye.

"Come here!" Jelani said as he picked up Caiah as if he was 3 years old again. "I'll miss you lil man"

"I'll miss you too Jay."

"I'll see you soon okay? Tell your mom and Dad i love them okay?"

"Kay" Cai said as watched his uncle walk to the car as it sped away. Although he would miss his family, he was glad they had gone, shit he needed his sleep. Macaiah grabbed a cookie from the kitchen and ate it as he walked up the stairs, unknowingly leaving a trail of crumbs to his bedroom, before jumping into his still warm bed. In 5 seconds he was snuggled up under his duvet, still clutching a half eaten cookie. 

2 hours later.

After having round 11, 12 and 13 that morning Safaree and Nicki had packed up there stuff and left, eager to get home and spend some well needed time with there son. Safaree had barely spent any time with him as he had been in hospital and Nicki had been by his side, and hadn't been at home that much either. Jelani had stayed at Nicki and Safaree's house watching Cai and trying to distract him from the difficult situation. Nicki opened the front door, and looked around. Everything was back to normal, no one there, and no mess. All that was left of the huge party yesterday was a few balloons in the corner that whoever had cleaned up did not see.

"Cai?" Nicki called as she dumped her louis bag on the couch. 

"He's his fathers son, he's probably in the kitchen." Safaree said grinning. Nicki laughed and followed her fiance into the kitchen. 

"Where the hell is he?"

"You don't think he's still asleep do you?" Nicki asked.


"Well, i didn't tell you when you were in hospital because i didn't want to stress you out even more. But from the sounds of it, he didn't take you being in hospital very well. Jelani said he wasn't eating too much, and when he was Jelani practically have to force feed him. And he wasn't talking to his friends, or sleeping well. Maybe he's just catching up on his sleep you know?"

"I feel guilty" Safaree said, looking away.

"Babe!" Nicki walked over to him and wrapped her arms round his waist." This is why i didn't tell you. I knew you'd blame yourself. This is in no way your fault. You saved his life Faree! How can you feel guilty that you were in hospital because you jumoed in front of a bullet for him? Thats ridiculous. No one blames you, everyone thinks your such a hero, especially me and Cai."


"yep. Your super hero beezy right?"

Safaree just laughed. "Should we wake him up?"

"Yeah, he probably hasn't eaten all day and its nearly 2. I'll fix us some lunch, then we'll do something as a family?"

"Sounds great to me. Ive missed this so much. What do you wanna do?"

"I'm not sure? We'll ask Cai, but i definatly wanna go for dinner later, i want to put Macaiah on a 400000 calorie diet for a couple weeks, my son aint walking round looking like i don't feed him."

"Ratchet" Safaree playfully muttered under his breath as they walked up the stairs. Nicki playfully punched him in the arm and went to open Macaiah's door. Safaree grabbed her wrist and pulled her arm back.

"What?" she whispered. "He's asleep, whats the point in knocking."

"You don't know he's asleep, your just assuming. And trust me, theres always a point in knocking before entering a teenage boys room."

"Eww" Nicki said, trying not to imagine what Safaree was talking about. She knocked, and waited about 30 seconds for any kind of response.

They let themselves in and smiled as they saw a small Macaiah sized lump in the center of the bed. He was curled up into a ball and there was a reassuring movement under the duvet where his chest was. Nicki sat on the side of his bed and stared at his cute face poking out of the top of the duvet. At first glance you would've said he looked more like Nicki, probably because they had  exactly the same skin colour and same eyes, that you could never forget. Buit if you actually studied Macaiah's face he looked pretty much the same as Safaree. He had big lips, and the same adorable nose. His mannerisms were pretty much the match to Safaree's and the way he talked. His voice hadn't broken yet but his voice still stuck in your head for hours. Safaree stood at the end of the bed looking at Nicki and Macaiah. The love he had for them was unbelievable. Nicki stroked his face gently.

"Cai" she said quietly. He stirred but did not wake up. Nicki said it again but he still did not wake. She frowned and turned to look at Safaree. 

"He's not waking up?" Safaree said "Wonder where the hell he gets that from?"

Nicki laughed and bent down to kiss Macaiah on the cheek. He woke immediatly and smiled when he saw his mom. 

"Morning Lambchop."

"Morning?" Safaree snorted. "Its 2 PM!" 

"Hey, i have to get enough sleep to maintain this beautiful face" Cai said as he grinned at his Dad. Being around the house didn't feel right when Safaree wasn't there. 

"You getting all cocky now?"

"I aint cocky. Im just being honest Dad" Cai said cheekily. 

"Right thats it. " Safaree said and launched himself on the bed, tickling Macaiah on his belly. Macaiah was giggling hysterically and tried to fight back. Nicki laughed obnoxiously on the side of the bed.

"Who you think you laughing at huh?" Safaree said as Macaiah tried to get his breath back from laughing so much. 

"You two coons, what else you think i'm laughing at?"

"Oh you wanna be cocky too huh?" Safaree said as he scooped up Nicki and tickled her as well. By now the duvet had been kicked off as the family play fought and laughed hysterically. As Safaree and Caiah pinned Nicki down on the bed to tickle under her arms Safaree felt something under his leg. He reached down and picked up a melting chocolate chip cookie.

"Eeer Cai, are you storing your food for winter or something?!"

Nicki and Macaiah bust out laughing, Nicki clutching her chest as she was laughing so hard. Macaiah's eyes closed and his mouth opened wide as he laughed hard at his Dad. Safaree smiled proudly at his little family, still laughing after all this. They were strong now. After all this Safaree was sure there family was forever. 

At Dinner.

Safaree, Nicki and Cai sat round a small round table in a seafood restaurant in LA. Caiah and Safaree both wore shirts, and Nicki a casual maxi dress. They had been in the restearaunt for about 2 hours, even thought it felt like 2 minutes. As the waitor came over and gave them there desserts, Nicki a lemon cheesecake with ice cream, Safaree chocolate cake and Macaiah a chocalate sundae.

"So cai, we had something to ask you." Safaree said, nervously glancing over at Nicki. The way Safaree had looked at Nicki reminded Caiah of the night he was told that they were his real parents. He didn't know wether to be exicted, at the prospect of good news like last time, or just big news, that could possibly affect the rest of his life, also like last time.

"Are you dying?" Caiah asked staring at his Dad, remembering the unstable state he was in, in the hospital. Safaree and Nicki burst out laughing, "Shit Cai, why you so paranoid babe!?" Nicki asked.

"Oh, i dunno, it's just, i was worried." Cai blushed.

"It's not bad news like that Cai" assured Nicki.

"We were wondering, what you thought if we moved to New York, you know you could go to the same school? We could get a nice place there, and then when we have to work, which won't be often because we'll get a place with a studio, and we'll only tour when your out off school. But in case we do have to leave New York for a couple nights you could stay at my moms, or your moms mom, or even at a friends house. I know you like LA and all but we think its best if we stay in New York, we know how much you love your friends." Safaree stared at his sons face, studying his reaction as he explained himself. 

"Really?" Cai said casually. "Yeah, i thought you would." He went back to eating his ice cream. 

"How would you know that?" Nicki asked.

"i dunno. Gut instinct?" he shrugged. "Was that it?"

"well yeah. So your good with that yeah?"

"Course i am. You don't think I was just ganna leave my boys back in Queens did ya?"

Nicki and Safaree just laughed. There son sure was a smart kid.

Macaiah's sweat pants
Safaree's cake.

Nic's dress.
Macaiah's chocolate sundae.
Nicki's cheesecake.
Macaiah's shirt
10 comments before i post next okay? If you comment via twitter I count it :). This might be the last chapter of this story, i will either make a new blog continuing this story a few years ahead or just stop, because i don't feel like a lot of people read it, sooo....... Yeh, comment and tell me what to do??!!


  1. Awe I'm happy that their happy! It's too cute. Cudos to them moving back to NY instead of taking him away from friends and family. :)

  2. Awwwwwwwwwwwwww that was too cute. They are a happy family now. I wanna know what they did about drakes ass

  3. Aww tht was adorable lmao at cai bein cocky..nd a NO this can't be the last chapter of this story I mean I would prefer you keep this story going ..POST SOON

  4. Awwww loved that! Cuties. nonononononono you can't stop writing. gerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl. lots of people read it. k? k. Lol.. great chapter!

  5. Tht was cute..lmao r u storing food for the winter. Aww nic nd SB cute. Great chapter

  6. I know im mad late but lets get this started...
    They so freaking cute, lol Nic dont mind kissing stank breath as long as its her fiance... ok lol. Aw father and son matching tux >>>>>>>>>>>> they gon be looking icy i bet lol. Aw SB cute for asking everybody and dead at Jay sayin he would kill him lol thats a real brother for u kml. Move bck to NY =0 um ok.
    Dead Cai woke up cussing lol he want all his sleep and he said early but its really 11:30... k lol. Aw Mama Samuels and Cai goodbyes was cute, and Jay picking Cai up lil he still liddle... cute lol. Lmao dead at him falling alseep with the cookie in his hand, lil greedy self.
    Damn they was getting it the fuck poppin, 13 freaking times... like ok i see yall horny asses lmao. Aw Cai was stressing to much, im glad he didnt get sick from not taking care of his self. Aw SB dont feel guilty guy, LOL SHB super hero breezy... funnT. Ha wut SB said bout knocking b4 walking into a teenage boy room is so true :x lmao. Lol Cai wake up being cocky, he just like his parents. Aw they lil family moment >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    Aw they all dressed up for they family dinner, they real cute for that. Lol poor Cai that shook that he asked if SB was going to die, its sad but funny at the same lol dont judge me. He just knew they was finna say that, he read ppl like Nic eh? LOL
    Great chapter!
